Things you won't hear a Muslim say
Things you won't hear a Muslim say
I love bacon
Im not a complete waste of flesh.
you sure bro? she looks like a goat
I probably shouldn't rape and murder this 6 year old girl.
>Things you won't hear a Muslim say
they are allowed to say all the things they want , even if they are against it.
Its called being liars
islam extremists (terrorists) should be killed
ISIS is crime against humanity, and everyone should work to destroy it
pretty sure I never heard this
il have the pork
violence is never the answer
i dont belive in god
i dont like kebab
women are better then men
jews are nice people
"Friends, this girl is barely ten years old, stop raping her this instant!"
Take off that scarf
Fucking goats is haram
Congrats on coming out.
yea because you're probably not around a muslim.
pencil dick.
She's not old enough for sex
"Maybe we shouldn't blow ourselves and other people up."
Praise kek
"Wow, that was some good beer."
Taqqia is the correct term I believe.
'You can never decieve a fellow muslim but it is entirely permissable to lie to infidels as a means of converting them or defeating them.'
Maybe I should embrace Western values.
Bush did 9/11
hold on i gotta land this plane
This place downtown has THE BEST porkchops
Wow consensual sex actually feels great
how close should I be? to hear them whisper?
fuck that, I'm not risking going boom boom just so I won't be called racist
"I hereby publicly denounce and condemn Hamas and Hezbollah."
We can fly this plane/drive this truck.
Tonight, I'll leave the goat and the underage boys, and have sex with a real woman. One who doesn't have to fuck me cos I'll burn her alive in a cage if she doesn't
ISIS are muslims.
Radical Islam is bad and its our fault
I'm taking my education and going back to my homeland to provide much needed human capital
>Oh my god. Did you just hit a women in public you misogynist cis white male?Could you just like not? A women's body isn't your fucking property.
Excuse me, could you get out of the road?
Correct , i just dint bother to google the correct spelling for that term
Things you won't hear a Mexican say
I promise I won't touch your daughter. I don't even like little girls!
Honey, I think we should stop at 3 kids.
Maybe I'll just stay this side of the border instead
I think Mexico should pay for the wall
Not all Muslims are the same.
I respect the right of the people to choose their own individual religion and agree that the state should remain secular and unbiased.
i want to move to my home country.
You know, the FGC doesn't matter to me one bit.
I'm white
Another good one would be
>Islam really should reform and become less violent and backward
I just drank with a Pole
Why aren't we fixing Mexico?
I respect your religious beliefs.
anything, can't talk without a head
I am tired of being a parasite living off the tax dollars of White people
I just smoked someone's pole, if that helps?
No homo.
I'm sorry.
Hey guys, what do you think of my Muhammed the prophet painting?
Guys this people in this western country did so many things for us and were so nice
maybe we should start respecting their culture and try to assimilate?
what does All means? 30% of muricans are on welfare?
i have plans after the concert
30% of American households use welfare
KEK has blessed you.
>You know, we should really update our standards for handling food.
Ways you could describe your motorcycle, but not Hillary Clinton.
Nothing leaks
not made by jews
A tight ride
Isn't well liked by blacks.
The yahud belong in palestine just as much as muslims native to the area. We should try to initiate dialog with other religions 8n our communities and endevour to establish peaceful relations with them.
Mohammed was in reality a barbatic warlord and we as muslims should seek more than just the koran for judging how we set our moral compasses.
We encourage people to offer contradiction to our religious philosophies in the form of satire as we enjoy humor and the chance to affirm our beliefs through peaceful rebuttal.
Israel is our greatest ally
The national anthem
a good choice
> I wont drink, my god forbids me to
> I wont eat bacon, my god forbids me to
> I wont fuck with animal, my god forbids me to
> I wont fuck with boys, my god forbids me to
> I will go to my home in the middle east to build prosperous society, so everyone will see how great allah is and then everybody will join my religion
> I shouldn`t listen to preachers, who ask for anyone, who disagrees with them in the slightest to be murdered, and I need to look for sources of karan and disregard everything, that has no real documented source from the times of prophet or take it as interpretations (which 100% of current karan is)
hey, bro, do you wanna go to that BBQ, I heard they got some dank pulled pork. And heard the adults are not going to bring their 10-year-old girls,SWEEEEEET.
"No way I'm going to cut that kid's head off! You do it!"
Bill would ride it.
Western Union rates are very fair
I'm pretty sure I'd go to jail if I mishandled it and killed someone.
It only has one seat to give.
There are strict regulations over its tailpipe emissions.
It's an economical choice.
The leather is optional.
if won't ruin me
I like the sound
"Your criticism of my religion is perfectly legitimate and I respect your right to a differing opinion."
It's the job of us moderate to put the extremists in check. There is no reason for the extremist minority to rule over the moderate minority.
i fucking love black pudding
But I do think Mexico should pay for the wall.
im mexican, 3 brothers, this is true
If movie titles were made by Sup Forumsacks
> 4 fat retards and a sugary zephyrman: the struggle
Make America Great Again
Bought it for less than ten grand.
We don't need the whole world. If you want to prevent more Muslim immigration, we understand. This country is a product of your culture and it's your birthright. Just happy to be here in whatever numbers you're comfortable with :3