Chloe Grace Moretz to speak at DNC

Teen actress Chloe Grace Moretz will be speaking at the Democrat National Comention next week. I was on the #TrumpTrain but now considering my true waifu supports Hillary #Imwithher.

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I am now a #jebheadforhill

I am now a #Clintirious

Go back to /hr/ faggot. Chlo is a stupid cunt and so are you.

Literally who?

you sure need to be #mentallyhill to pick a feminist as your waifu faggot

i need to remind myself to make a thread just for this speech. might make it on Sup Forums because of her history there.

I am now a #Clintoris

Is she even old enough to vote.

Why does American politics involve actors?

Now I know that Hillary will bomb, just like this kid's movies

Looks like I'm a #moretzmissle now

Is she even old enough to vote?

>Not #Clintoris

>worrying about legal status of voters
This is the democrat party we're talking about here

I don't know brit-friend. And it's a big reason we should do away with the concept of putting these opinionated, over paid, idiots on a pedestal.


Honestly, men are a fucking joke. HOW DID WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US? We could enslave women tomorrow, if we wanted.


>having children speak about politics.

i like how people laugh "lol, they have scott baio speaking at their convention, whats he got to do with politics" then immediately turn around and go "wooo, chloe moretz is speaking at our convention that's so cool!"

by "like" i mean "cry tears of frustration at how dumb people are"

The only party where your vote counts even after your dead, God Bless America

Odd choice to have a fridge speak but ok

fuck man it's a constant battle just to keep my wife from stepping out of line
i can't even begin to imagine undoing the damage done to the world

Hi I'm a white millionaire that gets paid to lie and pretend in front of a camera now let me tell you how much I care about poor blacks and why you should vote who I want to win.


Cisgendered white girls are so 2015 ... Liberals need to be more progressive already.

so basically Sup Forums?

chloe "big dog" moreatz will fit right in with those middle aged cunts

>Chloe Grace Moretz

#1 google result for that is the tweet

However it's not Chloe, she was wearing blue bottoms in the movie

A female leprechaun

They have the same writers:

That picture to the left has been formatted. Her face isn't like that. Try to stretch it and she will look glorious again.

Shills trying this hard

Delusional. She's awful in every pic. Requesting Paco's absolute disgust towards her.

You're right about the picture on the left being formatted. But the picture on the right is true to life at least.

Why are people so fucking incapable of independent thought

>switching who you support because a 6/10 with a square body you'll never actually meet decides to give a speech

Trump convention sucks.

White men have mutated and are ugly, pitiful birdshit-vomit.

>having opinions worth acknowledging


>Why I choose to be #WithHer
Because her handlers told her so?

hasn't she been BLACKED? not even surprised.

spam this during her speech

Humanity should focus all its research and technology to try to find a way to make cute loli actresses never get old and disgusting.

>scott baio
Kek rightwingers have such terrible celebrities.

sometimes she can dress like an attention whore

Proving young girls are still just as dumb as girls of the past.



Every movie Chloe has ever been in has been a bomb so this is great news.

scott baio
>accomplished actor in many movies and sitcoms
chloe moretz
>some girl that was in a movie for teenagers

Pretty sure she's a race traitor anyway. I hope you Americans execute all these degenerates soon.

she's so hot!


My favorite reaction pic is this kid when he sees her ass is fucking priceless.

That kid's face says it all.

She's 19 already pepe

There it is


Fuck it's like Obama skateboarding. She's trying to get the young audience.

Your waifu is shit

>that fucking double chin and jowls at 19

Compare this

To this

she has RBF really bad

wtf I hate cameltoes now

puto peruano jajaja

fucking kek

Is he a trap?

>following the political advice of a women


>not calling anyone under 35 'kid'

grow up kid


this bitch is box office poison, not a good sign for the dems

Looks like her right nip is pierced with a barbell. You can see the ball of the barbell to the left of the nip from her perspective.

t. an user who has a thing for clothing over women's body piercings

How she's been in so many great movies

no, but she has a very ugly body. she has the jewish fridge look goin on.

In hollywood you need just one flop to get relegated

fuck, now I can only hate fuck, Chloe. :(

Thats a manlet not a kid

Someone needs to seriously add her to the Trump meme magic image.

She started to look gross almost since the second she voiced public support for Hillary.

>Implying liberals watch and/or care about the DNC or any political process.
It's not that big of an honor. The only reason people will be watching the DNC is for the chimpouts.

I thought Chloe was gonna be attractive as fuck when she grew up.

I have NEVER been this wrong on something in my entire life.

No thanks Quasimodo-chan

Fucking sellout.

nah she has been going downhill for years

her and bella thorne turned into mutants

>I have NEVER been this wrong on something in my entire life.
I have.

Yup after Kick Ass 2 finished filming you can start to see her decline in looks

I've known girls to peak at 19 or 20, but man it has to just plain suck to peak at 15. I can't imagine what she'll look like at 30. Bitch needs surgery.

wtf guys i think she's extraordinarily beautiful! What delusion are you guys living in, fuck?

With that being said, fuck her for being a Hillary supporter. Now she is truly the one living in a shroud of delusion.

>mfw after reading this cancer
also i drew the picture myself because i'm a niggerkiller for life.


I kek every time

>not bleaching your asshole




look at how sexy she is omfg

That picture is at least three years old.

She needs to be gassed.
she's like Brazilian men, called hot but NOT.

Chloe is only know for pedobait in Kick-ass

>not American
>not relevant

Yuck, do you really think she cares? She's a millionaire, whether trump or Hilary wins doesn't affect her. She doesn't gave one about the working class one bit, and relies on leeches like you to give her any credibility