Who wants cake?

Who wants cake?

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Political ideology of peace strikes again

That's fucking dark. Why are leftists such psychopaths bros?

Can you imagine the outrage if someone did this with Hillary or Obama?

>not my jew loving President!


Yeah, from literal whos on Twitter. Nobody sane would give a fuck

What the fuck

what did Sup Forums "gas the kikes race war now" schneider mean by this?

holy shit my sides

Th-that's just satire, CRT!
>unironically using the same excuse as Jon Stewart

Because they're fascists.

Dark chocolate.


>not red velvet
you had one job

Tis a free country you niggers, just like how you guys like sucking cocks. Disgusting but go ahead

Honestly the cake is worse because you're eating the corpse. I mean burning a dummy is one thing, but eating a food representative of someone is just weird

Tis indeed, redditor! *tips fedora* Long live the left cuckism!

That looks too dry for a red velvet cake.


Donnie Chumo BTFO

Lol drumpfsters btfo, fuck dumpf and fuck white people

"It's a free country you fascists except you shouldn't be allowed to say mean things or own guns"

Freedom of expression is now considered Reddit-tier.


>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Where does it say expression?

freedom of expression involving eating the cake depicting a corpse of a political figure you don't like the embodiment of reddit, yes

Imagine being so mentally ill that you feel the need to bake a cake in the shape of someone you hate, just so you can pretend to kill them and eat them.

Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

I hope these despicable people find Christ and in His love seek forgiveness.

Remember when God used to smite people?
I want that God back

Why are alt right babbies so easy to trigger?

don't forget it's also a scream for acceptance and praise among your peers

>its a polcuck moves goal posts episode


>I'll raid Sup Forums again

Judge not, lest ye be judged :^)

Shut the fuck up.

The icing on that cake is thicker than the skin of all the assravaged Trump supporters ITT.

stay btfo leftist libuck

Why can't alt-left millannials deal with losing an election?

You fags are the ones acting like babies.

Why are liberals so hateful?

What did the alt-left mean by this?

Exactly. They're literally throwing a temper tantrum while calling conservatives nazis, even though they are the ones acting like fascists.
It's embarrassing desu

Fuck your umbrella phallacy.

holy shit dude

They're mentally ill

Watch the doc on clinton that came out last year
its very eye opening


lol. This guy has cock on the brain.


The joke
Your head