Dear foreigners of Sup Forums (non-American), how will you view my country after Donald Trump becomes president?

Dear foreigners of Sup Forums (non-American), how will you view my country after Donald Trump becomes president?

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Can't wait for 4 years of posting a laughing reaction image with the text '>make america great again' every time something bad happens.

once again japan hits the nail on the head

leafs are going to have a fucking field day

GTFO middle east and we'll talk about it.

i would live in the us if trump was president

I just want to see lefties' butthurt twitter posts on the day after Trump wins.

The memes are going to be soooooooo dank

It would be funny to watch every move he does stopped by congress while the economy plunged into shit.

I'd rather have them GTFO of Europe tbhwy famalam

Remember OP, when pol laughed at Britain for fucking itself up with brexit?

The Trump phenomena is the same idea

>*stopped by the congress while the economy plunges....

Anyway, Sup Forums will be a salt mine until christmas


we can easily counter troll by constantly asking how to move to canada

As a meme country.

No that there's anything bad with memes though, everything is memes nowadays

texas you nailed it

I'm all for, and this is coming from a Finn

Stop sing God as an argument you twats.

you can see the future too?

Slowly dying, but with a hope somewhere in the future. If Hillary wins, you are fucked.

Tens of thousands of additional people in the city, internet usage goes up

also america first is a facist american slogan from the 30s

any true americans check out the tax plan?

Mu views will not change. Perharps a better view if he fulfill his promias about nato and all

>caring what other countries think

Get out of my country.


America great again perhaps.

make everyone pay more?

One of the good things

yeah I can't wait to pay more so the us can invade and destroy more countries

trump is a clown

>implying Trumpet will become president of united states of fattardyness

USA will become a hellhole of racism and despair. Hillary is the only solution for USA to be greta again. Trump will be nightmare. At least hillary will benefit us non americans coz more better trade deal for us. Fuck off rat hair trump and begone, your VP pick sucks balls.

Hillary all the way. Allahu Akbar!

It would be a very welcomed change of pace to see the USA minding their own huge internal problems for once instead of causing problems everywhere else, maybe you'll even earn back some respect.

trump idiots think they are electing a world dictator

funny how the small government crew wants a war with most of the planet

his vp pic couldn't get elected in his own state

I'll be taking bets on how long he'll be in office before he reveals a state secret because he can't keep his mouth shut. Also taking bets on how many things in the world he'll take credit for or foresaw that he had nothing to do with.

in Trump we trust. This election is and will be the most important election of our lifetime.

I-I'm not Texas.


If Trump does well with the build a wall and deport mexicans, I'll view as a success story of modern moderate nationalism.

If Trump gets cucked to hell by a dem or establishment gop congress, I'll view it as proof that nationalism and representative democracy doesn't go well together.

If Trump cucks himself, I'll view as a cautionary tale against half measures.

And no matter what, I'll still view you as an endless source of online entertainment and cheap women who can easily be talked into sending compromising pictures which can later be used for blackmail.

Also, you'll always be burgers.

It's sad regardless of who wins. Both popular candidates are frauds and will only further the status quo. You don't really think a radical candidate could get this far do you?

>Remember OP, when pol laughed at Britain for fucking itself up with brexit?


It was a bait and you took it.

Actually I like trump better than crooked hillary. Hillary has trail of dead bodies, leftards and plays the women card, and you know hell will break loose if she becomes president.

At least even if trumpy is an idiot, at least he has a better track records than hilltard and the repub establishment is going to back him now pence is VP. Trump has proven that he can be elected among numerous contenders and I believe he will be Prez, leaf.

these guys vastly overestimate their numbers
remember the day of the rope?
when these idiots finished, there would be hardly anyone left
they either don't get the math, or they think ppl will let these idiots kill 70+% of us

what do you mean?

Your country will truly become a REAL beacon of hope.

better him than Hillary, plus he'll piss off leftists, yay

It'll be glorious.

I'll definitely want to visit and spend some time there if it happens. This is one of the best chances for the West to begin an era of greatness, and the alternative is absolutely disgusting.

no idea what you just typed but it sounded retarded as hell

I would expect a big outbreak of violence
trump supporters thinking it's ok to run over blacks now. or shoot that asshole neighbor

you watch

trump supporter?

The Best Fucking Country in the fucking world.

I hope you can handle enough bantz to not nuke us, not that I would stop out of fear of the previously mentioned act


I just cross my fingers and hope that Trump wont back down on his anti muslims ideas , he needs to set a strong example of how to deal with musslies

>Strong example refers to keeping them out and kicking the ones already inside , not laying dead and spreading your butthole ala france

all these nignog canucks are telling us about our leaders? Maaaan, you need to get that john or Justin truedo Bieber fgt out of ur country. then u may have some credibility to talk to us about... Also, trump is actually good, but you woulden't know that. Also, lets keep letting little Shekelstein letting in those muslims eh? Faggot ass Canadian bitches.

you don't even care what his policies will be. or if he ever tells you

he can't do most of the things he's saying
and he's promising big tax cuts for the rich. but that hasn't worked in 40 years

stop posting anytime my man

Does Chile have a nice coastal road similar to California's Pacific Coast Highway?

It doesn't matter. As long as the federal reserve exists and the world bank there is absolutely no difference who becomes president. The taxpayers will still bail out loans given to countries who cannot pay them back, and bankers still get the interest. The American middle class will disappear due to invisible tax hikes (inflation) and a one world government will be birthed. Sorry trump fans.

Someone is on standby to make a collage of them all, right?


all the way from the capital city ( right in the middle ) to the northern parts of our territory , AKA fucking desert

The way to the south is similar but a few km away from the sea for safety reasons

I'm having fun

ill be pretty proud of you guys tbqh. Pretty jealous too


Politicians are irrelevant

epic dude

hey all I don't like hillary either. I think she's a snake

notice republicans going for her

well...alot better, wont see anymore BLM shit and SJW



another 11 trillion as another gift to the job creators

I will view it as the sole saving grace of humanity and will try to move there.

The only view I will have from you is the wall, feels bad man

+ the last beacon of western civilization since Europe is invaded by sandniggas

if the us became a failed state, what do you think the chances are, me and some buddies are gonna come down there and take you stuff?

yeah, now what about mexico?

>the last beacon of western civilization
>from a romanian poster

You just fabricated an event

Well, if Trump wins the memes will be dank, if hillary wins the butthurt will be dank, and also america will be moved down a few ranks on list of uncucked countries. so really there's nothing that i'm not ok with happening happening now that bernie shekels is out of the race. but if trump does win i'll be celebrating alongside you.

greatly redeemed


they're gonna rip off my moms pension again?
plz don't let her die thinking she's dependent

>great again

Why would we waste a nuke on your country? Especially when we could just use a canister of napalm and watch Canada fuck itself into oblivion hiring more Africans to fight your fires (probably actually give in and pay them 15$ an hr this time as well).

said by he guy from the country of brotherhood

Will defiantly consider moving.

>going to have a fucking field day.
We are having a field day burgerbro.
We get to point and laugh from our front row seats.


unfortunately trump plans to ban flights from muslim countries.

Meme whatever you like buddy but we didn't let our country burn for months while trying to teach Africans how to use hoses.

I will wait for him to do good things for America, so I can tell faggots here that we need a leader like Trump every chance I get.

With pity.

He will do away with your freedom of speech so that dissenters can't slander the Great Emperor Trump. And say goodnight to democracy too.



America will be uncucked and I'll respect them more
Also the memes will be dank AF

yeah sure, but war is hell and will probably never be started for a truly good reason, so why give a fuck about the morality, try and focus on winning instead.

Preemptive strike retard.

wingnuts: I'am short sighted , and I forget

I didn't make it

You dumb cunts got weedman in charge now, you're no brothers of us.



Based nipples

Britain hasn't fucked itself up, you mong. The economy took a hit due to uncertain investors. Last I checked things were stabilising.

chang, no one believes you