Rev up those Reddit accounts boys. It's time for our nightly raid on the cucks of /r/ireland. Major bantz was had yesterday. Tonight's thread is a simple one: is immigration a problem? Upvote Sup Forumsacks and downvote the cucks.

REMOVE THE ********ireland/comments*****/4tu08f/do_you_think_immigration_is_a_problem_in_ireland/

Other urls found in this thread:

Time to red-pill the enemy

I posted in your thread user. I hope I wasn't too obvious.

Good debate has started.


>they're actually using the Native American argument to justify ethnically cleansing Europe of whites

Looks like the eternal paddy is at it again.

In my experience most Irish people are fully functioning, mentally stable adults. It's just that Reddit seems to attracts the shrill, perpetually offended faggot crowd that gobbles up imported American narratives like white privilege and Black Lives Matter. That's why it's important for us to counter Reddit's propaganda.

Be sure to post in the Reddit thread user. I can't link directly or they'll know we're brigading.

Already did, not that many posters in it yet.

Need a more target-rich environment

Steady on Sup Forums. Don't be too obvious.

I've up voted all you bros. I will even go thru your comment history and upvote you.

just says page not found is that the reddit equivalent of 404?

>giving reddit traffic

kys desu senpai


Copy/paste the link but delete the ****

what's wrong with them? are they all politically correct and don't wanna hurt anyones feelings or anything ?

Caring about Reddit
WTF Sup Forums

Why the fuck have you taken a photo of the Swedish army on excercise ???

Every time pol tries to redpill normies they end up saying dumb edgy shit and make it so much worse.

Keep it mild and on points the general public can sympathies on or you make the blue-pill stronger.

cheers lad time for some more kike removal

This. The Dunning Krueger effect happens when you go too hard.

Imagine on steroids.

You guys need to be more subtle. Pretend your Irish and don't make yourself look so obviously like rednecks.

im going in

I approve this message

Good /r/Ireland was always a fucking leftist cesspit full of queer supporting burqa lovers

I think everybody has been pretty level-headed so far. It's late at night in Ireland so we pretty much own the subreddit right now.

>That was civilization coming to savagery.
>This is savagery coming to civilization


Somebody went full autistic.

I still upvoted him though for the bantz :^)

>Irish are potato niggers at heart so its only natural for them to import big black cock to please themselves

fuck dude I used to be a Boards mod back in the day. It got to the point where people couldn't say anything controversial without getting an infraction. I threw the towel in and just stopped modding, I was tired of dealing with the bullshit, petty rules the admins were imposing.

>I think every-body has been pretty level headed so far
>"The obvious rational thing to do would be to send them all back to whatever shithole country they came from."
>"By the Jew and his nigger and moslem puppets. We must rise up once more and remove the noose from the Irishman's neck."

This is funny as fuck tbf but I thought we were gonna be a bit more stealthy, someone has already caught on. I left one with a bit of father ted humour and concerns about Dublin anyway.

>na lad immigration has always been our greatest ally remember when the English immigrants came 800 years agoplus look how much it's improved France they used have a great culture, beautiful people and beautiful buildings, immigration has brought them a booming funeral industry for all the people being killed by said immigrants
>immigration has brought them a booming funeral industry for all the people being killed by said immigrants
never change Sup Forums

Tell us your username.

Biggest sycophnatic cunts on Boards were Nodin, My Name is URL and end of the road

Thread is gone boys. Many red-pills were dropped and what has been seen, cannot be unseen.

Good job.
See you tomorrow.

Christ mods are scum

Is that a bunch of people playing pokemon go in OPs picture? Am i missing something?