Iceland population dying?

Iceland's total fertility rate was only 1.81 in 2015

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wow lets import more niggers

no white country can be allowed goy


ask questions about iceland pls

What's your favorite culture food

Which Nordic country is your favorite besides Iceland?

nailed it. would an american who learned icelandic be welcome

just tryna fuck some non-cousins

Do you like Sigur Rós?

Can I move there?
Im white.

Why can't you be more like Faroe Islands?

Just how many slavs are there?

have you ever eaten piss-and-sand fermented raw shark chunks chased with grain alcohol? or trough?

hello rare buddy

is it as beautiful as they say up there?
and do you think greenland and iceland should swap names

> in a few more years I won't have to filter Iceland because you'll all be dead

Is Iceland white?


***BIG GAP***

Faggy music for fags
I don't know, why can't you be more like Iceland?
Too many, Poles are by far the largest group followed by Lithuanians

We don't actually piss on it and yes
It's not that bad, I sometimes but slices of it on toast

We have enough ice for the name

Ah, the two worst groups of slavs imaginable (Both Poles and Lithuanians dominate European crime statistics). You deserve 'em, friend.

I've heard Icelandic men are very protective of their women. How is this true, if it is at all?

God it's so beautiful. I do hope to visit Iceland one day. Shit looks so serene.

Last car days I saw some tourist hit on a girl and her bf came on his BMW burning rubber and threatened to run him over

Can you get Mr. Mime in Pokémon Go

Pokemon go is for fags


Is your name sjkjiejkekajek kekson?

it ends with -son

Fuck the corporate welfare state. Only billionaires require constant growth in order to continue to fatten their paychecks. If sane people were in charge we'd be aiming for sustainability, not cancerous growth.