What does Sup Forums sense in him?

What does Sup Forums sense in him?

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That bodyguards and nannies are his only friends.

>sucks to be him

how big is his hands?

Greatness. Pic related is what the southern boarder will look like by the time Barron can rule.



>what does Sup Forums sense in him?

pic related

I think Barron will be even greater then his dad.

>literally naming your son baron
More proof Trump shits on the working class and doesn't even consider them human.


50th President of The United States.


He's the only Trump son so far that seems to exude this quality.

"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it, why can't you?"

He's autistic. This isn't a joke.


He literally looks like a smaller, younger Don. He is the rightful heir that the Don always was looking for in ruling the world.

Kikery, all the other ones are.

the reading's off the chart...over twenty thousand.
Even Master Donald doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!

Yuppie faggot.

If trumps story is actually true then he had to work for his billions.

Baron will probably get in the family biz and live the life. But he knows nothing of struggle.

Kek wills it, kek is truth

Looks like he'd be a good fuck

Literally the Muad'Dib of our time

I was going to ask where the fuck you got my childhood photo but noticed it's fucking Trump

god damn this shit is uncanny