>"Instead of clapping, the students are free to punch the air, pull excited faces and wriggle about on the spot.

>"This practice has been adopted to respect members of our school community who are sensitive to noise".

You're so progressive, big brother

Other urls found in this thread:

how cute

>'The report said it was the latest example of an outbreak of political correctness in Aussie schools, which have also banned hugging, Christmas carols, celebrating Australia Day and singing the word "black" in nursery rhyme "Baa baa black sheep"

>punch the air
Stop kid on air violence #AirLivesMatter



This is getting serious, it's leaking out of Victoria now.

>and singing the word "black" in nursery rhyme "Baa baa black sheep"
There's no way this is real

murricans on suicide watch

is this some meta strayaposting, don't ya'll give shit to burgers for being loud and clapping all the time

anywho noise is degenerate and clapping is the weirdest physical ritual that you could do data entry work for Google for just to complain about its cessation like that's the biggest thing we have to worry about

When I was going to primary school, we couldn't bring peanut butter or nuts to school. Because some kid had a peanut allergy.

>singing the word "black" in nursery rhyme "Baa baa black sheep"
no way. no fucking way. that has nothing to do with human racial relations, period

>Did you know that our school has adopted silent cheers at assembly's
Anyone who has their children educated at government schools in the Anglosphere is degenerate.

>wriggle in my seat to express approval of a new school policy
>the wriggling attracts the dingos searching for prey as opposed to loud clapping which scares them away
>no survivors, children can't even be identified because the spiders picked their corpses clean


pretty much. In the US, aside for a very select few public schools, most are absolute garbage. No rigor - people breeze through and learn nothing, all the while getting straight As.

>Sings about a black sheep
>Black people are black
>Asks about the sheep's wool
>Black people have course hair like wool
>Sheep gives up all it's 'wool' for the obviously white farmer and folks
>Slavery n shit

You though you could get away with it forever didn't you racists?

right on daddy-o.
given snaps is coming back in the land down under.

In Australia
>go to school, get clapped
>go to movies, get clapped
>go to the mall, get clapped
>go to work, get clapped
>go to cafe, get clapped
>go to gay club, get clapped

good time to get into the business of clap-proof earmuffs, clap-proof blankets, clap-proof schoolbags, clap-proof fishnet singlets and lycra pants

I'm sure clapping existed for for America, you stupid child


You're right, it did exist for us

Now it's
>baa baa nigger sheep have you any wool
Thanks, progressive left! You saved us from racism

As an Americlap, I am offended.

like a bunch for retards then.

What the fuck, this is just weird

I remember some years ago, hearing about nurseries saying "Baa baa rainbow sheep"

I deliberately break this rule so any nut allergic food theives get BTFO

baa baa [REDACTED] sheep have you any wool? Yes xir, yes xir, three bags full.

I'm sensitive to the smell of niggers and gook faces. When are they going to ban those?


It's the parents fault anyway for kid's alergies. Alergies are caused by kids being brought up in a sterile environment by helicopter parents. If kids don't get exposed to bacteria to strengthen their immune system, they get allergies.

It's why Indians never get allergies, because they live in shit.

You are the child. Fuck off newfag.

Baa baa black dick have you any sperm? Yes sir, yes sir, two balls firm. Half for the missus, half for the ex, and 1 for the horny bitch reading this text.

Showing support without making noise is insenstive to those who have bad hearing.

Won't anyone think of the deaf kids?

That particular school has a few autistic kids who shit bricks and go nuts at loud noises, they banned it to stop disruptions.

For once this isn't a case of us being cucked.

Australians, how bad is Queensland, Goldcoast? How much degeneracy/blacks and so on?

Christ this is close to me


Sure thing burgerCLAP.

This was stupid too
>No nutella sandwiches

please abort autistic kids, its for the good of the world, we don't need anymore retards that pretend to be mentally challenged. god help us from this plague of idiots

But that's a good thing, maori san. Only Americans get triggered by this.
Smells like jealousy desu

Why are Australians such cuckolds? They always support nanny state laws like this.

Heavy brainwashing in the media.

Gold coast is pretty damn degenerate simo

Good I fucking hate clapping.

So how well a Freemason lodge works with an alternative.

Can you elaborate?

If you take the shit bits of florida and vegas in the USA then they fucked and had the dumbest fucking offspring... with big tits.

Thats the gold coast.

Shit man... I am probably moving there in 8 months.

If you're rich (from dealing), good looking and dumb as a post; you'll fit in well.

Brisbane's pretty alright


>Have to fist bump the air like degenerate guetto or wriggle around like a retard
HAHAHAHAHaha fucking dumb kangaroos

Can confirm, god bless us. We made the liberal government here adopt 23hr solitary confinement, guilty until proven innocent, and abolished freedom of association. Too bad they didn't abolish voting because now we have perfect socialist government, only thing I can say is bad about Palazcuk is too many public jobs.

>Be Australian
>Get glassed


>kid gives great presentation in front of class
>no one claps
>kid gets depressed and kills themselves
This will probably happen

so banning us americans?

None of this shit is happening in Queensland, only the leftie states like nsw

wtf i hate australia now

i go to this school as a student, its fucking terrible tbqh f a m

>Thousands of high school seniors in NSW will be taught more about indigenous culture, Asia, feminism and the environment under sweeping new changes to the English and history curriculums.

Don't worry senpai we here in Melbourne.... oh... no wait, we call Migrant Gang Crime here "youth" crime don't we? like it's the age that's the problem not the fact that imported niggas are gunna nig.

wtf I also hate australia now