Ask Me Anything

It's been more than a year since I've done this; ask a state representative anything. Won't answer any question that would reveal who I am.
Currently at the RNC, sitting in the back on my fucking laptop.
Commonly asked questions and their answers:
>republican party
>relatively moderate, libertarian on most social issues but authoritative
>state senate

Two people in the history of my threads have contacted me in real life.

Bitch speaking right now doesnt seem to know our party was behind cuts to the space program.
All for space though.

Faggots Im bored as hell waiting for some kind of question

No clue what that spic just said

Is paleoconservatism dead?

whats the best system of government that is not democracy

Who's the shittiest Representative?

Does anyone in your state government recognize that the world would have been better off if Germany won and the US stayed out of it?

How loong do you spend begging for money for campaigning? Why are black reps so corrupt?

What does it take to become a state rep?

Did you ever smoke the reefer?

Did you run into Farage? He's apparently around.

Also, how did you start, roughly?

I fell for the politician meme too recently. It's a bit of a slog.

Also, how mad are people they can't carry?

this picture is cool but it doesn't really work on the right left scale because the nazis were socialists. Obviously fascism is anti communism, but they had state funded healthcare and what not. Also i very much doubt farrage is libertarian lol

It's aight bacon, takes a minute to catch up

What did the 2 people who contacted you want? What was your response? Did they try to pull some sjw shit and get you fired?

Do you pay attention to the /cfg/ threads?

What di you think about America's nigger problem. What solution do you propose?

Aren't you nervous you're gonna scroll through the catalogue and see some cuck porn and the guy sitting next to you is gonna see it?

How do you feel about an article 5 convention of the states to propose constitutional amendments?

And what amendments would you suggest if you had the opportunity?


Where are libertarian socialists and anarcho communists on this?

What are your opinions on National Socialism? Would the west have been better off if National Socialist Germany instead of Communist Russia had been left as the second superpower?

How long until you close your laptop and stop LARPing?

His autistic political ideological triangle ignores everything in green and pretends it doesn't exist, while praising laizzes faire capitalism and shoving a buttplug in OP's anus

>no pic related or timestamp

The amount of RPing fags is off the charts

Too busy booing Cruz to answer anything?