Why are you proud of your bigotry Sup Forums?
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(((my)))) bigotry
Because banning shit like that is not only a slippery slope, but unconstitutional.
It's called free speech and expression you communist faggot
It's not that we're proud of our bigotry, it's just that we're proud of the fact we can say and promote whatever the hell we won't, as long as it doesnt take away anyone's rights because that's what our country was founded on
>wtf i hate usa now
It's only banned in Germany because they don't want them to rise up again. No reason to ban things though.
I'm not, I just accept it
I know your get isn't any real get in particular but I really like your get, my friend
Wow, they did it! They defeated bigotry. :)
Because I'm right, and the crime statistics and every objective measure supports my views.
Do they really think that people still walk around with white hoods and that white propaganda is everywhere?
How deep in the sand are their heads?
Because reasons.
And if you banned the KKK they wouldn't give a shit and keep doing what they've always been doing just like the Neo Nazis in Germany. It takes more than SJWs crying to big daddy government to kill an idea.
>What is freedom
I think there's bit of ethnocentric reasoning for that.
Courts and Law Enforcement and Middle America/South (still made up of White Americans) are not going to go around rounding up Klan Members and other white nationalist/supremacist groups. White people aren't afraid of klan members or stormfront or what have you.
This is now a Taylor Swift thread
I knew Cap was a nazi but did he truely deny the Holohoax?
>people unironically post pictures of whales
Is that why Nippon has no feminists?
It's called free speech you communist faggot.
A much better question is why hasn't the traitorous government of Germany been overthrown and Merkel hanged in public?
What the fuck does the KKK actually do besides hand out fliers and serve as a FBI honeypot? Why are liberals so obsessed with an organization that hasn't been relevant in a century?
America is such a great country, the KKK is the only morally bad thing that happened in your history.
Also, you got jack-pot.