Cheating Rates for black men and white women at all time high

You heard it here first Sup Forums if you marry a white woman you WILL get cheated on. Or at least worring about it everyday. 60% of white womeb addmitted to cheating at least once in their lives.

On the flip side Black males are cheating in record numbers as well. 1 in 3 married blacks have cheated.

What is causing this Sup Forums. Is this why Bf/wm couples are so long lasting now?





into the trash it goes because opinion of some faggot =/= truth
This Sup Forums is what we call bait it is to be saged.

In the options field you type in sage and this useless shit will go away

I have been unfaithful to my husband for 3 years. I ran into my ex bf Desean. He has a family now. I was jeouls of that because my husband cant have kids. On top of that his wife is fucking black. I thought he would never leave white women. Well soon enough we can be couple again. He said he was gonna leave his wife for me.

>tfw have spic half gook gf

She's not too pretty but she's mine

>it's another race mixing shill thread

That's a legit news site. Also its true. I know lots of black men that cheat on their wives and i know lots of married women that also cheat.

white women are the only women not kept in check by their race

this is why they misbehave

women and children are alike, we treat them similarly, just think about knighthood for a second and it all comes clear - women and children are treated as the same entity, the female is just an older child

you must discipline your women like you discipline your children - if you let your child grow up spoiled and rude, then you are a poor parent. Whites are poor controllers of their women due to long times of 'feminism' - independence and being treated like an adult are two desires of children, until they truly realise what that entails.

women aren't men, they're children.
poor discipline means poor behavior

Whats wrong with that? My sister has a black husband and they have 3 kids. They are all very nice children as well. Maybe stop being a bigot?

Wow. Sexist much?