Huh... this really activates your cranial almonds


4/10, trying this hard to insult someone is just cringy...

So salty mmmmmmm the tears

I'd expect more from a """comedian"""

They're getting desperate.

Not an argument

This is xbox live level...

Is he talking about the 10 year old

Bill Maher is the lefts version of Donald Trump.

Doesn't give a fuck what others think.
Freely expresses his opinion on things he knows nothing about.
Makes fun of how people look.
Insults people who disagree with him.

He should run for President in 2020.

In politics you have to have buzz to get buzz, and Maher is an expert when it comes to buzz.

Realment et fa pensar.

At least we've dragged them down to our level. We're much more used to navigating down here in this shitpit then they are.

Now if I were to say that Obama's daughters look like apes and his """wife""" is a tranny gorilla, what do you think the reaction would be?

He has the same face as a proboscis monkey.

I forgot his show was still on the air until now, haven't heard it mentioned in years

Ha ha ha what a witty and clever comedian! Truly masterful comedy from Bill Maher, a sublime satirist on par with Jonathan Swift, nay, Voltaire himself!

Why haven't I ever heard of him before. You are retarded by the way.

You've never heard of Bill Maher? What rock are you living under?

Bill Mahar is the ugliest mo fo ive seen, he even dated a black girl called "superhead" bing it. cuz i effin hate google.

>It's okay to insult Trump and his family but don't you dare bring up the Hillary KFC special

It's a fake tweet. You all got trolled.

>Childless, mariageless leftist jew attacking Trump's wife and children
I couldn't be happier, these people really lash out when they get envious of happy healthy families.

What kind of a shitty faggot would one have to be to stoop to going after your wife and kids?

Is this libel? I know its prob not but it would be hilarious if he got low key sued


sounds like a reddit post

Its not fake mate

God this is almost as cringey as watching Bill Maher and Billy Joe Armstrong talk about cool ways to smoke weed on Real Time maaaaaan.


It's funny seeing how desperate the left is getting each passing day. They're going to go nuts in November when Trump wins

What a salty faggot

A Reddit-tier insult