someone is voting for offensive burger creation, disgusting
Someone is voting for offensive burger creation, disgusting
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably Sup Forumstards which are pol's cucked little goys.
>black man special
I dont get jam time, can someone explain it to me plz
Get off our internet Abdul.
>jam time
>aaaaaaaa i hate jews
idk why but that really made me laugh
>theres an actual live person there that has been deleting these things for hours
>they probably have no idea whats going on
Women's period.
Now explain black man special.
How do you make it so you dont need a bun?
>Those burguers
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE normies out of nz net
Niggers love chicken
Me too
You tell em Tama!
Blacks love fried chicken.
obvious pol cyber-terrorism
all austrailians are under NSA deep watch
Its a joke that black people love fried chicken and watermelon. I think its dumb because fried chicken with hot sauce is pretty good if you're a poorfag.
That's chicken? It looks like a hash brown
>implying I'm not named hohepa
>oh how I raff
holy shit 2012 called
they wanted to ask where were you when Sup Forums did this first?
also, hate to be that guy, but
>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted
fuck all of you
Master Burger maker here
How do you feel about chinese overtaking Maori in population?
Where is the Nice burger?
Meat, bacon and ketchup
No top bun
... can we actually order these? I haven't had takeaways in like six months so idk
Is that brie cheese on the Jam Time? Also can anyone explain to me what's offensive about Jam Time?
rate my burger, burgers.
>Auschwitz Crematorium
>by Heinrich H.
Shitty m8, nz is bicultural white and maoriband should stay like that. Islanders can may be stay too if they assimilate to maori
niggardry. they only saved the bun.
post yfw you realize op isn't from the US
This one is great and needs your upvote to win. It's low key enough to not get deleted.
>tfw i finally have a relevant reason to post this pic
Just the meat, like the people who were litteraly keked by hte camion.
Meant for
>Shekel Supreme
Behold, The Dindu McNuffin!
I thought it was just a single piece of chicken because black men love chicken and its cheap/its for the poor
Done so many times already.
>2 slices of bread
>Feel the Bern
top fucking kek
Fuck off Cole.
>Nice try, but the name "Dindu mcnuffin" contains "dum" which is an offensive or trademarked word. Please try again.
Offensive to dum people?
>by Jeb B.
There are no buns because blacks don't have parents maybe idk
I haven't eaten McDonald's in over 10 years, but if any anons want to sponsor me, then I'll go down and order this behemoth and take pictures of me being a filthy meme.
What's your Patreon?
How does my burger look?
Can you actually order these at the store or is it jus a contest to get one on the menu or something?
Trudeau's "C U C K" Burger
Meh. Good enough. 9/10.
I'd seriously fucking order this shit if it gets through.
>Sup Forums did it again
I've not got one, but I guess I can make one if you really want to see this
You get a QR code after making one, then you can scan that instore
lil marco made me chuckle
>I've not got one, but I guess I can make one if you really want to see this
This isn't tumblr. I meant to say "Just do it yourself, fag."
Epic senpai, you sure told me
Thanks, my kouhai, you'll reach this level one day.
muh dick
In Canada we have the option to make our own using the in store machine
It is good that you whites think u aee smart....but australian had that before you. ..... we are smartest
How's this Sup Forums?
I had to abbreviate the words to make it fit
Oi, what do you little goys think you're doing? Best not be talking hate about my country bey.
are they deleting them? lol
I want to laugh at these but I'm in a waiting room at a medical center and I don't want to make a fool of myself.
Where can I follow your blog?
if you don't want a bun, Inspect Element of the Next button. then find the "is-disable" and delete it
tell em somethings wrong with your sides
Just go down to your very own McDonalds™, where you can let your laughs fly over a tasty and nutritious burger!
Here's our recommendation:
It even comes with FREE fries and a drink!
>by Alberto b
Yeah. "Oy Vey" is gone from the most loved. I made one called "Nigresse" and it's gone too.
The Gentle Giant
Let's get some NZ user meetups going on at the local Maccas, everyone orders a The Wall
lol where are you at? I'm in the wairarapa
Faggot wellington, unfortunately
It's already deleted/10
the site stoped working for me. Anyone else?
Did McDonalds shut it down?
Laughing my ass of love you guys
>ID says snake
>foreigners unironically believe they can make a good burger