Islam appreciation

In this thread we appreciate Islam

>Muslims are a cool people
>Islam preaches peace, respect and order
>The Europe NEEDS Islam

Other urls found in this thread:


It's true, Europe is full of degenerate faggots that abandoned God. We could also do pretty well with some Islam here, if they genocide the funkeiros I'll be happy to live under Sharia.



>In this thread we appreciate Islam
those robes saudis wear in the desert look pretty comfy actually

idk if they are good in humidity tho. i live in a very humid area

1/10. du hast ein (you).

Praise Ahura Mazda

Islam is a Religion of science and Peace

I appreciate their kill streak.

There is nothing to appreciate kill yourself

they did some advances in maths 200000000 years ago and then fucked themselves in the ass to reach the putrid gene poll that is infesting the rest of the world now



Honestly thought that was a toilet from the thumbnail.

>the quality of those advances are defined by how much time has passed

I guess agriculture isn't all that great since it was invented 300000000000000000 years ago right?

there is only one Faith

Hallowed are the Ori

If Sup Forums wants a strong uncucked religion why not Islam?

Without Islam, Euros would still be eating dirt and burning witches #truth #factsdarulkufrdoesntwantyoutokow

>worship an illiterate pedophile
>cool people

Kill yourself, OP. No, really. Kill yourself.

islamic peeps would never accept whitebois

Islam is a religion that is beneficial to males

anyone who hates it is a sissy male

My point was their contribution to civilization in modern history is next to none, your universities are shit , the Muslims that have success in the 1st worlrd studied abroad or in filthy rich states like Dubai

Bombing people and being apes is not contribuing to civilization by the way

I dont care who started the conflict or how many goat fuckers died there, muslims are the problem and need to remove themselves or be removed

>worshiping a carpenter Jew

Muhammad was a wealthy and savvy merchant before Islam... what was Yeshua?

Half of the chart is wrong thou.
The other half is racial unrest prevalent in almost every heterologous society.
>Latin America in general
India historically has done well in this regard. Despite an enormous Muslim population they lived in relative peace until recent years.

Islam is shit

But white women love it

wanna know who else was a merchant during that age?

Knowing how to make money does not make you civilized or intelligent

>Shitposting with a hue proxy.
Just leave.

islam solves

gays and trannies
monogamy laws (multiple wives!)

the pros outweight the cons desu. Drinking is degenerate anyway.

Are you retarded? Religions don't get a vote on who comes in. Muslims love converts.

Lol, absolutely brainwashed.

>Bombing people and being apes is not contribuing to civilization by the way

There are over a billion muslims, are you telling me each and every one of us is a terrorist who bombs people?

>your universities are shit
so are yours

>I dont care who started the conflict or how many goat fuckers died there, muslims are the problem and need to remove themselves or be removed
are you hearing yourself?

you're like "lalalala idk idc i dont wanna know because im too sensitive"

Terrorism really has only increased when the U.S. invaded iraq, same with ISIS, all of that is the result of the U.S. invading to act like world police

But Israels average IQ is more than 15 points ahead of your country's.


still prevalent

>gays and trannies

trannies yes, but muslims countries are known for having high numbers of closet homos , they just fuck beardless men and pretend it isn't gay

FACT: The populations who lived under Byzantine Christian and Sassanid fire-eat6ers embraced Islam instantly because Muslims showed them justice, peace and truth

FACT: Jews fled from Christian lands to Muslim lands continuously until 1800. Muslims were more tolerant of religious minorities. Typical Jewish back-stabbing is what we have today. They forgot over 1000 years of Islamic kindness to them

FACT: The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina was the premier medical textbook in Europe until the 18th century. William Ostler, co-founder of John Hopkins remarked it was the "most famous medical textbook ever written", noting that it remained "a medical bible for a longer time than any other work."

FACT: There would be no Syriac or Coptic churches today if Christians were allowed to rule

FACT: Al-Andalus achieved the highest standards of culture and artistic refinement that was the envy of Europeans everywhere during and since its time

FACT: The Divine Comedy was inspired by the Mir'aj incident found in the Quran

FACT: Muslims documented and archived history that Euros would have lost or destroyed

FACT: The Ottoman Caliphate donated money to starving Irishmen while Britain was too busy blockading them. The Queen herself made the donation half of what the Caliph was willing to give. All to a nation nowhere near his land or of any importance to him



None of that means we have to let you in our countries. Fuck off back to your sandy shitholes

There is only one Muslim I will ever appreciate

> the Muslims that have success in the 1st worlrd studied abroad or in filthy rich states like Dubai

People from third world countries succeed because of studying in first world ones, shocker.



Hes not Muslim, he's Alowite

We just don't like you. Is that a problem?

Great music!


I usually dont agree with pol
but... dude
this thread has the time and place
not here and definetly not now
Just sayin

>1 post by this ID

Sup Forums fags will never understand this.
America in general is responsible for a majority of problems, including their own.

You literally can't prove me wrong. Every coup this country has executed has destroyed nations. Nations that were progressing ( Even under a """dictator""") came to a fucking standstill or regressed thanks to US involvement.

>There are over a billion muslims, are you telling me each and every one of us is a terrorist who bombs people?

what is silent approbation

>so are yours

fair point , but we dont teach islam

>are you hearing yourself?

are you reading yourself? I know that terrorism goes up when foreign forces get their noses on internal politics of the middle east , I was not denying that. the point is that you cannot go back in time and un-do all those fuck ups

however we can do something about the problems of today : the clash of cultures , that will end with one of the other suffering radical changes

and I dont want western culture to become arab

Fuck you sandnigger shill. Islam means subjugation to allah, not peace dumbass.

Alawites are Muslim

>None of that means we have to let you in our countries. Fuck off back to your sandy shitholes

Did he say that we have to let them in?

Why not?
>Not European
>No freedom of
>Hardly compatible with secularism
>(oppresses women) scratch that, lately I'm in favor of that
>not compatible with the scientific method, positivism
>would undoubtedly start as a lesser caste to the conquerors
>I'm not religious, and islam is even more superstitious than catholicism
>believing in any sort of revelation is just asking for trouble

OK, I've outed myself, I'm a liberal in the classical sense.

You are the literal definition of dumbass, you see faggots in the streets and you think that's the only thing Islam wants to destroy? No you dumbass, Islam wants to rape/kill the Kufar- meaning you. It's in the fucking Quran you moron.

Whens the last time you saw this in the U.S.?

You are obviously too young to remember 9/11, but the general attitude was kill every Muslim on earth.

and you cant back down now , yes those where terrible choises/ mistakes / orchestrated chaos to weaken other nations and benefit your own we ALL now that.

are you going to let your guilt be your executioner ? hand yourself to the invader and just take it?

Why do people feel the need to insult eachother just to get their point across ?
it lowers the value of an adult arguement to something a 7 year old hopped up on speed would do

>bringing immigration out of nowhere

boo hoo, some neckbeard who spends most of his time on Sup Forums hates me, im crying


>fair point , but we dont teach islam
any proper universities doesnt teach islam, there are schools of that.

>what is silent approbation
oh, you can read every muslim's mind?

>however we can do something about the problems of today : the clash of cultures , that will end with one of the other suffering radical changes

>people kill people when those people killed their people
Never seen before, wow.

I'm not condoning terrorism, it's an absolutely terrible thing, but come on, you can see the logic.

Your facts are incorrect, I'm not going to go down the list but you're a massive retard who is shilling for Islam. Fucking cuck

>It's in the fucking Quran you moron.


tell me you dont think today's muslims follow the quran 100%?

>Imblying that the US has only fucked in the middle east
Niggah the Democratic Nominee helped orchestrate a coup back in 09'.
They installed an even worst regime.

>boo hoo, some neckbeard who spends most of his time on Sup Forums hates me, im crying

No I'm saying as a civilization. As a society. We don't like you.

I mean sure, I don't like you either but that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Never mind that the reason we were in the middle east (at least, the stated reason) was for oil. If your buddies hadn't given us an excuse, you'd still have had all that... "Progress".

>muslim nations

>>not compatible with the scientific method

Absolutely incorrect. I was in Egypt for a while and there's no end of religious scientific programs on. Muslim scientists research to prove the existence of god.

islam is garbage, muslims need to be executed


>praising a persian deity
>not praising an Aztec/Mayan deity
youre not white or middle eastern, Francisco, so fuck off.

I cant read minds , but stadistical analisis of large groups people comes pretty close to that

Good, so we both agree that there is a problem , I say that there is a solutiion to that problem

If A and B are not compatible then either keep them separated Or reform A/B to be compatible with the other

Option1 means enforcing strict immigration policies and deportation , put some sanity into Merkel's mind

Option 2 means that political , religious and cultural changes need to happen in the next decade or violent clashes will keep happening

This brings me back to my other point : i dont want eastern culture to give up what makes it great just so "the group B", muslim culture. can assimilate and live with the A group , European-Anglo and associated

>believe in allah
>don't follow the quran 100%
>literally the word of god
>choose to ignore it
>call yourself a muslim
I don't understand religious people
Also how is Sup Forums not banned in the UAE?

>are you going to let your guilt be your executioner ? hand yourself to the invader and just take it?
Im muslim :^D
> orchestrated chaos to weaken other nations and benefit your own we ALL now that
>benefit your own
Last time I checked American businesses are still hurting because of OPEC.

Its a matter of association and privilege , when they want to drink no, no, we are moderate WASHED UP muslims and have no problem with that

When someone attacks them they are all loyal followers that will lend you their jackets in the cold and never kill the ill , or the defenseless

Hypocritical scum



Islam, Arabs... all very homo at its core. Go to Afghan and witness the accepted fucking of little boys, the accepted raping of children to pedo Afghan defense force subhumans. Babies left in forgotten baskets to die of dehydration alone with nobody to give a fuck about them. Yeah a nation of glass would be preferable. one moment of pain and then nothing.


Muslims literally worship Satan and wait for the arrival of Antichrist:

>"Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. 'He will rule them with an iron scepter.' He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
'king of kings and lord of lords.'" - Revelation 19:15-16, The Holy Bible

>“The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings).” - Sahih-Al-Bukhari Bk 73; Num 224, the Quran

So, no, Islam can piss off. Nobody wants to burn with your false prophet.



so you either left you homeland to root in hell and went for greener pastures in the US or you are an american citizen that believes in an ideology that is the exact opposite to the one that made the country you are living in , you

You are the modern age plage


Really makes you think....






You guys should help out this man. He made a post about calling out some mud scum sitting in his bar for God knows how long, ordering nothing, stealing Wi-Fi and scaring out the customers. Now he's getting raided by leftist cucks / Instagram whores, who even write comments in English to show their foreign friends and the "whole world" how culturized they are.


You like us.

If you didn't muslim immigrants wouldnt exist in the west.

and there is no "we", your "we" is the minority, Trudeau being PM is evidence of that.

Are you telling me christians follow the bible 100%? stoning cheaters and stuff?

its just a way to adapt dude, you dont see muslims killing gays for being gay, being gay is alright actually just keep the nasty shit to your bedroom

>i dont want eastern culture to give up what makes it great just so "the group B", muslim culture. can assimilate and live with the A group , European-Anglo and associated

Yeah well that's whats gonna happen, europe's leaders chose this, their people chose this.

Not like all muslims are gonna agree to not go to europe, each muslim is different.



>embraced Islam instantly because Muslims showed them justice, peace and truth
Also their scimitars.

>over 1000 years of Islamic kindness
Over 1000 years of Jizya as well, I bet I could find a Wikipedia article on Muslim cruelties against jews as well. I'm aware Christians also taxed Jews.

>The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina was
Was, indeed.

>FACT: There would be no Syriac or Coptic churches today if
>would be (...) if

>envy of Europeans everywhere during and since its time
It was an envy of Europeans who evinvied them during it's time, not since
How do you quantify artistic standard?

>FACT: Muslims documented and archived history that Euros would have lost or destroyed
>would have

FACT: The Ottoman Caliphate donated
Well they certainly had the resources for that considering they subjugated the balkans and a significant portion of Africa, and today Saudi Arabia managed to go year after year in the crisis without admitting a single refugee. Where has THEIR benevolence gone? Could it be that the Arabian Peninsula is the cancer of this world?


You're talking out of your ass, Muslims were conquers and the local Hindu and Islamic community's clash, and burn down each other's holy sites. The cold war between Pakistan and India reflect this division


Great fucking arguments
I agree , but still , pol need more dialogue and less image posting


Meh. They had plenty of interesting qualities, up to about 5 centuries ago.
Lots of examples of great architecture. They did well at chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, etc.

The Arabs weren't always a worthless civilization.

This is taking shit out of context to a new level.

In both stories the anti-christ shows up first, declares himself to be Jesus or God, or whatever. Non-believers flock to him. Only after does Jesus appear.





