Why aren't you voting for Trump?

Serious question to non Trump voters - why? (Americans only please)

If you honestly think he's a racist, you need to understand - he's not.


People that know him personally have never ever considered him racist. A world renown businessman that has had multiple public broadcast television shows. If he really is a racist, you would have already heard about it by now.

The only people who call him racist are the people who have never met him. Trump was never ever called a racist until he started running for President. You think that's coincidence?

Also, "racist" is the same political smear Democrats used against Bush Sr. and Jr. as well - it is standard fucking protocol. You need to understand this.

Trump is not a racist. He just wants to build the fucking wall to secure ourselves. 80% of women that cross the border get rapped - he wants to stop that. Wouldn't you?

>I am anti wall
Why? You lock your front door every day. You have your own wall around your own backyard that keeps criminals from coming into your house. Why do you take the absolute hypocritical stance of "THE WALL" when you are so blind to your very own actions?

Again - Why are you not voting for Trump?

Because he's a retard and a pussy.

How is a man that takes on the fucking druglord of Mexico a "pussy"?

A man that literally calls out shills during live fucking debates?

Isn't afraid to shit all over the mother fucking pope?

I'm sorry - I don't see 'pussy' anywhere other than just fake shallow insults.

I'm voting Jill Stein, cause the most important issue to me is getting instant-runoff voting, it's the only legitimate form of governance, and she's the only one who supports it.

If Trump came out in support of that I'd vote for him.

>Gary Johnson
>Throws away his gun in the trash
>Signs the TPP
He's a con.

>Serious question to non Trump voters - why? (Americans only please)

I wanted him to shred the government down and rebuild it for the people

he works for the cartel so I can't vote for him

>legitimate form of governance


like military intelligence

or jumbo shrimp

Doesn't support the Environment
Doesn't support criminal just reform
Is incompetent about most things
Insensitive to social issues
Is against encryption
Supports the police state
He's a loose cannon
Republicans support him

He has no plan and is incompetent as a businessman... and those are his good qualities.

I can see your point, but if we're going to have a government it all, it should be as legitimate as possible. Trump's always talking about the rigged system, and he's right, he's just not promoting thee #1 thing that would do the most to dismantle and prevent rigging. That being Instant-runoff voting.

the gayest thing ever.
He calls himself a Libertarian and says he wont even remove or reduce welfare or social security.

He's literally just a social liberal and globalist shill for no borders.

Heil Hitler

>Doesn't support the Environment
No candidate "cares about the environment", even Bernie. What is there to do anyways? You need continual growth of a nation & an economy. Human growth simply means environmental reduction. You yourself as a person has reduced the environment alone.
>Doesn't support criminal just reform
I'm sure he will address this. Yes, he loves cops, and why shouldn't he, but I imagine he will look into the process and recommend some changes. However congress will be the ultimate decider.
>Is incompetent about most things
Clarify? I don't recall being a worldly successful business owner and multi-billionaire with 170+ IQ to be "incompetent"
>Insensitive to social issues
I'm sorry, but political correctness can suck my dick.
>Is against encryption
We both know encryption is horseshit since all entities that would have access to any of our systems will also have access to top tier decryption as well.
>Supports the police state
Uh, this is your own wild imagiation. Source of specific claim?
>He's a loose cannon
He is unfiltered, I will give you that. But has a better heart than most running.
Republicans support him
Republicans are dead. This is a new movement.

I'm not voting for him and I don't believe he's truly racist. He's just an opportunist who is exploiting people's fears. He knows his fanbase well and he knows how to talk to them. He knows talking about dem dirty foreigners will get big cheers. He knows talking like a sleazy used car salesman will resonate with his fans more since they feel like they're talking with just another one of them. But he's not. He's been rich his entire life, he knows nothing of the struggles of the middle class.

The reason im not voting for him is because he's not running because he believes he can help the country, hes running because of his own ego. He's doing it because he can. If throwing the entire conservative part of the country under a bus meant he would be president he would do it. If for whatever reason switching to the democrats side would guarantee him the presidency he would do it. He doesn't hold our interests in his heart. He's out for himself. He likes the term "President Trump" and that's about it.

And when he's not racis his rethoric resonates with extremist groups like the KKK, that has to mean something.

>but hillary hurr durr
I don't like her either and we're stuck choosing between a turd sandwhich and a douche. Im considering not even voting.

Also he comes off a bit like an idiot sometimes.

Trump is just as disingenuous as Clinton and to be honest, he is almost being entirely carried by the fact that his rival is a borderline lame duck and that he's a good promo. The only true political difference between the two is that he is a slightly more benign version of corruption than Hillary. Donald will pat you on the back, smile, and then send you on your merry way with a few nice words that you have no idea if he's going to follow through on it or worse, do the exact opposite thing. Hillary very much does the same thing, but she doesn't have his presence or bombastic outrage that follows him.

Neither of them should be president.

All it is in the end is call-and-response between the two, with nothing of actual political clout or value being transmitted on the airwaves; policy hardly exists beyond buzzwords and catchphrases. You either get #ImWithHer or #MAGA. Pick a flavor, sewage water with red or blue food coloring, it's still shitty. Both candidates are slimy, flip-flopping sleazeballs with no qualms about stepping on the middle and lower class to further their goals. You either get a businessman or a woman who might as well be a businesswoman. The rich get richer, the poor gets poorer, incomes will continue to stagnate, and people would rather talk personalities and artificially-stoked racial divides than actual issues that fucking matter, like the deteriorating state of interstate freeways and roads, a revamped tax system, government agencies in need of modernization, so on.

I say we bring back this motherfucker to set things right again.

Because Trump is a con artist and has scammed people out of a lot of money (See Trump U)

He's no Bernie Sanders


Is there a bigger pussy than Gary Johnson? He's such a coward he can't even bring himself to oppose the Civil Rights Act, even though that is the epitome of anti-libertarianism. There is nothing more anti-libertarian than the CRA, but Johnson is so timid and frightened about being called a racist, he has to sell out all of his principles and support it.

He's a wimp.

I won't vote for Donald Trump because he just destroyed the future of any sensible political discussion.

The first truly intelligent post I've seen on Sup Forums.

There's only 3 reasons I would vote for him over Clinton.

1. I fucking hate Clinton
2. He's going to build a wall
3. He's a crazy egoist who'll shake the political establishment up to it's very core if he wins

Apart from that I have absolutely no interest in the dude.

Why do liberals keep pushing the Hitler image?

>Americans only please
wtf i hate trump now
I'm going straight to the voting booth and submitting my vote for #CruzMissile especially now that Texas no longer has voter ID laws.

i dont want my friends and family to think of me as a racist :(

Ask them why bringing in immigrants LEGALLY makes you a racist?

Ask them why does it make Trump a racist when HE FUCKING MARRIED A GODDAMN IMMIGRANT?

Surely there has to be some triggered SJWs trolling pol right now.