>6'0" tall
Are you guys sure this bitch isn't a transsexual? It's unbelievable how ugly she is.
>6'0" tall
Are you guys sure this bitch isn't a transsexual? It's unbelievable how ugly she is.
it's an ape. of course it's ugly af
>Occupation: Comedian.
>Not funny in the slightest.
All signs point to grotesquely disproportioned female ape.
not her fault she isn't pretty.
she should try long hair to look more ladylike.
She'd look better if she lost weight. So its kinda her fault. I mean she'll never be pretty but now she is kinda like attacking your senses with her being.
Words honestly can't describe how fucking ugly she is.
Honestly Harambe's decayed body probably looks better.
Honestly feel a little bad for this she ape. Being that ugly must really suck.
She isn't the token transsexual for SNL?
huh...learned something new
Which one is?
Why are you pointing out her average height? How tall are you OP?
>Honestly Harambe's decayed body probably looks better.
This is what sheboons a all look like in. Nigfrica
born and bred to pick cotton, literally.
I mean I cant blame them, clearly white masters did selective breeding with slaves, you got the prettier ones as sex slaves and then they had mixed children, and you had the ape ones working on the fields who made other apes.
The greatest shame about this ordeal is that she will be a liberal martyr, and she will not just be used as an example to restrict rights, but also this will convince people she is funny, solely because she is a victim.
She's a literal "Racist" caricature come to life.
fucking disgusting.
Hey, you'd be ugly too if you were a buck toothed black man with acne scars.
Are they sister and brother.
really makes you think.
I wish you guys would leave this shit alone. Just leave her alone. It's not even worth it.
Fuck. She doesnt look so bad in all the hollywood photos but this is gross
Would you rather have her sit on your face and make you lick her ass after a long ghostbusting session, or would you rather vote for hillary clinton?
I'm writing an e-mail to her. One word at a time. If you reply to this post, I'll add yours.
This is literally an ape. Really annoying how ape like she is. Really triggers me desu.
Proof that niggers are barely evolved apes.
6' isn't that tall for a woman anymore. I see middle school aged kids that height and taller now.
I'm deadly serious.
With a Gorillas you can appreciate their beauty as their fascinating animals.
This thing is a fucking ogre dipped in Oil i don't know what the fuck it is or how it was made all i know is that i can't stand looking at it.
That's what I thought. Looks like a rl Ben Garrison cartoon.
Kill yourself weeb faggot.
it's all fun and games until, "god forbid," someone damages the fragile egos of celebrity douchebags. Then they have to force actions to feel powerful.
Manlet detected. Kys.
No, they're brother and brother.
>one of those black Jamaican British niggers detected
It's very believeable she's that ugly, she's black.
You're obsessed.
I'd take the Kurt Cobain option before either.
Op is stupid. Maybe if she was funny she could be male but no
Did you read the post? Thats not an option.
>have her sit on your face and make you lick her ass after a long ghostbusting session
That actually gave me a boner!
>I see 11 year old boys that are 6'8" all the time
>they'll be 8'8" once puberty hits
Although being tall as a woman is disgusting desu
A 6 ft tall 12 year old? You're a fucking retard!
>not having an Amazon gf to forcibly have sex with you how she wants it when she wants it regardless of how you feel about it
Why even live?
it's a meme u dip.
Can I do neither and just snuggle with the bunny?
Judy's sexier than Leslie anyway.
>tfw 5.10 manlet
>No 6foot Amazonian beauty to peg me
All around me are
Once the cave ogre has been disturbed all attempts to reason with the already thick headed mongrel become pointless, as the words bounce off it's fat meaty skull like rubber.
This message isn't going to redpill her... I'm about to just apologize to her.
Just say "niggers tongue my anus" and call it a day.
oh shit, nigga
what was she thinking?
When will they learn?
>this ugly illiterate monkey makes more money than you ever will just for being black
>not funny
Nah she's a woman.
Stop taking attention from the white apes. They exist too, racist.
She looks like sheeeit nigga
BTW i made a nice 3 bean casserole, if you want some just fire be back an email. but I Digress
You don't get it, she IS the joke.
captcha is now asking me to identify 'popcorn'.
What the botnet is trying to achieve?
that may be true, but that doesn't excuse her decision to force her boring dibble on the world, just because she' too ugly to be some rich guys stay at home wife.
yesterday I saw a Turkish man hunched over with an exploded abdomen and split open thigh after being hit by a bomb during the coup. But that pic makes me want to barf
ugly manlets retards should be gassed
She's also richer than you, manlet.
is what I would say if you were even a little less than horrifically ugly.
Time ran out and had to send it.
Nothing personal, kid.
white male. A fucking WHITE MALE.
What are you her agent? Go fuck yourself. Her face is an assault on my senses she's so God damn ugly
I ain't ugly.
If she was trans she'd be shouting it to the world non-fucking-stop because liberals are trying to make that shit fashionable or something.
wtf I hate white women now