Twitter just fucking REMOVED the #freemilo hashtag which was trending WORLDWIDE

Twitter just fucking REMOVED the #freemilo hashtag which was trending WORLDWIDE.

Has twitter dug their own grave?


Other urls found in this thread:


hope they tank

Mark my words folks, we're gonna see huge backlash against twitter on the 23rd.

Please kek, we beseech you.

fuck them up

Question: Is twitter really in a "dire financial situation"?

How many fucking right wing hashtags have they removed without reprisal? You think one fag conservative will make a difference?


pls go black lives matter shill

what did kek mean by this

They're not monetizing the service well so in a sense they're in a dire financial situation. Not like if you or I were in a dire financial situation.

He's a powerful faggot

Let's do some shareholder activism.
If we all buy one share of Twitter each, we can use our rights as owners to fuck with them.

Apparently they haven't even broken even since they started

o fuck

$19 is what their share price is now.

He's not as powerful as George Takkei. If he was banned twitter would be done.

not monetizing the service? are you kidding?

they deal in BigData. they have no desire to take our money; we are the product not the consumer

Don't be such an internet meanie

I don't have a problem with Twitter slapping Milo's pee pee. I think he went too far. I'm on his "side" on this though because of Twitter's hypocrisy on the issue. If you're going to enforce rules, enforce them equally, otherwise you can fuck right the fuck off.

I would think Facebook would be much more preferable for information like that than Twitter.

Man, I'd love to see Twatter go the way of Myspace.


What happens on Saturday the 23rd?

For that to happen you need a better alternative. I think we are at the peak of what social media can be. How can you go dumber than 140 characters?

Why hasnt anyone made a better alternative for these sites? With actual freespeech and no fear of banning SJWs

I don't think MySpace ever went public. Twitter will stick around longer or merge with something else (e.g. something Facebook related and then killed off.)

139 characters?

>How can you go dumber than 140 characters?

139 characters.

10 seconds?

Glad the nigger chimped out.
I'm also glad the faggot Nero was banned.
Fuck them both and fuck you Nero fanboys.

Hope these digits help...

They have plenty of (((financiers))) to worry about those sorts of things. Just keep tweeting :^)

Why not just false flag blm on twitter with overtly racist comments directed at white celebrities?

Theres some folks in the higher ups (think engineers, data sciences etc.) that are NOT happy with how their work is being used.

Expect Wikileaks to show proof of misinformation campaigns being sold and Alt Right Sources to report on the BLM/gay scandal in response to pile on.

Both BLM and anti BLM are going to feel betrayed.

Announcement Sunday allows Monday fresh news cycle and stock collapse.

>tfw most leftists now approve handing massive corporations with near monopoly on various spheres of social media de-facto control over the boundaries of acceptable speech

Some of you are alright. Don't go to school in the Zeta Reticuli star system tomorrow.

Sorry, meant 6 seconds

Now they are killing the #ConfuseWhitePeopleParty

Investors are going to want their money back eventually. If that time comes and twitter still hasn't figured out how to monetize their user base then they are fucked.

Milo is the gateway to join the forces behind blm and the alt right.

Together they wish to form a new party of neither republican or demo.
They will tarnish the conservative name

We will then be renamed (crazy) constitutionalist and this wi bring the beginning of the open tarnishing of the constitution

It takes time and money, as well as the (very real) possibility that it may never catch on.

lel faggots

>free speech
>private company


I dunno how people have the endurance for twatter. I can't even keep up with that shit. It's just a big drama machine.

This is their latest stock quote, going back to 2013. That high spot is January 2014 with a slow, steady decline. I think there's gonna be some happenings at Twitter...

Kek will guide the destruction of the kuks.

It is the real internet hate machine. We are shit at it compared to twitter.

>the majority of population people caring about a conservative anything

gas selves anons

Buy one share and then attend the shareholders' meeting.
Have Milo or Cernovich or, fucking hell, Sam Hyde show up, exercising their rights as owners.

Or unless you have a purely coincidental set of coincidences you can push for, using your site and when these coincidences actually make a difference suddenly everyone wants to be a part of it.

Remember all of those meme petitions on Facebook that gathered steam pretty quick and the person somehow always won their appeal "thanks" to Faceberg?

Kek can make it happen.
All the sjw shit is about to come full circle.
Kek making humanity great again in 2016.

I hate Israeli anons

The whole "self-deprecating Jew" meme has been annoying for sometime now

Link? I want to stay up to date on this.

>Implying anyone would spend $18.56 on that

I'd rather those three stroll into the boardroom and verbally reck all in attendance.

But if you have a share, then you're an owner and that means you have a right to ask the CEO and the board questions that might be hilariously awkward.

OK, I'll front the $18.56 for that...

I'm not jewish retard, open a book, learn something.
Israel has also Christians living here, you ignorant cuckold amerifat just kys or I hope you die in the next inevitable shooting

Not politics related, fuck off with your faggot drama

>"I hope you die in the next inevitable shooting"
>lives in Israel

I'm not agreeing with user, but you can't really insult him on that.

Sup Forums will ignore this
>Sup Forums will ignore this
Sup Forums will ignore this
>Sup Forums will ignore this
Sup Forums will ignore this
>Sup Forums will ignore this

Unless you followed the instructions in pic related, you have no right to complain, faggots.

You have had 3 days to turn this to our advantage and you have done exactly nothing but bitch.

No one gives a fuck

Fuck off Damo only normies have twatter accounts or care what twatter does.

Hey i did my part

Well, there are not less than 5 threads complaining about Milo being banned from twitter, so clearly they do.

Apparently complaining is more fun than creating another shit storm.

This is why the Left and SJWs will win the culture war.

We don't have shootings because
1. Everyone is carrying a gun
2. There are no "gun safe zones"

>usa pic related

if you read the tweets he sent to her, he didn't do shit. definitely nothing worth of being removed from twitter.

Naw, he's got a better chance of being stabbed, blown up, or ran over then shot.

here we just call you a self hating jew
nothing new

Well that's what I was getting at. I was looking at the wider scope of being killed. , you live in the middle of a war zone, surrounded by Muslims and Palestinians, both people who absolutely gate your guts. At least we don't live at ground fucking zero.


you retards have ever been here?

this country has become the safest place on earth, we have no niggers, and we keep our mudslimes in place.

>muh surrounded
Nobody even DARES to look at us.

>that history book will come in handy anons, I persist


Moshe Dayan was a fucking boss!

fuck twitter - come to gnusocial

also, when I weny I saw quite a few Ethiopian Jews in Tel Aviv...

Why does anyone support a nigger loving faggot kike?



So stop using it senpai.... It's very easy to fight back just stop using it

Vine and periscope are subsidiaries of twatter

The bus station there is a dump, but we are deporting them in huge numbers

good to hear

Twitter is a privately owned company and as such do not need to conform to any idea of free speech. They have every right to choose what they want seen or not. Its just better for the shareholders is all Its all for the shekels in the end bro.


www jewishvirtuallibrary org/jsource/Terrorism/victims.html
>our country has become the safest place on earth
en wikipedia org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks
>safest place on earth
en wikipedia org/wiki/Israeli–Palestinian_conflict_(2015–present)
mfa gov il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Terrorism/Palestinian/Pages/Wave-of-terror-October-2015.aspx
www israeltoday co il/Topics/tabid/194/catid/9/Default.aspx?article=topics
www johnstonsarchive net/terrorism/terrisraelsum.html

>usa has been terror attack free for 1 minute 16 seconds.
>the last terror attack happened when 2 USA soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by a terrorist.

shill harder goy-kun

Christ, the Twitter purge of Milo could turn into a GamerGate-esque controversy.

Fuck twitter!

I also have the right to say "fuck you" to every single person I meet, just because I'm allowed to do it doesn't make it a good idea or prevent me from being punished for it.

Nice try twatter ceo

>Dat merchant upstairs

>usa has been terror attack free for 1 minute 16 seconds
>killed in Afghanistan

Which one is it? Last time I checked, Afghanistan is still in mudslime central, like your country.

Don't forget that your own fucking ministry of foreign affairs recognizes that there's a wave of terror.


what's your point though? that both our countries are fightning the terror? you are NOT safer than me.

this is just autism

4chans Blacking Liberal Mouths

My point is that your country is not the safest place. I never argued that the US is safe, just that Israel isn't much better.

Milo could buy a share himself.