We got one hell of a shitstorm coming, brace yourselves.
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what did she said?
explain yourself
Is this real life , is politics just a huge meme
a ruse
Get back to picking bananas mon!
What happened?
ah shit you got me.
Reddit will be shilling this shit. The RNC has been a complete gongshow and horrible for the Trunp campaign in my eyes
is it happening?
who dat
kek. Nice save with the pointing.
What did she say before that
t. A FUCKING LEAF with $0.02 in his Correct the Record account
Wtf are you talking about? Trump Jr's speech was great, the public can now compare dyke Michelle Obama to ultra feminine Melania, Carson and Christie speech were pretty great and I am sure I am forgetting some things
It has been great desu, lots of enthusiasm
Leaf, just because the economy is bad in Weed Man Land, it doesn't mean you should degrade yourself by working for CTR shill for Shillary. It's too demeaning of a job, even for A
>A fucking leaf
Isn't it obvious that this is an attempt to compromise Trump? First the faggot that copy paste the speech and now this?
I dont buy that the republican establishment is this retarded. Maybe they are but i think its more likely they're trying to cause Trump to fall so they can keep an oursider outta the white house.
She's clearly a paid off shill to do something like that, to make the conservatives look bad. No one in their right mind would think that would help the image or the candidate in any way.
So why did she do this? is she anti trump or just a fucking idiot?
She was awkwardly pointing out to the audience
what in the fuck......
she cant be this stupid as to reveal her power level ON NATIONAL FUCKING (((TV)))
>dyke Michelle Obama
Tranny, not dyke.
Shilling? what the fuck are you tlaking about?
You know how hard the fags in the media are going to run with this.
do you have the image that sums up all the data Sup Forums dug up on that?
I need to show some friends.
No, sorry. Here's ISIS calling her a cheap whore in their magazine though.
that wasnt the fun part retard. the fun part was the face she made after she realized it and how she tried to damage control herself out of it
That speech was absolute garbage. Who taught this woman rethorics or speechwriting?
Lets cleanse Europe first.
Will the consequences ever be the same, leaf?
this is great
i hope she sees this, spread that shit nigga
kek, I'm really liking this new RNC
ISIS needs to work on its bantz.
Say it with me Sup Forums
She knew exactly what she was doing.
The lights were probably in her eyes, you nitwits
>the public can now compare dyke Michelle Obama to ultra feminine Melania
le 4d chess trump is a mastermind XD
>Islamic comedy
"Allah's Messenger (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) had a great sense of humour. Once an old lady asked him (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) as to whether old people would enter Jannah. Allah's Messenger (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) replied with a beautiful smile that no one would be old in Jannah. Meaning that all would be made to be of similar age in Jannah. Just see how pleasing was the Humour of Allah's Messenger (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and how warmth and happiness it brought to the heart of the old lady who not only received news of her being in Jannah in a manner which pleased her heart."
he is, and u shud like it , fagit
Trump is having all the speakers do something weird so that the media will nitpick and give him more publicity
She had absolutely no sound reason to do that. No matter what her intentions were, this was the absolutely dumbest thing she could do.
God damn I love being white.
Thank you for Correcting the Record. $0.00002 has been deposited into your wife's son's account.
Be sure to comment when in the next 24hr news cycle the MSM focuses its attention on the RNC and Trump calling them Nazis. This will surely succeed as it is a strategy never been tried before decreed by Hillary Madam President herself.
post her feet
It's pretty savage, it was at the end of a long article about how to treat/pay for sex slaves.
> beforeitsnews.com
If you're an adult and you visit that website you're either 1of 2 things
A person who enjoys a good laugh
It's like in less than a second of actually saluting, she realised it was career suicide so pussied out into a weak wave, which is so obvious.
You just shot yourself, better to die on your feet than on your knees sweetheart.
>can hold back her power level
pick 1
That fucking instant regret when she corrects the angle of her arm
Pretty funny, but is anyone really going to care?
Ted Cruz just did the same salute right now.
It's almost like a robotic lag between her giving the salute then waving.
MK Ultra programming must have glitched or something. Is anyone else seeing what I'm seeing in this vid?
you don't have to be passive-aggressive here, ya know, you cuck or woman
I am pleased with this hand signal
She's with her
Jesus H christ you people really are stupid.
Don't worry its just 6D Go lads ;^}
It probably sounds better in Arabic
>yanks don't understand ironic terms of endearment.
End yourself m8, end yourself 2nite.
I totally agree, when she looks slightly towards the camera, she snaps out of it.
Is it on YouTube?
no way
Defs some shilling.
Fuck these cunts.
here is a R A R E I harvested earlier
I.m waiting for the day someone is going to give a fully energetic nazi salute with a Vulcan Salute ending.... mediastorm. For science!
>A person who enjoys a good laugh
Jokes on you. I'm both
a spookier angle of her salute
He's talking right now.
WTF did you expect? The Republicans getting behind Donald and talking about how presidential he is? That wouldn't do shit for him in the polls, he's an outside man, and he will live or die on that quality. He will never be more "presidential" than Hillary, but he can undermine the entire system to show it's a farce so that "presidential" loses all value.
Ironically, he is using Saul Alinsky's tactics against the liberals. He eggs them, makes them look like fools. Sure, he looks like a fool in the process, but he drags the media, the politicians, everyone down right there with him. He breaks social norms and status quos just to fuck with the establishment. The more they react to him, the more they call him a racist, a nazi, a failure, the more the words lose their effect and the more the establishment begins to look irrational and stupid. By even acknowledging Trump, they look afraid and powerless. Their ridicule just becomes his ammunition. By losing their composure, Trump presents himself as having some innate truth that the establishment lacks.
To put it another way, he has set up the perfect Pepe-Wojak dichotomy. He is Pepe, the fast-and-loose, amoral, irreverent figure that takes all the painstaking work and toil done by Wojak and destroys it for his pure amusement. Though he destroys, we are drawn to Pepe because of his lack of care, for no matter how Wojak might try to punish him, his irreverence for Wojak's customs destroy Wojak from within. It is the "gestalt", the national group-think, the underpinning of our society that Pepe makes dance and destroys. Wojak, as the builder with supreme involvement and interest in these underpinnings, is unable to even understand Pepe's existence as someone that does not live for the system; Pepe gains his potency from the impotence of Wojak.
That is Trump: the "you mad", smug shit fucker that no one can shut up or defeat because he is simply does not give a shit.
Its literally nothing....
she does it for like half a sec
if the media shills this they are dumb.
As opposed to someone like Arnold Swatzenegger who actually did the salute in a bunch of pics, and said how much he loved hitler back in the day.
Yet managed to be come governeor of California.
It's the goddess herself Laura ingraham. How the fuck can you be on /pol and not know who she is. Very dissapointing pol
Nice pasta
Good girl
That is no pasta friend, check it for yourself.
And it is all true.
Good, we are going to get called ebil "nazi's" anyway might as well either make it real or troll the fuck out of them.
>5D intergalactic chess!
That doesn't count I have to encounter it on my own when the time is right
All I've actually heard about it up here is that Black lives, KKK and Westboro Baptist Church are outside the building throwing piss at each other.
And that is all I need to know. Don't tell me it never happened, if it's not true I'd rather be deluded.
Sure it would.
>Trump supporter holds arm at wrong angle
>Mainstream voters get sick of the gross violation of godwin's law, ignore whatever else anyone has to say. It's baiting 101.
Same with the plagiarized speech.
>"I just admired Michelle Obama and wanted to give my speechwriter some examples to work with"
>Mainstream america goes 0.0
>goyim... Trump is just like Hitler
>a man who bloodlessly took complete control of his own nation
Go on.
>Arm goes off to her right
Back to reddshit you fucking jew that wasn't the right arm movement
You Drumpfettes are a special kind of denialist dumbcunts. Looking forward to posting here after your pathetic fuckboy leader gets his ass reamed.
Daddy like!
>that asshurt white cuck sweating in panic over the thought of shindlers list and saving private ryan
The Truth Fears No Investigation
It's almost like he was the personification of the will of the people that never would have had a chance to rise to power unless everyone in the country passionately wanted him to be in power so much that they ignored jewish bullshit
Hmmm really makes you think