>be Ironman >easily stood up against the demigod Thor in The Avengers >was able to subdue the Hulk in AoU >was literally fighting for dear life against Captain America, a measly super human
Why are power levels in the MCU so fucking inconsistent?
also, who is legitimately the strongest guy in all the MCU (excluding IG Thanos)?
Matthew Lopez
Jace Clark
why doesnt he just make hulkbuster his default suit? he's dramatically stronger with the cost of just losing a bit of his mobility. seems like a great trade-off
Jackson Thomas
>He didn't easly beat Thor, he got a bullshit power boost that put him on equal footing (Thanks Whedon)
>Hulkbuster was made to beat Hulk, as stupid as it is that its never called upon again (Thanks Whedon)
>Fighting against 2 Superhumans with 10x better fighting skills than Tony. And even then, if he wasn't trying not to kill Cap he could have killed them both.
Im glad Joss is gone tho. He really has no idea how to power scale these characters.
Xavier Walker
It uses a fuck ton of power and is slow. Its basically a walking target for anything quick and strong enough to take it out.
Jacob Jenkins
>IM vs, Thos - science vs. religion >IM vs Hulk - technology vs. nature >IM vs. CA - gobalism vs. nationalism POTTERY
Joshua Jackson
But he did beat the fuck out of them both supersoldiers. He just didn't want to kill Captain so, when hesitated, Bucky distract him and Captain sucker punched him.
James Campbell
Strongest is Strange, no contest, He wields an Infinity Gem.
Jeremiah Peterson
because Ironman's superpower is money, which beats absolutely everything else.
Grayson Thompson
Because he is a DEXfag.
Zachary Peterson
>>was able to subdue the Hulk in AoU
Only because he was in a giant suit.
>>was literally fighting for dear life against Captain America, a measly super human
It was two versus one. You forgot the Winter Soldier.
Cameron Adams
So does The Vision
Henry Morgan
Doesn't it need the gamma radiation from the Hulk to work?
Julian Rivera
>was literally fighting for dear life against Captain America Did we watch the same movie? He completely destroys Cap in a 2v1 and barely breaks a sweat. If he wanted to kill Cap he would have just blasted him off a cliff after he disarmed his shield
Elijah Scott
God the Father is the strongest in all universes
Gabriel Parker
with the comics scale of powers its strange by a mile. but since hes pretty de-powered in the mcu I'd say vision or thor
Nathan Cook
>needed huge armor to take down Hulk >Thor almost killed him in Avengers
Wyatt Johnson
If i remember correct he won that fight and then Bucky pulled his leg then Cap follows up.
dirty Cap
Ian Gomez
I know that Iron man is strong, but is he stronger than Uchiha Madara?
And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
I’m talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Izanagi and Izanami), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using the Infinite Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu, Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu
Joseph Jackson
But he actually knows how to use it
Aiden Cruz
>>easily stood up against the demigod Thor in The Avengers This never happened >>was able to subdue the Hulk in AoU This was in special anti-hulk armor and it still didn't go that well. Also as another user said it makes the fight much harder if hes using non lethal attacks.
Grayson Watson
I would argue that iron man managed to fight Hulk enough to stop his mind control. He didn't beat him. The building pancake just got him to his senses.
Brandon Harris
Iron Man didn't "easily stand up against" Thor. Thor was crushing his suit with his bare hands. That fight was not going to last long at all.
Also, Captain America and Winter Soldier were fighting Iron Man, and neither of them are "measly." Sure, Tony probably should have won anyway, but you are overplaying Iron Man and underplaying CA and WS.
Elijah Hill
these movies are for children and man-babbies; the power levels are whatever they need to be to make the scene """""Dramatic"""""
Jackson Campbell
>Why are power levels in the MCU so fucking inconsistent?
In iron man's case it was writers forcing a very specific situation where this could happen.
Before the 2v1 fight oficially starts iron man's armor was severely damaged.
>he couldn't fly properly >He wasted the red hand lasers trying to keep captain america away so he could chase winter soldier >his targeting system was off so he couldn't shoot his missiles without having to take out his helmet.
Basically he was in a situation where he could only fight melee with a damaged armor against two super soldiers and even then he beat both of them and only lose because writers decided in the last moment "Cap can't lose in his own movie.".
Liam Bell
Science will always win at the end
James Robinson
>who is legitimately the strongest guy in all the MCU By strongest I'm assuming you mean most powerful so I'm gonna say Dr. Strange.
Christopher Davis
>Iron Man didn't "easily stand up against" Thor. Thor was crushing his suit with his bare hands. That fight was not going to last long at all.
I will agree that thor had the upper hand on melee but iron man was about to use his long ranger weaponry against him when cap show up. Since the fight ended we will never know how effectively those weapons would be against movie thor(remember this guy is not as powerful as comic book thor).
Christopher Cruz
Kek. This pasta always gets me.
Charles Collins
The amount of autism in this pasta never ceases to amaze me.
Benjamin Taylor
is this the original? pretty fucking hard to read
Lucas Wood
Wasn't his armor damaged by fighting them? It's not like there was anyone else he fought in that room. He sustained armor damage over the fight, but that's just part of being Iron Man.
Jose Peterson
why is thanos even trying if strange is so good?
Justin Long
Thanos in Greek is a relatively common name that is short for Athanasios or Thanasis. (as in you call a Robert, Bob. or a Richard, Rick) It's always struck me as odd that they named a supervillain with godlike powers the equivalent of Bob. Sup Bob, destroyer of worlds?
Angel Williams
I assume they were aiming for the greek word θάνατος meaning death
Ethan Cook
It's the same root word sure, but it sounds silly.
John Johnson
I'm not a comicsfag but isn't death an actual entity that Thanos is in love with?
Dominic Nelson
Dylan Long
>>was literally fighting for dear life against Captain America, a measly super human
The minute Tony stops seeing red and gets Friday to help Cap gets almost effortlessly raped
Kevin Jones
Lucas Rodriguez
>Uchiha Madara
Fuck I hope this rivals potter meme pasta.
Gabriel Russell
Godammit, I hate disliking the MCU but also being autistic enough to be able to spot where it's consistent and isn't:
>stood up against the demigod Thor
Thor has no truck with modern technology, and doesn't understand electricity. Tony's suit is an engineer's wet dream that can apparently store vast amounts of electric energy. So like, well, a big dumb viking Thor opened the fight with lightning, which basically let the suit enter kaiokenX3 because it's lasers were literally overcharged.
Notice Thor can still physically overpower and even crunch the suit even with his bare hands. He just opened the fight poorly by infusing it with divine lightning.
>subdue the Hulk
The Hulkbuster's arm sucked in Hulk's fist; guessing it's like a big chinese finger trap so it's effectively using Hulk's strength against it. Probably has some REALLY good cushioning in the heavy plating too.
And to be fair Hulk was running out of steam really, really fast once he was punted near innocents.
>fighting for dear life
Shield was apparently able to withstand the lasers. Regular old suit with no lightning overcharge. Not actually going to defend this though, they've been wanking Cap's physical parameters with each successive movie.
You wanna talk about inconsistency, don't even get me started on Cap somehow stalemating fucking ULTRON.
Jackson Davis
So far? Dormamu, easily. Too bad he jobbed to Strange's bargain.
Kevin Jenkins
Nice trips
The hulkbuster is too dangerous to use I bet. Last time he whipped it out, a good chunk of a city was fucked up and he doesn't want to wear it and remind everyone of it.
Blake Green
If you're wondering how Mike eats and breaths and other science facts, just repeat to yourself it's just a show; I should really just relax.
Brody Murphy
I figure it's more that it's not good at anything but punching big dumb monsters in the face. Tony's other suits weld stuff, catch people mid-flight, folds up so he can whip it out as a surprise-all kinds of fine motor shit the Hulkbuster probably can't manage
Henry Thomas
>>easily stood up against the demigod Thor in The Avengers He has the propelling power in his suit to physically push Thor around but he had no capability of actually physically damaging Thor except for possibly the crimson cutting lasers.
Parker Martinez
I am honored to meet a fellow /qa/bber
Xavier Scott
>ITT : fat autistic manchildren
Cooper Cox
I'd argue Dr. Doom is more powerful.
Ryan Smith
He's not in the MCU and just as well, I feel like it would be impossible to do him justice in live action.
Levi Baker
>was literally fighting for dear life against Captain America, a measly super human capt america is probably the only hero in the movie who's power is dependent on the scene hes in,its all over the place sometimes hes throwing bikes another hes strugling to beat up normal people in fistcombat.
Sebastian Jackson
Hulk's strength is contingent on an unquantifiable emotion. He is literally a "pull a power level out your ass" machine, since he's as strong as the writer needs him to be at any given moment.
Because of this, Hulk's strength is basically unlimited, so he is by definition the character who has the capacity for the most strength.
Ryder Powell
he has different suits, obviously the hulk buster is not as powerful as whatever suit he had on his chopper which was maybe just for emergencies, it didnt seem to have the prehensile detachable parts of his current main suit that would have helped in catching Bucky
Ryan Turner
comic yes. Movies....unspecified.
Cooper Myers
isn't there a one with cell? I like that one.
Jeremiah Thomas
Thomas Peterson
The simple answers is writers focus on how their powers can fit the plot, now how overpowered or not they actually are in comic form.
Cameron Young
Let me explain this to you child. Iron Manlet has been an emotionally driven character since the very first Iron Man movie. The reason he isn't a weapons dealer anymore is because he FELT bad his weapons were getting sold to terrorist. That being said when he found out about his mommy and daddy getting murder by Bucky instead of thinking straight he went to his emotions first. When you fight with more emotion than brain you're going to have a bad time. Cap and Bucky took advantage of that and that's how you get to the end of the fight. With CAPTAIN MOTHER FUCKING AMERICA ON TOP.
Owen Perry
Watch it job against Thanos.
Jackson Reed
I know this isn't serious, but cap is not a nationalist in that movie, he is a imperialistic interventionist that doesn't care about the sovereignty of any people
Jaxson Perry
He doesn't even know what it is.
Cooper Kelly
this desu, his Civil War suit implies sacrifying power over portability
Nathan Collins
Good thing the target audience wasn't Greece then.
To an English speaker, the name sounds as otherworldly as any of the asguardian characters.