A fucking leaf

>most recent data from 2014 shows average household income in the US was $51,939

>Average household in Canada makes $78,870 (currently $60,729 USD however was even higher in 2014)

How does it feel to be making less money than actual fucking leaves

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm pretty sure a lot of the shit in Canada is more expensive though so it evens out. For example average price here in Alberta for a home is 400,000-500,000 and in states the same house would be like 200,000

>House in America: $200,000
>House in Canada: $300,000
>Not living next to an American: Priceless

Does that account for the higher taxes?

Shitpost: the thread

Our electricity is cheaper too. Fuck America.

I'm just waiting for December when the visas for Mexicans will not be required to enter the country.

Not if you live in Ontario. Fuck the Liberals!


Why do you care mf just do you
Obvious insecurities


pictured: average Canadian household

Fuck yeah!

>cum stains on his sleeve

What would the stat for white americans be? Just learned from another thread that white americans are the most powerful race in the planet.

(not that canadians aren't like snow americans anyway)

>Love the low population in Canada (excluding Ontario and Quebec shitholes)
>Love the outdoors
>Want Trump president but stuck with literal cucks instead
Why live?

Did you put into account something called "Taxes."

Your cost of living is atrocious compared to most parts of America.

im learning french any tips leafs?

Don't bother.

What a dumb fuck canadian.
CAD is worthless you dumb shit. Everything costs more in retard-land.
Along with taxes.

Honestly Americans, I need to live around these retards.
Just ignore canadians and their anti-american bullshit.
They're fucking retards. Dickless white trash jealous of Americans and their accomplishments.

canada is a socialist fuck hole comparable to North Korea.

Most canadians are patriotic brainwashed alcoholic retards with the intelligence of a 6th grader.

I hope Trump spanks the fuck out of canada.

I'll help build a wall on the canadian border for US citizenship.

fuck the northern inbreeders.

It's true! A townhouse (not detached) in a suburb outside of Toronto, can cost over $400,000 CDN.

wow how did you post something from my diary

Niggers and beaners are throwing the numbers out of wack. America >>>> A fucking leaf

>Canada LITERALLY has no culture of its own
keep consuming all of our shit. how fucking embarrassing

I will gladly support a wall as long as it starts by blocking off Detroit

U.S. federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 35%. In Canada it ranges from 15% to 29%. Average middle income earner in Canada pays about 20%. Business taxes are also a lot lower here.

That's only for tourist visas, we used to have this exchange and it never was a problem. If anyone overstays CBS actually deports them.

Why not kill yourself and end your misery?

visit the Sup Forums sticky and the /fr/ thread

You have to look at take home net income (which the US destroys Canada in). But you also have to look at the standard/cost of living AND what is paid for by the government.

Don't you love when liberal supports run around bragging about our "free" healthcare whenever they meet an American?

Yes, "free"! Who pays the doctors and nurses you fucking nitwit?

Please nuke our cuck nation, America. I'm ready.

Fun facts about Retard-Land, I mean canada

Got it's own flag in 1964
Started trading with USA in 1964
Got a Charter of Rights and Constitution in 1982!! 33 years old!! Most canadian retards think they have American laws.
Also, the ruling governing party appoints the senate who can change any law at whim.
It's more like a dictatorship.

This country is a run down shit hole.
The people are rude, ugly and mean.
The women are rude, ugly and few and far between.

I could go on and on and on how about how much canada SUCKS asshole compared to USA.

holy fucking shit you people are poor. my girlfriend alone makes twice your average

This makes no sense.

Not to mention


Well take in fact we have a smaller population, free healthcare, and less niggers then it adds up. Not surprising. Don't blame Americans. Most of them on this board are of European decent and we have common ground when it comes to politics. Trying to create a superiority complex between our fellow anglobro is just fucking petty .

>being this butthurt that harper lost the election and now people on Sup Forums laugh at you

Seriously, consider leaving, or suicide.

>mfw Americans get alcohol at like half the price we do


We pay way more in taxes, everything is significantly more expensive and we have access to much less selection on goods and way more dated services. The US is the cutting edge in convenience, just compare our Amazon to theirs.

The trade off is we have less dindus around, so I still think we come out on top.

Get ready for that flood of butthurt liberal babies after Trump wins

t. Toronto

Congratulations for not having to live humbly?

I'm not sure what you're after.

Chinese will continue to drive prices on real estate, you will beg the burger soon lettuce man.

>>Average household in Canada makes $78,870 (currently $60,729 USD however was even higher in 2014)

So that is ~$30k per person every year (assuming 2 working people in a household).
That makes $2500 a month gross.
-30% (?) taxes = ~$1750 net. $500-700 for rent and utilities (too much maybe?) and you are left with ~1000-1200 CAD for groceries, transportation expenses etc. Probably can save up at least $500 every month.

How close I am with these calculations?

Bullshit. If the USA collapses we're gone too. Stop being deluded. Our dollar is 23% worth less than the Americans dollar too

But that's wrong, you fucking retard

>In Canada, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 30 474 a year, more than the OECD average of USD 29 016 a year.
not bad, not bad...


>In the United States, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 41 071 a year, more than the OECD average of USD 29 016
LOL get fucked

Not to mention if you centered it on White Americans, we'd more than OBLITERATE YOU out of the water

>~1000-1200 CAD
USD obv.

>just compare our Amazon to theirs.

Well it's pay HST here, or pay shipping+import charges+exchange rate. Items are usually cheaper there int he first place, so we don't pay a whole lot more when we import

Our top 1% make as much as our bottom 50%. Normally leftists say that in disgust, but in this moment I say it with pride. Get GDP-wrecked, scrubs.

I'm not a beta male faggot, I don't know how to reply to people on this pedo forum.

To cuck faggot insinuating I'm mad harper lost, eat a dick you spinless coward canadian shit stain trash.
harper is trash, justine trudeau is trash, your trash and your country is trash.
Living in canada has made me consider suicide since everyone is a white trash thief with no morals or values.

fuck norther retard inbred canadians.

Also let me reiterate this:

Not only do we make more than you, but our taxes and cost of living is actually lower as well lolol

Oh and by the way, America is whiter than Anglo Canada too on top of it all


Oh look! Dairy prices increasing in Canada. Why? Because sales are down.

>Dairy sales decrease due to high prices
>increase prices o recoup declining sales

Only in Canada, folks!

Income after taxes, yes.

So actually ignore this post about the taxes thing:
Because that earlier post takes taxes into consideration, BUT our cost of living is lower with that higher disposable income

>we pay more in taxes

This is a meme, no we don't, unless you are in the very highest income bracket or the very lowest income bracket. Even our CPP payments are less than their social security payments.

The rest are valid points though.

Are you 12? They never do even though they say it every election. Hell, even butthurt Romney supporters were supposed to be moving to Canada after Obama won.

The Chinese own most of the US debt and are also purchasing lots of real estate in the US, it just isn't concentrated in one city like in Canada.

No, our taxes are actually lower. Cost of living is higher though. Canada is about 80% white, America is 60% and that's including Arabs and Jews as white.



Everything in Canada is two times as expensive so divide the household income by half and you'll get the real amount we get to actually use

Does this take into account currency exchange or more taxes?

>implying CAD isnt kill after oil was kill

Once all leafs die of starvation we'll send expeditions up north to repopulate the area.

Detroit doesn't need a wall it needs a nuke.

Leafs* you fucking idiot

>No, our taxes are actually lower.

see OECD numbers here:
that's after taxes

and nope, wikipedia 'white americans'

then take the French Canadian population out of the equation, and you'll be less than our numbers which is 73% white

Why would that make you proud? They're the reason the bottom 50% is as poor as they are. They influence legislation letting them get away with things like paying black people $7.55, while collecting affirmative action tax credits, despite that employee now collecting EBT, welfare, public house, etc. (thus increasing the taxes paid by white Americans, while the richest 1% use every trick in the book to not only pay the least taxes possible, but collect credits and government funding for projects). And don't even bother trying to understand the corruption of big pharma and the medical industry.

We may live comfortably, but we certainly don't get our share of the work we put into this nation.

>mfw they still drink like faggots

I am so glad I left Canada.

>Cost of living is higher though

>the butthurt of someone living in a 60% white country

This. OP is fucking retarded. Our tax brackets, especially for businesses, suck ass and our wages are decimated by taxation and mandatory health care.

> You just compared 2016 data for Canada with 2014 data for America.

What the fuck, I hate america now.
> day of the rake soon

Expecting a
>1 post by this ID
shitpost/shill to understand memes

Actually in this election, if Trump wins the losers are all moving to Mexico, not Canada.

>Canada is 80% white
Where are these phantom white people because I can go driving for miles and the ratio will be 1 white man for every 100 China men

The Canadian government can barely uphold the law so you should take into account their inability to take accurate statistics. Remember that anyone with light skin is considered white by our retard gov

How do you know Adam from the Bible was a canadian?
Only a canadian would choose a fruit over a naked woman

What do canadian women say to their dates?
Get off me daddy, you're squishin my smokes

and milk

>Live in Vancouver
>Get snow one day of the year
>Get rain 2/3 of the year

Chinese Seattle is truly the greatest place on earth

kek, MAGA

>being this retarded

Anywhere outside of a major city you homo

Link the study you faggot

canadians implement sex education for elementary school children.
Program written by convicted child molester and also friend with government leader.
While program is being rolled out, said man once again gets arrested for child luring.

More true life nadian stories to come

>You Canadian Shitbirds think you know how to shitpost.

> I AM THE SHITPOST! *Sheds skin to reveal, who'd of thought, shit.*

Surprisingly, business taxes in Canada are much lower than those in the states.

Leave Toronto/Hongcouver. There is probably 100 chinks out of the 140 000 here in my city (Lévis, QC).

Everything cost more here though so it doesn't mean anything. Our buying power is almost certainly lower.

>Where are these phantom white people

Up until a few years ago I used to drive from the Maritimes to Toronto, and the first non-white person I'd see after about eight hundred miles would be in the roadside services at Cornwall in Ontario (though to be fair I was just passing through Montreal on the highway, otherwise it would have been there instead). Vast swathes of this country are still overwhelmingly white (with a little bit of Native added in), it's just that they're not where the bulk of the population resides.

You are a fucking retard. Im from Kansas and ill never go back. Fucking syrian nigger dont know what ur talking about.

Itt: retards that took the op at face value without even seeing a source.

This board is so shitty right now.

>Comparing US/CA by raw dollar value
>Not by buying power

We were ahead of the Americans when it came to the median families buying power for like a couple of months or something, for the first time ever IIRC, and then Oil cratered.

Despite being USA closet neighbor, canadians did not:
drink coca-cola
go to jr or high school (no education beyond grade 6)
drive a car
talk on the telephone
get indoor plumbing,heat and electricity

Until the 1950s!!!

That's rght, canadians lived like pionner peasants for over 100 years while America was progressing.

The billionaire chinese that are buying all your houses in cash and making you pay 4k to rent, is why your averages are high.

Still, Canada is around 70% white
Possibly lower now, if you count illegals

>Higher taxes
>Higher cost of living
>Higher grocery cost
>Higher housing cost
Wew lad

>(Lévis, QC).

Based Quebec (outside of Montreal of course) is mostly a whitopia, though not for anglophones. Still, my French is shit and even I think the people there are mostly friendly, and their restaurants are absolutely great.


This is 100% true

I make 210k USD so I couldn't tell you.

lol m8 you can't find anywhere in Canada where you pay only 4k a year in rent

canada did not receive any European immigrantion beside Irish and Scottish until after WW2.

USA has been getting European immigrants since the 1700s but canada did not. Only irish and Scottish. Much like Australia if you know what I mean.......

The population is mostly male like a prison.

Prison rules play a large part of canadian day to day life. They think it's being "civilized and polite"

I wish we weren't so leftist, it's shameful, our socialist retards dragging down the rest of Canada. Same with the maritimes supporting Trudeau when they won't get any of the immigrants. This part of Québec is quite conservative and the only part of Canada where the Tories increased their vote share last election. I hope Maxime Bernier wins the leadership, I think we could make Québec blue.


Keep voting Liberals and expect to see our country end up like this;


Christ! I'm actually posting a video from Vice!

You're fucking nuts, buddy. There have shitloads of non Scottish and Irish immigrants long before WW2. Ever heard of the Ukrainians, for example?

>The population is mostly male like a prison.


>wanting mega-farms that have to be subsidized by the government to be profitable
>lack of regulations as a whole turned farming in the US into a massive racket
>wanting cheap shit
>no regard for the economic health cost of obtaining it

canadians are not taught about the Battle of Baltimore where the British troops where slaughtered after burning the White House in Washington.

canadian history tells it that the canadians (not British) burnt down the White House and returned to canada as heros. Beating off the evil Americans and keeping our "freedom" to the Queen of the UK until the 1960s.

Most canadians are so retarded, they don't even know their own countries history.
This will appear as gibberish to a canadian and trigger a knee jerk mouth frothing.