What the fuck did I just watch?
Punch-Drink Love
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a good movie
with adam sandler in it
shame he never continued down that timeline he can actually act.
A love story
Am I the only one who got tachycardia while watching this movie?
A beautfiul movie.
I've never felt more empathetic towards a main character ever before, despite not relating to him at all.
It's quite normal to watch a movie and have an elevated heart rate as a consequences.
It's called "having emotions".
That never happened to me before.
You've only watched shitty movies then, or you quite simply wasn't aware your heart started beating faster than usual.
By the way, how do you know you got tachycardia from it? Did you measure your BPM or did you feel your heart beating strong and fast in your chest?
an arthouse adam sandler movie. yes you read that right
>did you feel your heart beating strong and fast in your chest?
Maybe was that coffee I drank before.
do you have autism?
That's not tachycardia.
Well, I mean, it is tachycardia in the sense of your heart beating faster, but what you experienced is called "palpitations".
Why do you say that? Anyway, no.
something i related to. when people fuck with you for no reason you become emotionally scarred
just curious
Yeah, but you probably don't ask that randomly, so what is it that you found autistic in my post?
I can relate to this scene and sometimes feel like breaking down crying at random times like this character. what's wrong with me, guys?
just based it off your opinion of the movie
But autistic people have trouble being empathetic.
Are you often anxious about things that other people find not preoccupying at all?
Is it easy for you to become uncomfortable in public situations?
Do you have a tendency to be passive or excessively polite?
one of Sandler's few kinos along with 50 first date, The Wedding Singer, Click and Anger Management
this whole scene encapsulates what it means to be a robot
Do you also tend to avoid situations in which you might end up at the center of everyone's attention? And if you can't avoid it, you can barely get through it?
Also, do you recognize that your fear or anxiety about this kind of situation is kind of excessive?
but i guess adam sandler's character isn't like this entirely. what are you saying?
Online diagnosis is a really stupid thing that I shouldn't be doing but you should see a specialist about this because you tick all the boxes when it comes to social anxiety disorder?
In case this gets confirmed, treatment is similar to that of phobias, that is repeated, prolonged exposure to increasing amounts of stimuli you found adversity towards.
When it comes to fictional characters, making diagnosis is difficult because...well, they're made up, they're not real, they can have any sort of trait the writers decide they should have.
yea I figured. Would it be normal for that treatment to then revert after long periods of isolation?
Why do you think you're going to want to isolate yourself for long periods after the treatment?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
Another great movie made by a director who has never made a movie worse than 8/10
My favorite PTA.
I love the mish-mash of auterism, shameless FNW vestiges, the unexpected intensity and quality of Sandler's performance, the understatedness of Emily Watson's, and the happy ending because I'm ultimately a sap, pretty much everything about it.
uh lets just assume I already have
It's definitely not going to be easy for you to re-enter social situations but not as difficult as it was before therapy.
But what's the reason behind the isolation? depression? If you want to say, of course.
one amazing movie
hey doc, i got this red spot on my neck. It's the size of a pimple, or an ingrown hair. It's been there for a month now, and when I work out, a big area around it grows red, like so.
What's up with that?
>have to do a diagnosis of a dermathological condition without being able to touch the person and I have to rely on a shitty, poorly lighted picture
oh well
Does it hurt normally? Does it hurt if you touch it? Has it grown overtime? Do you remember getting hurt near it or it showing up after getting hurt for example after getting a scratch? Is it hot to the touch? What does it feel like when you touch it: solid, mushy...? Are you able to move it around a bit if you push it or is it stuck? Is there something similar on the other side?
Also, why do americans never go the doctor? Is it because of that goddamn stupid healthcare system you guys have?
>Also, why do americans never go the doctor? Is it because of that goddamn stupid healthcare system you guys have?
Yes. I haven't seen a doctor outside of the emergency room in like three years. Haven't been to the dentist or eye doctor in nearly a decade, probably.
A better Superman movie than Zack Snyders.
The best superman film ever made.
Yes his is secretly PTA making a superman film.
No pain, hasnt grown, other than somewhat smaller since I noticed it about a month ago. I was full blown neckbeard at the time, so it had been hidden away under the beard.
It's solid and stuck. There is nothing similair on the other side. the spot itself is on the top of the red area in the picture. I didnt think much of it, untill my neck grew red like that.
I'm not actually american, and have a very good doctor, but I just figured I'd ask since I had the opportunity. Thanks!
you're unable to interact meaningfully with anyone. while you desperately want to relate to someone you don't enjoy company of others and want to be alone. you feel like you're on the outside looking in on people living their lives while you're just going from day to day. you're unfulfilled and doing nothing with your life and don't know where to start. when people ask you how you are going you have nothing to say.
That makes me angry. You guys are spending an absurd amount of money (both public and private) on healthcare in order to have less access to it. Fuck.
Well, you should definitely go see your doctor then because it can really be all kinds of things. The redness growing after exercise is normal since exercise releases histamine which dilates your blood vessels. But it can really be a number of things, so go see your doctor.
As a rule of thumb, if a condition, of any type, painful or not, lasts that long, please go see your doctor about it, it doesn't make you stupid, or a pussy if you do.
I was planning to, and dont you worry, I dont think I'm a stupid pussy.
Thanks for your time!
I got sick long term and that led to depression
I'm sorry to hear that, did the illness you were suffering from go away?
And what about your depression, is that under control?
It's just a romance. It's fine, but nothing all too special. Just a better written Adam Sandler movie.
>That makes me angry.
I was spending $250 a month for the worst insurance package I qualified for before the ACA as a 20-something. Hit 30, ACA rolled out, insurance company jacked my rate then just dumped me, had nice ACA insurance for a year but wound up not getting sick, then didn't make enough money on paper to qualify for ACA last year (but the backward-ass Republican state I live in refused to expand Medicaid, meaning I made too much as a childless adult to get that), so I lost my subsidy and the insurance company cranked my rate up to $500/mo from $25. Now I'm just flat-out uninsured.
A decent film.
I can do the same with Stanley Kubrick and the native Indian conspiracy, or the space odyssey conspiracy, or every shit people can spout and turn around.
That sounds like a nightmare.
I mean, I could understand having privatized healthcare if the cost was overall lower for the whole population but as I said you guys are spending tons of money so, what the actual fuck.
US Government does everything wrong here, maybe that's not the case in the rest of the world.
Our lawmakers are owned by lobbyists from the likes of the insurance companies, who just so happened to make record profits after the ACA was implemented in its adjusted (read: rewritten to "compromise" with the Republicans and corporate Dems to sate their donors) form.
no but I did manage to get extra fucked up from an antibiotic, depression is somewhat improving I suppose