Tomorrow is ANZAC day

Tomorrow is ANZAC day
Australian/New Zealand movie thread.

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Is there any other key NZ-Kino besides taika, Jackson and Campion?


Once were warriors
loads of movies are made in new zealand just not about new zealand

ANZAC do your duty and all die for the bongs

Crocodile Dundee

Do movies exist in Australia/New Zealand?

I really liked The Rover, haven't seen too many Aussie films, and besides maybe What We Do In The Shadows, haven't seen any from NZ (unless you count Jackson's LotR).

There was a movie I saw maybe a decade or 15 years ago, it was set in western Australia, contemporary, and it was like a coming-of-age movie, it had a guy maybe college-aged, he drove a toyota truck, and it was about some jailbait runaway blonde girl hitchhiking or something, the guy thought she was a serious relationship but then she'd go and fuck some middle-aged guy with more money, and shit like that. The general theme and aesthetic of the film was influenced by the desolate empty terrain of the area around there. A lot of empty plains, long empty roads, and tiny little shutter-closed towns. So it had a lot of that lost, desperation feel, made it an interesting movie for me at the time. I think I saw it on Sundance network or one of those pretentious artsy movie channels, again probably a decade or little more ago. Ring any bells for anyone?


Aussie beats us Kiwis in the film sector, hands down

>Mad Max
>Wake in Fright
>The Rover

Well, Andrew Dominik (Killing Them Softly, Assassination of Jesse James) is an NZer

I really need to find and rewatch Changi

The Tracker

Any Kiwis here watch 'This Is Not My Life'? What did you think of it?

get queerer hats lads
o wait you can't

hunt for the Wilderpeople

Woops I meant 'Tracker' which is basically the NZ version of the aussie one

>not taika

Passion of Christ


>tfw my cousin was one of the guys they found in that safe


Idiot. We have Netflux.



/rug/ kino

>Wake In Fright

They had a interview with the director (or was it the writer?) on CBC radio recently, interesting stuff.

>Tomorrow is ANZAC day
Who cares?


I don't know nuffin bout no stolen generator

Yeah. And Fuck the 4th of July too. How dare a nation have a day of national historical significance.

new zealand
turkey and england to a lesser extent


is that wilderness people movie good? i've heard good things

once we were warriors is pretty good

Friendly reminder that the ANZACs were annihilated Gallipoli and the fact that we keep celebrating a day where we got raped by roaches is pathetic.

Should I watch Wake in Fright?

we do you fucking drongo

The ending to Gallipoli never fails to move me.

>"As fast as a leopard. Then let's see you do it!"


The Navigator
The Devil Dared Me To
The Locals
River Queen

How has noone mentioned The Castle yet? Literally the pinnacle of Aussie comedy (we don't make good comedy).

It's Aussiekino.

We keep commemorating* a day you moron. There's a difference.

Best Aussie film

legit 10/10 work of art WATCH NOW

Australians aka unwanted Europeans/criminals/murderers/rapists trapped on an island in the middle of nowhere; how can one expect a country like that to thrive in cinema?

Then why the fuck does literally everyone say "celebrate ANZAC day".

Face it fuckwit, our country is obsessed with a battle we lost because it's the only one we were allowed to participate in. And don't even begin to mention that battle with the vietkongs, we got fucked in the ass in that too.

Nice, that's Noah Taylor right? The guy who cut off Jaime Lannister's hand

Well, Half of America is in jail and they do alright.

>mfw come here i wanna tell you something

I fucking love mad Max so much bros
I'm seriously considering buying an XB Falcon


Can't fuss the russ

anzac day is just a catchall for australia and new zealands contributions to WW1

its also used to commemorate other wars as well

So go and join the army faggot. Go prove how big and bad you are in battle instead of shitting on the memory of poor dead cunts who died as British cannon fodder.

Yeah he's based as fuck.

See The Year My Voice Broke and the sequel, Flirting if you want more of him.

Both great

Never see this mentioned, truly underrated

one of the most perfect endings ever

I'm already in the Air Force, nigger.

Everyone who says "celebrate ANZAC day" is as dumb as you. Ever wondered why noone claps during an ANZAC day service?

can't find this movie anywhere

My favourite NZ movie

He said Army not chair force you autist

Wake in Fright is highly recommended for non-Australians to appreciate what life is like here. Its obviously surreal on purpose but really good. I think it is a commentary on the drinking culture in the country particularly in outback which is often in despair at best

is he saying fucking 'yozza' instead of yes? holy shit

Only 3% of us live in the outback. Are you a fuckin yank or something?

>let's run around in the desert carrying 50 kilograms worth of equipment on our backs!
>haha we're so much better than those guys who fly multi-million dollar aircrafts and deal with 7G forces everyday!

Oh yes, I'm sure the Army is great.

its a movie about life being shit in the bush whats your problem larper


I hope you die for Drumpf and his jew masters in Korea or Syria soon dipshit

The Proposition
Watch it.

I'm Australian you retard

>about the bush
>highly recommended for non-Australians to appreciate what life is like here
>actually one of the most urbanised populations in the world
You sound like some politician trying to convince people we're all battlers who do hard yakka in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

Yeah, because we'd never be at the yanks' beck and call. Never ever.

Turnbull's tongue is deep up Trumps arsehole. Have you been living under a rock?

Pure Kino

At least I'd get to die in the comfort of my own aircraft faggot. Army niggers would die while in the desert heat getting blown up by sandniggers.

Oh and I'm sure Abbott is so much better. Or is it Gillard?

>in the defence force
>doesn't understand the significance of ANZAC day
wew lad

Sorry I'm not enough of a cuck to give a shit about a battle we lost.

Streuth cobbers this is some fair dinkum Aussie kino right here, by crikey. Have a shufti at the bonza sheilas!

>At least I'd get to die in the comfort of my own aircraft faggot.
Didn't know they let the logistics drones fly the planes.

chris being based as usual

Its ok, but it is a kids movie.

Its not about the battle you fucking moron. Its about respecting the lives lost on both sides in senseless violence. Also about how we were only federated a decade and a bit earlier so it was the first major battle we fought in as a nation. AND its about how the kiwis are total bros and mean a lot to us. Make sure you pay attention at your high school's next ceremony instead of playing on your phone.


>highly recommended for non-Australians to appreciate what life is like here
I meant the drinking you stupid cunt

I am from Finland btw

Thanks for inventing spurdo

Based Finnbro
Throw another moose on the barbie

fugg :-DDDD

Top kik

Heavanly creatures is breddy gud

*heavenly, whoops


Getting this thread back on track. Good Australian films in no order:

Breaker Morant
Mad Max
Romper Stomper
Hercules Returns
Samson & Delilah
The Proposition
The Dish
Red Dog
Picnic at Hanging Rock


it was pretty kino