really makes you think..
Really makes you think
wtf I hate Jews now
pretty sure this is a troll account desu
White supremacy isn't a thing.
>this again eh?
someone fix this picture (the dad)
>father in the picture
Retard, this only mean one fucking thing
goys is stupid and shares woman with negro
waste of woman genetics on inferior children, and is your fault for letting idiot irresponsible woman think she has right to choose every life aspect
negro have faulty genes, making negrogoy low intellect, poor innovation skill, no ability to interpret objective reality and foresee consequecnes of choice
breeding white woman with black negro is abomination waste of white genes of white moderate intelligence, inferior to asian but superior to all other goy
amerikan white have two option to survive gene pool long enough for singularity
1. deport or kill all black person
2. wait until black is assimilated in white and asian and hispanic majority
amerikan lucky black only 13% of amerikan population and not growing further
but to reduce crime rates and less impede over national education and quality of general livings avoid black man like avoid the plague and no let daughters near them
cuckold idiots
Fuck off
why did she braid that flip boys hair? and what does their adoption have to do with race mixing?
It is true though. I've seen how many times now a woman in the store with blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin and her children are all tan with black hair. Race mixing is happening as we speak. Soon no one will be absolutely white or absolutely black anymore.
>not goyim
A jew getting his own word wrong, something seems fishy about this post.
> ((((((((((((((LIEBERMAN))))))))))))))))
Shut it down
אז ניסיתי לדבר בשפה שהחארות האלה יבינו
אל תזיין לי את השכל יא ערבי אנס עיזים
>black dad
>white mum
>child looks Hispanic
What do you think white + black makes?
Either Hispanic or Filipino.. I'm still not sure, years after seeing this meme of a photo
can parents truly feel the same about a child with different skin or vice vera? i mean as a kid they can't put their hand on their mums/dads and be like we're the same. seems sad
Pretty sure that whore has fetal alcohol syndrome.
Why do you guys do this?