
What are some essential heist kinos?

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Hell or High water

>them gunshot sounds
>the little details added in with the planning
>the built up tension
Remember when Mann was good, lads?

not shit fucking trash on your pic for sure.



Inside Man is tru heist kino

not nearly as over the top of action packed but dog day afternoon is really fucking good

dog day afternoon


Heist (2001)

Reservoir Dogs

the town for sure


Came here to post this

Why would you crash a mans car before pushing it off a cliff?

Unironic kino

it is, great movie, and great use of spike lee's trademark shot

>the bank always wins...

The OG Mann kino

These are pretty good ones
This is a favorite of mine. So damn good.
I want to watch that

>Remember when Mann was good, lads?
>Remember when Di Nero was that suave, mysterious middle aged criminal guy in movies?

Watched this and Goodfellas last week. Will DeNiro ever be good again.

Best soundtrack

>the literal cliffhanger that happens
>people theorising that you needed to smash the bus' windows in order to stabilise it for loot plundering

Der Rauber (very intense and at times action filled, even though it's a slow burner, also has a great ending.

Before The Devil Knows You're Dead too.


>deniro threw it all away

Dead Presidents is underrated Vietnam/heist kino.

Friends of Eddie Coyle.

The Killing by Kubrick

fuck i forgot about this! on that note Asphalt Jungle is great too.

Sexy Beast

deniro got forced by his stupid nigger wife to do those movies since shes a gold digger

kek don't breed with monkeys

>ctrl + f
>The Sting
>0 hits
poor bastards, your missing out on the comfiest of heist kino, get to it

fuck off

fuckin weird that this movie set in the depression or something had music from like the 1890s

what's even weirder is that it was made in 1973