Why is hated by everyone Sup Forums?

why is hated by everyone Sup Forums?

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I don't hate him

Because he tells the truth.

Former Grand Wizard of the KKK
Looks like a fucking plastic doll.
His face is a contradiction ( baby face with a beard)

post ur pretty face

Im friends with him hes going to run for congress

so can any Klansmen here tell me what the deal is with Duke,

did he snitch to the feds or something, is he a control agent that fucked up the movement or was he a victim of such activity?

He's got some good ideas, and he's a race realist, but he can do NO good being in the spotlight or endorsing anyone. He should quietly write books or something. Sneaking suspicion he's just controlled opposition at this point, also maybe a crypto-kike

Started out as lawyer for the KKK. This.


He kills sacred cows.

agree he needs to continue to write. People like him are hated while they live. Their true value is revealed after.

He's not hated here.

i love michael jackson

He tried to make his chapter pay attention to the real subversion and distraction rather than be a potential useful idiot lynch mob.

Because Jews told everyone to hate him. So they do.

Let me post an excerpt

I slowly became aware of a dual morality permeating Jewish-Gentile relations. Jews practiced one morality for themselves and preached another for the non-Jewish world. Their own morality of racial pride taught solidarity, tradition and self-interest. But they preached diversity and liberalism for their perceived competitors. If such dualism did not exist, how could the Jewish-dominated American media:

Support the nation of Israel, which promotes Judaism in its schools, while opposing even the singing of Christmas carols in American public schools?Support the nation of Israel, which has strictly segregated schools, communities, and facilities for Jews and Arabs - while condemning segregated schools and housing in America and South Africa?Support the nation of Israel, with its restrictive "Jews only" immigration laws, while subverting American attempts to curtail even illegal immigration?Support the nation of Israel, which allows every Jewish citizen to carry a machine gun if desired, while advocating strict gun control for American citizens?Support the nation of Israel, which openly states its mission to preserve the Jewish people and heritage, while condemning Whites who would dare to advocate the preservation of the White race and Western culture in America?Always paint the historical relations between Jews and Gentiles with the Gentiles as evildoers and the Jews as innocent victims, while condemning White people for even defending themselves from such Jewish depiction?

He never offers any solutions that brings economy in to the equation

The moral hypocrisy became obvious. Powerful Jews advocate one morality for Jews; the opposite for Gentiles. If their policies of solidarity are morally good for them, why would they not be morally good for us as well? Why the double standard? If "White racists" are morally reprehensible, why are not Jewish supremacists reprehensible as well?

While Herzl and other Zionists feverishly gathered worldwide Jewish support for the establishment of the exclusively Jewish state, Jewish activists were busy trying to negate the Christian component of American culture and remove even Christmas carols from our schools. While they trumpet their belief that they are a "Chosen People" above all others, and celebrate a unique people defined by heritage from Abraham to the present - they tell White people that race consciousness is evil. While they established a Jewish nation where citizenship is based almost exclusively on the heredity of the "Jewish people," Jewish anthropologists promote the idea that the White race doesn't exist. Even though they devotedly support their own exclusively Jewish-run state of Israel, they work feverishly to undermine the White control and character of America through the "civil-rights" movement and massive non-White immigration. While they have laws in Israel prohibiting Gentiles from owning certain media, they boldly move to gain control of the great majority of the mass media in America.

Pro White movements get exclusive very quickly. That means they block the mass immigration scheme that creates cheap labor/big profits for the Central Bank and Friends.

That is why all modern propaganda for at least four generations has tried to break any white solidarity that crops up.

If the David Dukes of the world want to win a few victories, they had better learn how Fiat Currency is the control mechanism that has allowed the Forced Integration Scheme to charge forward at full steam.

Expose the Central Bank and the Money Printing Advantage!

I think he's cool

Mattie Smith told me that the Jews had the leading role in the efforts to destroy the very underpinnings of our race and our heritage. I had read that Jews were the leaders of the academic movement promoting the idea that races are equal in their physical and mental abilities. In looking into the foundations of racial egalitarianism, I found that adherents of international Communism pioneered the modern notions of racial equality. In America, Marxist organizations quickly gained ascendancy in the remnants of the old abolitionist movements. In South Africa, they led the fight for full "democratic" rights for the Blacks. Across the world, Communism allied itself with non-White peoples and their struggle for "liberation from White imperialism, colonialism, and oppression." I soon found out that Jews dominated the International Communist movement in modern times just as they had led Bolshevism in Russia early in the 20th century.

Jewish scribe Nathan Glazer stated matter-of-factly that in the 60s and 70s the Jews comprised half of all the active Communists in the United States and four out of five of its leaders. Two Jews, Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, led the Marxist-Oriented, Yippie Movement, and they were two of the five Jewish members of the revolutionary "Chicago Seven" group - tried for the violent disruption of the 1968 Democratic Convention. I read a book called Behind Communism, and I was surprised to discover that at least 4 out of 5 of all those caught and convicted of Communist espionage and treason in the United States and Canada were Jews.

The media paints him as a racist, white supremacist conspiracy loon every chance they get, and people blindly follow without researching the truth about him.

The Jewish-owned media will always speak ill of him because he dares tell the truth about Jewish influence in government and media.

Read his book, My Awakening, to hear him explain his life and beliefs.

Going to skip ahead a bit, that said Duke went through a similar redpilling experience I went through.

Franz Boas is the accepted father of the modern egalitarian school of anthropology. He was a Jewish immigrant from Germany with little formal training in the anthropological field, having done his doctoral thesis on the color of water. Boas introduced what he called "cultural anthropology" to the discipline. Until his arrival, anthropology fell in the realm of physical science. Boas effectively divided anthropology into the separate disciplines of cultural and physical anthropology.

Early physical anthropologists were truly race scientists because they studied man and his evolutionary development through the study of the measurable physical characteristics of the human races, past and present. Any good physical anthropologist could pick up a human skull and, based on its characteristics, quickly identify the race of the specimen. Of course, this physiological knowledge was vital in sorting out the unearthed remnants of early man and piecing together man's prehistory and evolutionary development. Cultural anthropology dealt more with the different contemporary cultures of mankind and culturally related questions of antiquity and prehistory, making it a far less precise science, and one open to wide interpretation.

Is a good redpill book? I don't want to read if he's another crypto-kike.

The more you read the more you realize this is a Jewish-borne problem.

Both of Boas' parents were radical socialists in the revolutionary movement that swept over Europe in 1870. In his biography of Boas, his student Melville Herskovits wrote that Boas' political sympathies "leaned towards a variety of socialism." The United States House of Representatives cited Boas' involvement with 44 Communist-front organizations. Coinciding with the rise of Nazism in Germany and the increasing influence of racially aware anthropologists in the world scientific community, Boas began to marshal his anthropological influence in service of his political sympathies. He began to advance the quack idea that there are really no such things as individual human races. He argued that although they had variations of skin colors and features, the groups called races possessed little difference genetically and that, whatever their superficial differences, solely their environment created them. By 1938 Boas dropped the above quotation from the new edition of his book.

He gathered many Jewish disciples around him, including Gene Weltfish, Isador Chein, Melville Herskovits, Otto Klineberg, and Ashley Montagu. He also had among his followers the Negro K. B. Clark and two women, Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead. Mead later wrote her famous book on Samoa (Coming of Age in Samoa) suggesting that indiscriminate sexual relations would lessen teenage traumas and problems. (Her opus was later soundly refuted by Derek Freeman, who showed that Mead had falsified her data on Samoa.)

Boas and his entire cadre of disciples had extensive Communist connections. He repeatedly proclaimed that he was in a "holy war against racism" and he died suddenly during a luncheon where once again and for the last time, he stressed the need to fight "racism." Boas and his comrades gained control over the anthropology departments of most universities by encouraging their egalitarian comrades to always use their positions to support their own in academic appointments. While traditional anthropologists had no ax to grind and no sacred cause to champion, Boas and his followers embarked on a holy mission to extirpate racial knowledge from the academic establishment. They succeeded.

Whenever egalitarians achieved positions of influence or power, they aided their comrades to rise in the teaching departments of the colleges and academic departments they administered. They could count on fellow Jews who held influential university positions to assist their co-religionists, as well as Gentile egalitarians, in getting professorships and research appointments and promotions. Similar collusion took place in the ranks and on the boards of anthropological associations and journals. However, the coup de grĂ¢ce was the massive support given the egalitarian dogma by the media establishment, which was overwhelmingly in Jewish hands.

I love the good doctor.

Ashley Montagu became the best-known spokesman for the equality hoax, superseding Boas as the most popular exponent of antiracism. His well-modulated British accent and aristocratic name added instant credibility to his racial pronouncements. I can still, after thirty years, remember his impressive appearances on the Today television program. His book, Race: Man's Most Dangerous Myth, became the bible of equality, and it profoundly impressed me before I had a chance to read the other side. Montagu's real name was Israel Ehrenberg. In a brilliant exercise of psychological camouflage, Ehrenberg changed his name a number of times, finally settling on not simply an Anglo-Saxon moniker, but the name Montagu, which is one of Britain's most aristocratic and oldest medieval-titled families.

By the late 1990s, Jewish writers began to brazenly write about their domination of American anthropology. In a 1997 edition of American Anthropologist, which is published by the American Anthropological Association, Jewish scholar Gelya Frank writes that egalitarian American anthropology was so thoroughly Jewish that it should be classed as "part of Jewish History." Frank goes on to admit that anthropology is in the service of a social agenda and that her essay focuses on Jewish anthropologists who are "concerned with turning multiculturalist theories into agendas for activism." The same breed of anthropologists who so fervently declare that "there is no such thing as race" concerning Blacks and Whites are now hypocritically affirming the unique genetic homogeneity of Jews. Moreover, increasing numbers of Jewish anthropologists have come out of the closet in celebration of their special genetic and cultural heritage.

This shit eats me up inside because I love ACTUAL fucking anthropology but its been so poz'd like all the other humanities that there is no way I could get worthwhile education on the subject in today's academic paradigm.

Even if I slipped under the radar and did my own research and papers it would get buried and I would become persona non grata within the field very quickly, so its not worth the headache.

Fucking Jews ruin everything.


Do your work. Publish your papers, anonymously if you have to but do it. Eventually the truth surfaces to the top. Do it for our species user. Do it for us.

Not a klansman, but he joined it when he was a teenager because it was the only pro-White organization around. There was no internet back then for a goy to navigate for redpills and find likeminded people. He wanted to advocate for his people and that was the only real way to do it, as he saw it.

He's a victim of his time mainly, because once a klansman always a klansman in the eyes of the kike media machine which will never stop calling him that and associating him with lynching blacks even though that is the complete opposite of what he believes in.

He's a saint.

I haven't gone into the field yet, I am just an armchair enthusiast.

I still might, but in the mean time I have to build up a living so I can afford to be a scholar of independent means and beholden to no interest other than my own.

Sounds like a plan to me

I hate him because he is an attention whore. he knows the media will use any pro-trump comment of his, but he won't stfu.
He is that guy who ruins a fun party because he drove his car through the neighbor's yard and got the cops called.

I assumed he had some facial injury (burns?) and this was the best plastic surgery could do. No?

Look into Ariel Toaff, Kevin MacDonald and Steve Sailer. It is difficult but possible to name a certain religio-ethnic group and still collect an income. In fact lately there seems to be enormous progress.

There weren't any red pills then either. People probably called it "the real truth"?

Because he is like you assholes, he is probably right but he is a faggot about it.

>Kevin MacDonald

The kikes HATE him with a passion.

>hes going to run for congress

Yes please.

What state?


I talked to a Louisianan recently who was nonplussed about his options between Duke and the other guy he called a "criminal". The problem is the literature isn't available necessary to inform people- its online but no one points to it.

Honestly though race realism in America might as well be dead, race mixing is more commonplace. Focusing more on the Jews and their subversion is important and more feasible imo.

Bump for actual content in an original thread

no, he did this to himself while trying to be the face of white nationalism in the 80s and 90s

for telling the truth

you want red pills? George Washington sucked cock,

Julius Caesar wasn't murdered he just wanted to retire without people bothering him

Welcome to the shit hole of the internet and a casual introduction to the biggest shit heads you've ever met.

He's a Democrat operative and FBI informant demagogue like Al Sharpton. Trust him at your own risk.

I know only a little about him but he looks like a child/wife beater kind of the same ilk of David Miscavige.

if u dont know the Duke and u still watch Alen Jones, check this out
u cant fund this on the info wars channel, tho
i wonder why..

Any source on this? I love his research but I am aware he was brought up on corruption charges for using campaign funds for personal use.

Because he doesn't hide his power level very well and tries to use the same subversive strategies as the globalists (((international elements))) but doesn't understand why that won't work from his position.

>Trust him at your own risk.

well he's obviously too high profile to trust, but what has he done in the past, I've been told the Klan was originally an organization dedicated to preserving the family

did a few dirtbags from government come in and lynch some blacks to grab negative press and fuel divisive conflicts? was he one of those operatives or did he get blamed although innocent of conspiring with government

yeah but that charge sounds pretty bullshit, not like they caught him banging toddlers or something typical

He is a very wise man, wisdom is despised in the 21st century.

His books and studies will be among the chief information describing the downfall of the USA and Europe for future generations, so we can learn to not make the mistake of dealing with the merchant people.

Yeah it was probably trumped up.
I wish I could support him somehow.

Duke is the best Kike destroyer