We post red pilled you tubers

Sargon of Akkad is my favorit

Others include:
The Amazing Atheist
Amounted skeptic

Other urls found in this thread:

Lt corbis

Show on head and Blaine white are also red Pilled women

is that you sexian?

Wait. Hold it you dummies. Go shill someplace else.

Sargon is too boring
Amazing Atheist is a weirdo
Thunderfoot is anti brexit
and Armoured Skeptic's only agrument is Hey Moron!

Honestly the only based youtuber i Pat Condell

Fuck off

Sargon is a liberal cuck
Thunderf00t was pro-Remain

Pat Condell sucks the Jew dick. Not in any way based.


chose one, maybe 7 years ago ppl was real, now all fake greenscreen or bluescreen, all is edited, and even comedy is being faken

Youtube is a gigantic waste of time, unless you want to know more about aliens, conspiracy teory.

ppl just say what you want to hear, ppl is not real anymore, they are fucking living off youtube, what made youtube videos awesome was that was ppl like you and me but doing something cool or crazy now its about the views, and pll is living off this, so we will have a generation of useless ppl living off your ass, they are not going to work, they are going to live off your fucking autism.


Except none of those are Red-pilled

You can end your life any time now, thanks.

> no one mentioning based Molyneux

I wasn't expecting arguments anyway..

I like Sargon for the sole reason that he isn't a collectivist and understands the problems of the left and right are rooted in collectivism.
The more people understand the trapping on collectivism, the better everyone will be.

>Armoured Skeptic's only agrument is Hey Moron!
>implying it's a bad argument

I used to like thunderfoot but the guy is just too autistic for me

lmao try teaching that to niggers and you will have a lot of fun.

you are so naive it hurts ffs annon.

get out of your basement, there is no snow now, so you can just fucking go outside.

Did you forget to post redpilled people OP? I don't see any.

ill give you that.

Dr. Danglers is great if you like laughing at cucks and he does not show his faggot face.

What is wrong with you?

my sides

>Sargon is a liberal cuck
And literal cuck

This, Pat has had his eyes wide open since the start, amost bane tier.

All these cucks and nobody mentions morrakow


What a joke.

Exactly my point
>hurrr try explaining collectivism to the collective
Are you telling me that I can't explain a concept to any individual? That there isn't a single black person who can understand concepts?

This is exactly the root of collectivism and the problem. Individualism will always trump collectivism.
This is why I respect Sargon trying to push individualism and volition so hard.

Niggers aren't the problem, it's people who go
>he didn do nuttin
in the sense that he has no volition, no responsability because he's black and the collective can't be shown to be weak.

I like Sargon because I can link moderate liberal friends to him and they'll hear out his arguments since they'll listen to fellow liberals, but he's still at least six months from being fully redpilled.

haha just kidding, what an autist


Molymeme was doing red pilled youtube social commentary a decade before any of these other cucks

Mister Metokur

>he's still at least six months from being fully redpilled.
Doubt it. So long as he doesn't fold on his views on collectivism, he'll never go 'redpilled'. Redpill, although correct on many issues, view problems with a collectivism lens from a top down rather than a bottom up.
He's a liberal on the left that listens to the right. I would consider him more of a centralist but he leans more to the mid left because he values social security because he was poor at one point and understands the problem of the poor.

I understood where he was coming from when he made a video talking about how working minimum wage was barely enough to get you by after someone made a comment on his video that the only reason the poor are poor are because they just aren't working hard enough, and people just act apathetic towards the poor.
And that same person who Sargon made a video response to, responded to that video saying something along the lines of ''well whatever, they should just work even harder, it's still they're fault' as though the poor were just workhorses to be pushed harder.

With the shitshow he did on the Sarkeesian Effect, I don't trust a single word out of his mouth.

>Sargon of Akkad
>The Amazing Atheist
>Amounted skeptic

Also known as the "cuck sqaud"

Although if I were to recommend a redpilled youtuber that doesn't get enough attention, I would recommend Naked Ape.
He's right wing, talks shit on collectivism and shit talks BLM, the Muslims, SJW, feminist and everything Sup Forums hates.

This is probably his best video. It's what made me realize that SJW are all fucking insane.

Sargon - sort of Ok, but bland recently.

Amazing Athiest: half SJW, and a degenerate

THunderfoot - Anti-Brexit Moron
Good YouTubers:

The Rubin Report (lefty gay guy who hosts alt right people on his show)

Atheism is Unstoppable - Recently doing a great job in anti-BLM videos

He thinks the main hispanic is a mixed race injun

He is not a race realist

Fuck off skeptics we know that's you.

Fucking dropped

>The Amazing Atheist

No thanks.

Black Pigeon Speaks

>and Armoured Skeptic's only agrument is Hey Moron!
That's Undoomed. I agree with all the other assessments. I like Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle.

You leaves just keep getting worse.

(new video coming soon)

>Black Pigeon Speaks



Styxhexenhammer666. All you need.

BPS - underrated.

I like him for his political catch up predictions.

>red pilled

Based Bant Merchant

Is that...Johan?


Fucking dropped

desu he has a son of his own with his wife so that kinda evens it.

His dick is fucking minuscule.

that is Thomas Kirk, the man they call "Amazing Atheist"

Vladivostok3701 - Videos about degeneracy, anti-feminism and immigration.

Mandatory viewing:

>Red pilled
>Letting other people tell you how too think


Shit list, OP.
I like
Stephan Molyneux
Naked Ape
Foot on head (is alright haven't paid her much attention)

Whats the deal with that onion faggot?

>Naked Ape
My nigger.



That bait isn't as bad as the bait the media in England uses.