Operation Reacharound: Twitter's last buttfuck

Twitter overreached, the internet routes around it.

While Milo is a degenerate faggot with fullblown AIDS, he's OUR degenerate faggot with fullblown AIDS. If Saudi-owned Twitter bans faggots, you're not safe either.

1. 40Gbps of neverending memes shit into Twitter mocking their users for being slaves on a digital plantation.
2. Tag memes with #Twexit #TwitterHatesFags #FireJackDorsey #FreeMilo, take down TWTR stock, call for Twitter corporate board to replace Jack Dorsey and investigate his ties to #BLM terrorist @Deray #Deray4Treason.
3. Exodus of Twitter to competing platforms like SeaLion.club. You bring the content and the attention, don't forget it.

While users abandon Twitter, their voice must be replaced with a sewage pipe of memes so abhorrent only the most shameless users of Twitter can stomach to remain on the sinking ship.

Be bold, be courageous, the internet will not be silenced.

Other urls found in this thread:


#2 shit all over Twitter poopaloo. Twitter SJW btfo periscope.tv/w/1gqxvBPdmwpxB

No thanks. Faggot got what he deserved.

Why are you on /pol then? Are you so dumb that you like free speech platforms for yourself, but not for someone with a lifestyle that's degenerate?


>but not for someone with a lifestyle that's degenerate

nigga, why you on /popl/?!

Because I want to be free. And I know I can only be free when everyone's free.

I support this for the name alone. Good show

twitter should ban all faggots.

Together we'll make the internet great again. First Twitter, next Facebook.

Censorship and oppression is what has kept the Mexican people down. Mexico is a gorgeous country but oppression restrains the infinite potential of your country and people. Twitter is the digital equivalent of the worst of corrupted politicians.

Honestly I don't care what happens to any social media sites. Anonymous posting is place for real dialogue

That bieng said I'm always up Cuck the sjw in the cultural war.


sounds gay as fuck
im in

I don't use Twitter either it's a badly made service. But what they're doing is trying to set a precedent of content restriction. You may not care this year, but you'll care next year when internet traffic carriers implement content filtering in core routing equipment. If you do nothing, that happens. If you resist, it doesn't. You decide.

Some rapper called a black Breitbart writer a coon and didn't get b&, hold up I'll find it.

corruption is what has kept the mexican people down.

Pic related.

That's the spirit


That's right bean brother, we have to fight back. If Twitter silences degenerate faggots with fullblown AIDS today, they'll silence Mexican corruption whistleblowers tomorrow. It cannot stand.

HERE: breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2016/07/20/rapper-talib-kweli-attacks-breitbarts-jerome-hudson-calls-coon-twitter-not-banned-platform/

That's a prime example of what should redpill morons thinking it's a private company's policy issue. It's not, they clearly don't apply their policy equally and that won't be tolerated. We should collect the many examples of Twitter hypocrisy flowing through #FreeMilo. It'll be powerful redpill material and meme fodder for Operation Reacharound.

He would have said the same thing about Social Media.

What did he mean by this?

Too many hashtags, how bout just twexit?

I love you dude in the most polack non homosexual way that is possible, you just say what I just belive , it is about what is noble and beatifull in this world .

I don't use twitter you dumb nigger. Take this shit to Sup Forums

He violated the rules, he got banned. Good riddance.

Any club that would accept him as a member wouldn't be worth joining.

Same with Twitter. Getting banned there is a badge of honor. Look at who they do accept, and be proud that you aren't looked at as part of that group.

I think the only appropriate response here is to inundate Twitter with wildly offensive sock puppets that indiscriminately target all celebrities.

Don't you have a hot pocket to eat

Thank you freedom brother.

>a fuckin leaf

fuck off you cuck faggot. i hope milo dies of aids, and you with him.

shilling is against global rules, btw

Good idea, targetting celebrities so the smart ones who know how the internet works can ignore it and have a laugh, and the dumb ones can be drawn in and taught a lesson like Rick James.

Yes, but why does he look down on a group that would accept him. That's what I am confused about. I'm not a smart man.

Then why are you here?

Yea those were just suggestions, #Twexit and #FreeMilo are probably the best two.

Read again:

When did Sup Forums become disgustingly cucked?

Sure thing Leslie

I support Milo.

Self deprecating humor. If the club had such low standards that they would accept him, why would anyone want to join it?

Wow, really makes you think.

In other news, Trump just lost the reddit vote :^)

Bump, Milo is a faggot Jew but he's our faggot Jew


You're @Jack's cuck but you're too dumb to know it. What's going on is savvy people recognizing globalist gameplan to shut down a free internet. You don't have to support faggots with fullblown AIDS to recognize the danger we're all responsible to fight against.

Eat shit OP, Milo is a fucking faggot and you are a brainless shill for buying his shit.

Thread reported.

why are you here? you niggerloving faggot cucks arent welcome here

milo shouldnt have freedom of speech or any rights whatsoever

So, new Cristiero Rebellion?

It's ironic, that people who actually hate degenerate faggots with fullblown AIDS but love free internet, have to rally behind a degenerate faggot with fullblown AIDS to protect the free internet. It was a smart strategic move by Twitter's Saudi owners, but it's backfiring in a major way.

Wait, does Milo actually have AID's?

Asking for a friend...

Probably but I don't know.

I consulted with Kek and shitting all over twitter is his will

FWIW, I think homosexuality is degenerate. But I'm also smart enough to understand strategy, and we have a duty to use Milo as our pawn bottom to preserve a free internet.

Trips demand it. TWITTER MUST BURN. When its shareholders see the cost of oppressive internet practices, Facebook and others will think very seriously about it.

fuck the faggots, im agree with twitter this time.

Not your army faggot

Milo ran his mouth and got what he wanted

Oh. That makes sense, I know nothing about him, I didn't detect the humor of it. Is he a comedian? Thanks anyway, fampai.

Nice try Achmed

And that's why your corrupt politicians can control and exploit your people. Read again:

>not knowing who Groucho Marx is.

Not sure if being trolled, or should just feel very very sad about todays youth.

Maybe we also go another route and praise twater by making #banallfaggots #gaysleavetwitter trend? We pretend that we hate gays now and twitter is a great anti gay platform untill the leftists take them appart.

Feel bad about todays youth.

Brilliant angle. I think all of it should go on at the same time. We pull them apart and give them no easy dialectic to play off.

he was gang raped by gay niggers you figure it out

Not only do we promote Twitter's rabid anti-faggot policy, we encourage Twitter to begin banning others in the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm disappointed people still fail to realize Milo isn't even fucking gay. He just pretends to be to be the best tool against liberals ever created.

He was probably hired by some multibillionaire conservative in an attempt to shift more people to the right; and thats totally fine since the left have done it for years.

If you believe he's actually gay, please hang yourself with barbed wire. It's so fucking obvious he's not.

You are doing God's work user. Dorsey and Deray are literally fucking.

Dub dubs have spoken, Twitter must burn. Long live the free internet!

4D psyop, oppressive radical leftists BTFO.

Seems like a thing he'd do...

What about this idea, not only competing platforms, but platforms that openly interop. Twitter stole the hashtag from IRC anyway, so we beat them at their game. Imagine a network of services like Twitter, users take their pic, and the messages are exchanged between them. Distributed realtime news and information platform, censorship free.

Anyone buying into this bullshit raid to defend a pandering faggot is a fucking retard. Good riddance.

Dumb faggot read:

I'm pretty sure I got banned on twitter for saying jack and deray are in a homosexual relationship.

More of Saudi-owned Twitter's sharia lawls. #SaudiTwitter #ShariaLawls

I've been waiting for people to take down twitter for the past 5 years. That company is filth.

What do you think about my idea at

It's useful for herding normies.


I think it's good, people need options for free and open discussion on the internet. Anyone who is against that is the enemy in my eyes.

The meme is happening. Check out the serious talent in twitter.com/philosophicart/status/755957022059790336

Yes, but so often it herds them in the wrong direction.

More happening aaronlevitreiii.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/milo-banned-from-twitter/

More happening youtube.com/watch?v=DI4r0mSe7BY

Fodder twitter.com/lenlucas46/status/755861331299950592

Meme twitter.com/HR_Lovelyface/status/755959671270285312

More happening youtube.com/watch?v=UA44q8W_Xt0

More meme twitter.com/D34D1337P00L/status/755952601900781568

More meme twitter.com/Reviveempires/status/755960330384211968