Penn & Teller's Bullshit

Thoughts on this?

some good episodes, a whole lot of holier than thou, but that's to be expected from penn
for sure entertaining though

selective editing of interviewees

Wassup Maddox?

Some eps good, some eps shit like the one where they "prove" being cold doesn't make you more likely to get sick

Full of bullshit

Occasionally funny as fuck. Mostly biased low-blows

its good when i agree with them basically

Libertarians would love it

I liked it. I wish it was made today to triggered the special snowflakes over at Sup Forums and tumblr.

Penn expressed interest in wanting to bring it back, saying "The show is more relevant now more than ever." this was like 2 years or something ago.

One of my favorite shows, love it.

bottled water is the best one

When they're dealing with actual 100% certified loony bullshit like homeopathy it was pretty good. When they branched out into what they just disagreed with it wasn't.

I'd rather be watching a James Randi show calling bullshit on mediums and other con-men, to be honest.

It was alright. I remember seeing a terrible show that was kind of like it but it had some college humor guy who spent the whole episode up his own ass. So it could have been worse.

what? they never did exposès they would interview people and experts for their opinions. they did an episode about lawns for fuck's sake

Went for low hanging fruit. Did some good, but the attitude was all wrong. But that seems to be the case these days with things like this show.

Either its head is so far up its own ass with its smugness, or it tries to be preachy and treat the viewer like a child.

>so far up its own ass with its smugness, or it tries to be preachy and treat the viewer like a child.

unfortunately thats the only way to get the point across to your average tv viewer, so many shows still doing it to this day

They were mostly correct on 80% of things.

Especially the libertarian stuff.

They put that piece of shit SJW noam chomsky in his place.

Fuck leftists.

"my freedom of speech doesn't extend that far"
Go fuck yourself noam

Fuck noam chomsky.

Occasionally good, often clowded by political biases

>That scary moment when they called out how they supposedly can't talk about some issues because they're white in the Reperations episode
>And it still applies to this day

noam chomsky is literally one of like three ok jews

go back to /r/the_donald you zionist/capitalist cucks

national SOCIALISM is the only way forward

The quality dropped hard after the third season. Dunno if they changed networks or something.

>noam chomsky is literally one of like three ok jews
He's a socialist kike.
Steven Pinker regularly destroys him.

Noam chomsky is an authoritarian faggot that literally never stops lying.

>national (((SOCIALISM)))
Kill yourself you fucking communist faggot.
Nobody wants to live in an authoritarian shithole.

Why go after Lawns? Only seems to be in a issue in those desert states.

Did Penn piss of his local neighborhood association or what?

Get a grip you fucking moron

>a white man desiring an ideology that will keep him enslaved

why not be a free market nationalist?

>free market


>not a eco-cuck

Enjoy being poor lmao

I'm not a stirnercuck but that was pretty spooky

>he cares about money

>moral relativism

>>he cares about money
Of COURSE I fucking do.
You don't?

Why do you hate technology and want to live in the fucking woods and die at age 40?

Kill yourself you neo-luddite.
I want white people to explore space. Fuck you and fuck (((Varg))).

>>moral relativism
I'm not a moral relativist either.

Topkek Maddox got BTFO.

I thought the one about AA was really good.

Morality is either objective or relative, think before you type.

No it's not lol

You can still have strong morals and disapprove of people that don't have the same moral code as you without morals being somehow "objective".

>Obesity is genetic!
>If this were caveman times, a fat fuck like me would have reproduced while you picky eaters would starve to death long ago!
was he right?

>>Obesity is genetic!
Yes this is mostly true.
Everything is genetic, including race.

There are people who have a genetic propensity to getting fat quicker than others, sure. But you still have to eat like a pig to become obese, regardless of your genetics.

One sided liberal propaganda

That's illogical and you are stupid.

Some people are predisposed to become fat more easily, but life choices are more important for the vast majority of the population. Just look at how quickly obesity rates have increased with time, the genetic explanation doesn't hold for the majority.

>That's illogical and you are stupid.
no lol