Now that the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's opinion on Taylor Swift?

Now that the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's opinion on Taylor Swift?

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crypto kike

She is friends with kanye

she is thereby a cuck enabler

she should return to civility

until then I and not interested


taytay is love

taytay is life


I love her. She is perfect. Once we seize power, she should be the empress that we die for.

typical SJW whore looking to make a victim of herself as usual. Also a terrible person from what I've heard.

Seriously, other than being white, what's Sup Forums's deal with her?

she's cute and triggers niggers

She's hiding her powerlevel until the time is right.

Taylor Swift is the supreme being. She is extraordinarily talented. She is highly intelligent. She has a gorgeous face. Her body is the ideal female form, an exquisite combination of long, lean, lithe, and delicate. She has the kind of body on a woman you marry because she will be as gorgeous 40 years later as the day you met her.

>Seriously, other than being white, what's Sup Forums's deal with her?

She is hated by leftists for acting so classy and white and for secretly supporting Trump

Poor Karlie is getting attacked too

>Lena Dunham’s fervent Hillary support should have influenced Swift to take a stand. But by looking higher up in the squad hierarchy, we hit a snag: Karlie Kloss. While Kloss might look like an unlikely political operative, the former Victoria’s Secret Angel has been dating Jared Kushner’s brother, Joshua Kushner, for four years. Jared Kushner used to be famous for inheriting a real-estate empire from his once-imprisoned father and owning The New York Observer. Now, his claim to fame is his wife, Ivanka Trump, and her notorious father, Donald. Instead of conscientiously objecting or simply staying out of the fray, Kushner has permanently tarnished his record by actually going to bat for Donald Trump, acting as his speechwriter and vocal surrogate.

>Taylor, like Trump, is a bald-faced liar. And while Swift hasn’t announced her endorsement yet, Trump is an unabashed fan of the polarizing pop star. It might only be a matter of time until Trump ditches “We Are the Champions” and starts making his entrances to “You Belong With Me”

Did we meme it into reality?

We live to serve.

she is a smart girl

i bet you she was already there before any of us influenced her.

>implying taylor swift even knows what Sup Forums is

(someone link this fag that screencap of taylor on Sup Forums)

Stop posting these threads cockmaster

That was supposedly debunked by Jewt. I don't have the cap of it but I've seen it posted a few times. Not that i trust anything that scheming rat says.

>rat face
>sexless Asian body

Oh i do have it.


Beta orbiters.

I'm surprised a snek made it this far in this country.

>he doesnt know that taytay lurks Sup Forums and posted on Sup Forums

Theres more...the cat naming shit.

....and the Sup Forums memes in her twitter posts


Hottest swift pics competition. GO!





Were the men who prayed to the Virgin Mary before crusading beta orbiters? Were the men who died for Joan of Arc beta orbiters?

Vive l'Imperatrice


this is like the only picture i ever liked of tswift

looks better with some curves.
should stop trying to look anorexic like her uglier model friends.


Lying white bitch who got REKT by based Kim

Bunch of jealous niggers and coalburners are desperately trying to bring her down.

Fuck them.

>Sup Forums hates sluts and thinks they're degenerate
>Sup Forums loves Taylor swift who's been through 9 guys in 8 years.
>Sup Forums isn't satire

Dying for a woman who wouldn't let you hit it. Yeah sounds like they were.


I've been through more women than that.

You're a man aren't you? Doesn't change the fact she's a slut.

Sup Forums is a socially liberal board m8.

truly, we are only economically conservative.

basically libertarian, with a strong nationalistic streak

Bullshit, by and large Sup Forums is anti-fag and pro family. Milo dicksuckers need to fuck off back to rebbit.

nigger, you will never understand the spiritual bond of beauty and symbolism that unites men to their queens.

This one???

She's gone ghetto

The twerking in her "shake it Off" video was the turning point

she abandon country music career

she's new song is like "I dated guys and they all broke my heart"

she Attended GOP Convention in 2008

However In 2016

She Attende GLAAD award show

The truth is , she's a liberal feminist

A lying whore that got caught red handed in a lie.

Once very nice, now a generic slutbag. But still much more tolerable than Kanye.

I have more og Taylor if anyone is interested.


the horror

Rare TayTays incoming

Fucking bae

She's a rabid feminist bitch

Coal burner whose best friend is a pedophile jew feminist.

Gr8 hair senpai


>She is hated by leftists for acting so classy and white and for secretly supporting Trump
Any proof of this other then the photoshop nazi stuff Sup Forums likes to post?

Yeah too bad she went Crazy bitch haircut lately.

She's gross

Taytay is awesome

Lol she got exposed as a lying PR whore and you betas still worship her

Is she a woman or a fucking kid?


What even happened and who gives a shit?

sorry i'm still in love.

i'm waiting for her to come out on top and dommer her enemies like she usually does





She's awful. Literally the only people who still like her on this board are NEETs trying to live out their escapism wiafu fantasies. Sure she's pretty, but she's is a textbook Mean Girl. The same kind of girls that make fun of the fat asses and autists on Sup Forums.


Found the fat neckbeard autistic.

>Keeping pictures of pop star on hard drive
Yet I'm the neckbeard. Interesting.

thats not bad for a female without make up

God shivers at the mere passing thought of the things i'd do to Tay Tay

>9 guys in 8 years
>virgin detected

Dumb impressional young gal fell in with wrong crowd (Californian showbiz people)

We must save her.

How asspained are you faggot

the jews turned her into a tool to make them loads of money in their jew world order, so sad, but this is what America is now and might be forever.

I miss old Taylor.
The one that wore flannel and sang about romantic stuff.

She is not fully white. Look at her facial features. She has mongol in her.

Taylor Swift singing in the DNC would be the Democrat's biggest coup.

But she's not and you just know the Democrats contacted her about it.

Closet Republican Tay Tay is all right.

You guys need to support a real qt3.14 country girl who puts Jesus and America first and foremost.

Taylor is old news. I didn't think I'd be dropping her until at least her 28th birthday but Taylor has fallen too far into the Hollywood Jew-hole of liberalism.

I was 14 too once before user. Troll harder.

She's a pop singer. Only children and developmentally retarded adults give a fuck about your Taytay beyond hearing her latest song on the radio at a mall or while driving.

Look at all that hair on her body!

It seems like you have a lot of pain in the ass you need relived here's a Tay Tay just for you

Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with people? Who the fuck would make this?


She most likely acts nice in front of the cameras but is a bitch and dramatic in person.

Still would fuck her though



very pretty but a bad person

>Dust has settled
lol, From what?

So how many dicks has Taylor taken in her life?

It's like she has a new boyfriend every week and was seen coming out of hotels with Kanye plenty of times.

oh shit