When statistically 1/3 of you are overweight and can't attract females.
Why are Americans on pol/ so arrogant?
america BTFO!
Majority rule.
I'd A FUCKING LEAF you if I wasn't Leaf myself faggot
whites are by far the thinnest demographic, and most people aren't overweight until they are 30+ and already have kids.
Niggs and Mexicans are fat from a young age at a high rate.
E.G. 70% of Black women are obese.
But that doesn't reflect on young white working men. Despite the constant shitposting from foreign nations.
>why are they arrogant
gee, White Americans were only the most productive and most successful group of people in human history. Going from being a colony, to being the premiere global super power 200 years later.
Some countries have existed thousands of years and never achieved 25% as much as the US has.
Why are the chinese peepee so small?
I was wondering why pol/ was so devoid of thought provoking content, makes sense all the good posts come from the tiny 7.16% of us on here.
>Going from being a colony, to being the premiere global super power 200 years later
Simply an amalgamation of European, primarily Anglo, cultures in a huge, optimal, resource rich environment.
It would be impossible for the US not to have been very rich.
US owes it success to blacks though. you wouldn't have been a super power without the help of black intellectuals.