Le nordic """"""master race""""""

>primitive barbarians for thousands of years
>architecture mostly consists of barn-tier churches
>no notable contributions to literature or the arts
>no historical significance aside from chimping out throughout Europe during the dark ages
>desperately trying to claim discovery of America as a historical accomplishment
>coasting through life on le blonde hair blue eyes meme
>literally the WE WUZ KANGZ of Europe

Other urls found in this thread:


>do nothing
>somehow end up being the most successful race by far
yeah. i see no problem in your logic. if this is bait, it's really badly made

Define success?

>most successful race by far

Ummm, the total population of all Nordic countries is 25 Million ... THAT IS IT ... 25 Million with probably 3-5 million of that being arabs, southern europeans, blacks etc. How exactly is that being successful when you dont produce babies for the next generation?

+.02 krona was deposited

kool, you post one pic out of random sample size faggot.. gawd you shills are the worst..




That is some severe butthurt you got going on there, Chang.

Also blonde men look kinda faggy desu

There's a reason they say tall DARK and handsome

Ingmar Bergman, Soren Kierkergard, Carolus Linneaus

> burger education


>Not Saxon masterrace

You never heard of the sagas? There's runes in Newfoundland for Fucks Sake man


Wtf I hate Norway now. I have no choice but to become a #Muslimmissile

is it know.

Bohr was Jewish

>raid weaklings
>take their women
>make a great civilization

what niggers do is they steal and piss it away, we wuz smat n'shiet.

what do you think of nordics?

>architecture mostly consists of barn-tier churches.
>I'm 12 and what is shipbuilding?
>I'm 12 and what is having nothing but wood to build structures that don't rot in wet weather?
>No notable contribution to literature or the arts.
>I'm 12 and what is eddic poetry and wooden sculpture.
>No historical significance aside from chimping out throughout Europe during the dark ages.
>I'm 12 and who are those niggers colonized by the Northern European powers?
>I'm 12 and what is this?

Yes, we were little better than Injun tier with only basic metallurgy to set us apart. But at least we kicked ass when necessary.


>Most prized and respected warriors in the entire Byzantine Empire and made enemy sandnigger shit their pants

Feels good, famalam.

>somehow end up being the most successful race by far

Nords aren't Anglo user


>try for ages to point out how britain has nordic blood
>nords are like lulno anglo fags
>someone points out nords are WE WUZ KANGZ
>point out anglos were the true successful white race
>suddenly anglos are nords again

They were in Iceland, Greenland and what is now Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, and border states here in America for hundreds of years before Columbus was even born. Not that impressive, but facts are facts.

>>>nords are like lulno anglo fags
I think it's because that German dude constantly make thread where he posts some really ugly anglos mistreating some arian dude who is really hot.

It just makes you think "goddamn those anglos are disgusting" every time you see those pics.

The beady guy etc.

Oldest fishing net ever.

So your only valid argument is that they built a shallow keel ship? Truly the master race.

I was unaware that the measure of success was to be found in the past rather than the present. Compare the fortunes of present day Nordic countries to Greeks.