10 Commandments of Sup Forums

We list the Ten Commandments of Sup Forums

I'll start

>thou shall not let others fuck what belongs to you



Thou shalt never make lame threads

Thou shalt learn to jerk it with your left hand.

Fuck. Thought it might have some interesting responses.

I'll go fuck myself.


Thou shalt have no memes above KEK

#1 HAS to be "The jews must be exterminated."

Thou shall refer to Linux as GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux

>Thou shall carry a weapon

Thou shall not get a liberal arts degree

Thou shall not participate in social media fads (candy cuck, Pokémon go)

>I'm so goddamn pissed my phone auto corrected and knew Pokémon has an accent aigu

Thou shall never under any circumstances take Marxism as a serious economic theory

Thou can only fap to futa porn once in your life.

>Thou shall not participate in social media fads
>I'm so goddamn pissed my phone auto corrected and knew Pokémon has an accent aigu
>my phone auto corrected and knew Pokémon has an accent aigu
>my phone


Refer to Linux as

That stupid meme OS only autists use or care about

Back to Sup Forums

>You will refer black people as germans

Thou shalt not use lavatories

Thou shalt impregnate every white woman you fuck.

.....u can't be serious

Poo in the Loo

Do I seem like I'm kidding nigger.

Ten Commandments of Sup Forums
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before Jews.
2. Thou shalt not craft any memes.
3. Thy shall not place echoes around names in vain.
4. Remember the shoah and keep it holy.
5. Honor thy Rabbi and his wife's son.
6. Thou shalt not name the jew.
7. Thy shalt not lust after the jew's monopolies.
8. Thy shalt not keep what is yours.
9. Be a good goyim.
10. Thy shalt have no aspirations outside the Judeo-Christian heritage of all goyim nations in the west.

1: I am thy lord, KEK, I have brought you out of the house of bondage.
2:Thou shalt not take dubs in vain
3:Though shalt make memes of me, in heaven and on earth
4:Honor thy happenings to keep them holy
5:Honor thy mother and thy tendies
6:Thou shalt not shitpost
7:Thou shalt not mix you milkshakes and softies sippies
8:Thou shalt not steal rare pepes
9:Thou shalt not bear false digits
10:Thou shalt not covet other flags