Throws a zippo in the puddle of gasoline

>throws a zippo in the puddle of gasoline

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Zippos are like 12 bucks, what the fuck were they thinking

>walks away in slow motion
>doesn't look back
>doesn't get hit by the force of the explosion or shrapnel

its worse if they throw a cigarette. it would extinguish itself

>Shoots gas tank

>Throws a zippo onto spilled cold diesel
>It explodes


would a cigar work?

I dont think so

>In close proximity to explosion
>air isn't sucked out of lungs by conflagration
>guts aren't pulped by air pressure

Gasoline is designed to extinguish small fires upon contact so probably not. A blue angel would definitely ignite it though.

You know that a lot of fires are caused by people flicking their cigarettes away without properly putting them out...