
Are Slavs white niggers?

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Enjoying that wireless internet, Jayson?

It probably doesn't matter considering they're countries will continue existing and the Germanic countries, unfortunately, will not.

Yes, slavs can hardly be called humans.

this. Either they will be fucked endlessly by terrorists or start another fascist revolution and be fucked again. The slavs won't let in the Muslims. there are also ugly germans and slav male models too.

I'm approximately 50% Czech, I'd say I'm a wigger.

I like knowing that the concept of race is so flimsy that not even those that purport the theory of racism can't even agree on what is and isn't white.

>cherrypicking this hard
Here's a more realistic, modern depiction.

russian mongols =/= pureblood slavs

Why is the German guy's head two times smaller than the Slav's.

On the left I see a faggot who can't wait to bump up the retirement age again so he can pay for immigrants until he's dead. On the right I see a cunt who just killed a nigger and giving me the "your next" look.

that's because white isn't a race. it's something americans came up with. fact is, even germans and potato niggers weren't like by anglos and dutch americans until they became more culturally homogeneous

slavs are a race (though you can break them into smaller more distinct groups). they have similar features, language, and culture

this. truth.

Slavs are not white.

The only "whites" are Anglo-Saxons/Celtics/Germanic.

Therefore, British, French and Germans.

Slavs are Orthodox bros. Germans are atheist cucks

no thats irish

t. ginger potatonigger

>look at my superior culturally inherited belief of the metaphysical world, I'm so superior for these opinionated memes that propagate through culture and indoctrinatation

>The only "whites" are Anglo-Saxons/Celtics/Germanic.
>Slavs are not white.
So what are Poles if they have both Germanic and Slavic blood? Schrödinger's white man?

Let me refute you quite simply.

If a Negroid and a White mix. Is the kid a Negroid or a White? None, he's a mongrel.

The niggers of Europe, yes.

Russians are niggers that turned white from the snow.

All other slavs are good.


every white nationalist considers all Europeans to be white

I'm not talking about half breeds, I'm talking about the distinct subgroup of R1a1s. A race about 2000-3000 years old.
scroll down to R-L260

Actually, let me clarify something.

The only reason I think Slavs are fine is because I'm contrasting them with the other inferior races (Negroids, Semites, Mongoloids, etc.).

However, if the world was only comprised of Anglo-Saxons/Celtics/Germanic AND Slavs. I would be the first one to advocate a Slavic genocide.

You are the filthiest """whites""" that exist.

That's because they're "White Nationalists". They're just above the "We're all human!" nonsense. Those who are actually rational about it consider Germans/Celts/Anglo-Saxons to be a completely different breed, and they are.

You're talking about mixed breeds. You said it yourself "Germanic and Slavic blood".

Slavs integrate just fine in america. even most white nationalists considers all europeans white because the difference is small

What are some facial characteristics to tell Anglos, Slavs, and germanics apart?

But proto-Slavs and Germans originate from the same core population...

it's not a mixed breed. germania is a term for peoples east of the roman empire. it's not a specific race of people, but a large group of peoples, some of which are slavic

All whites who come from an Orthodox Christian background behave like niggers, let's talk about it more.

>That's because they're "White Nationalists". They're just above the "We're all human!" nonsense. Those who are actually rational about it consider Germans/Celts/Anglo-Saxons to be a completely different breed, and they are.
In a era where whites are becoming extinct why are we fighting about "x is white' when is differance between europeans is small comparired to africans and muslims to europeans

>Those who are actually rational about it consider Germans/Celts/Anglo-Saxons to be a completely different breed, and they are.

You're a total retard.

Too bad genetic evidence exists, too bad for you that is.

I wouldn't want to be german right now

You forgot the Mediterraneans.

"Just fine" compared to the other inferior races of the sort, but not compared to the actual whites.

>originate from the same core population, therefore they're the same currently

Logical fallacy.

Guy in first pic is unhealthy weak albino, guy in second pic is strong healthy white man. I see no problems here

Doesn't changing the definition of white to not include slav prove the race is a social construct?

So you think Jared Taylor is a liberal

more slavic spurdos pls


it was never only about colour, remember irish weren't considered white


I agree. That's the only reason I'll defend Slavs. But know that in the bottom of my heart, I regard you as scum which are not part us, the actual whites. If whites' glory are ever restored, the Slavs will be victims of a genocide.

Damage control.

Mediterraneans are not white.

>Logical fallacy.

Referring to Slavs as a single race is much worse.

Russian women are gorgeous.

Poles are the only true whites. The rest of you are race-mixing, warmongering, plague-spreading degenerate spawn of celtic & gothic barbarians and you will never share the promised land with Poland.

Jared Taylor has explicitly agreed that differences between races are genetic.


>19th century racial theories are a thing

You have no idea how obsolete you are.

because round face looks good on women but not on men

>"Just fine" compared to the other inferior races of the sort, but not compared to the actual whites.
Not saying that they are the same as other white but the difference is negligible compared to say a nigger or some arab

Slavs integrate just fine and are white enough to be decimated by liberals

Having a lack of understanding of the terms does not make it false.


Race is a social construct. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Nations are a social construct as well, but last time I checked, they exist. Cultures, planets, and so forth are all "social constructs". Even species is a social construct. No bearing whatsoever on whether it's valid or not.

Category: Platinum Sup Forums threads

nigger is you


I know it must feel painful, but don't turn to liberal nonsense just because the truth is inconvenient, Slav.

*compared to the other inferior races

>geographical limitation apparently relevant to racial profile

There were black slaves in Egypt, so I guess Egyptians are Negroids?


>10 posts by this ID

what happened, Slav took your gf?

You won't survive a Slav-Germanic race war once USA falls.

We're talking about a homogenous group of Slavs in Germania

I'm not sure where you're going with that straw argument.


Am I white Sup Forums? Mostly English, Irish, Scandi, and German.


someone pls respond


>whites" are Anglo-Saxons
Kek your shitting me right. One of the most mixed races there is. The original Roman rape babies.

Sorry Cancuck but right now germans are inferior as they are allowing the country to be overrun by muslims

Irish/French with a touch of Dutch here, but I really like the Slav aesthetic. Some of them got the short end of the stick but others look great like that IMO. Between those two in the OP pic, if you were given the information that one of them was a SWPL who grew organic food and got pegged by his gf(whose name he has taken), I think you could guess which one.

If slavs are the only "whites" who don't tolerate niggers and muslims then they are superior in my book



germanic barbarians and anglocucks arent white, they are disgrace

slav masterrace is the one

According to the Japanese, yes.

its honestly pretty amazing how homogenized the European genders' facial features became

But it's because their countries are so shit that they don't even want to live in them. In that sense, they have more in common with niggers and muslims who also have homogeneous countries.

Scandinavians aren't white?

more like slave

I don't know, I'd have to see your tits to know for sure


Apparently Slavs aren't Slavs. A+


Numale vs gangster

Who will win?


It's funny, because you put weight on these little drawings and sketches, but the truth is Western European populations have a greater percentage of middle eastern DNA than people in Eastern Europe.

The "blond" German races as you simplistically call them, originated in Central Asia, south Siberia in what is today Russia, and then mixed with older hunter gatherer and established Neolithic farmer populations.

What's funny is that you're almost totally wrong. The more West you move in Europe, the less white and blond the population is.

made me think of this

Polish don't want refugees and Russians don't take shit from Muslims

If compassion is a white quality then fuck the white race

What you're referring to is called sexual dimorphism and Europeans are actually pretty much in the middle. However mostly it's because white European women tend to look more masculine than Asian women but less so (when compared to the opposite sex of the same race) then black women. However Blacks and Asians both have higher degrees of Neoteny while whites, and Caucasians as a whole as well, have less. It is worth noting though that Neoteny isn't something you'd be sighting in scientific papers about human populations any time soon and is more so pop-science

>Western slav

Damage control.

Made me think of this
[spoiler]tfw pureblood slovak[/spoiler]

Implying neckbeard 4channers look like that

>60% white, run by Jews
>"your" country


So according to your logic your only white if your country is a cuck fest

WTF I hate White people

Forgot my link:

Okay (they're not actually my tits btw, just look like mine, also can't post actual tits because
>lol no porn on Sup Forums

Nobody west of the Soviet block wanted shitskins either 50 years ago. Eastern Europe is basically at that point now, foreigners are small but growing, and PC culture brainwashes the next generation more and more.

No we iz mongol


i know what it is, I was just remarking how similarly it followed Europe's culture of egalitarianism. The genders became essentially equal in society and subsequently the dimorphism began to fade. Just look at our language, its not even gendered.

so then why was Germany was importing them by the hundreds of thousands, almost all of them Polish?

I live in a tourist town In northwest Oregon, we get lots of Slavs and western Europeans here. Long, and bunch of stories short, Slavs are bros and western Europeans are usually pussy bitches...