Hi, guys!

Hi, guys!
Felicia Day here!
you might know me as the new Mads on MST3K that's airing on Netflix right now.
I've also done a bunch of webseries and other acting stuff
Ask me anything!

What do you think of Rick and Morty

>red head
>like Sup Forums stuff

why doesn't Sup Forums like her again?

What does 70 year old jizz taste like you whore

I only ever saw you once, in Dollhouse and now I no longer watch Dollhouse

Tampons or pads?

horse face, cringe personality

I'm actually very good friends with Dan Harmon.
I was on Harmontown too if anyone wants to check that out and he wrote for MST3K.
RAM is hilarious and I'd love to be a guest on it sometime

You asume she actually likes Sup Forums stuff and doesn't just pander to "geeks" to take their money.

>omg my boobs are so big!

I fucking hate fatties who say this

You don't have big tits, you're just fucking fat and your body is running out of other places to put it

Can you call some of your cooler Hollywood friends and have them post instead of you? Unless you're going to post tits, then by all means do so.

hey cool you just saved me from watching MST3K thanks

the saddest thing ever is a fat girl with small boobs. That is just cruel.

who is the woman in that photo?

not to guys who like perky little tits and big fat asses

Why do trannies always have Sanpaku Eyes?

Good episode that was an incredibly good episode great episode

>that moment when Echo is reborn and so excited to see her, only to realize her mind is gone

Dollhouse was fucking great.

>fat people
>perky in any form

Delete this. She doesn't look like a horse. She looks like a camel.

say, you have a really pretty face. do you get this comment a lot?