Massachusetts Adopts Californian "AR-15 Ban"

Massachusetts just banned semi-auto rifles.

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what state do I move to if I want to smoke weed and own guns?

>electing a dimwitted dyke as AG

Alaska, but we're full

Not a Massachusettsfag, but I don't see many people complying with this. Connecticut tried to go the same route but had to back down because almost no one complied.

>northeast hates freedom

Just buisness as usual. Move along. Nothings changed.

Not Maine, Vermont, or New Hampshire. Delaware supposedly has "survived" but they lost NFA items a long time ago.


>lesbian ag sticks up for gay rights that help get her in office
>shjys all over everyone elses rights

Washington, enjoy your hipsters you degenerate

Just stay out of the big cities, less hipsters

MAfag here, don't really care but talk about pointless. Last thing of interest that happened here was muslims setting off a bomb and pistols are far more common in any shootings we have(in black neighborhoods, obviously).

You should care because they are passing these pointless laws for the sole purpose of shitting all over your rights.

and I was just about to get my license

Do you think that's always the intent, in all honesty? In all likelihood the most they wanted out of this was a sway in public opinion. A publicity movement involving the ban of something next to no one here even had.

>Attorney General
>Creating laws
What went wrong?

Just couldn't keep the cancer contained on the west coast. Why do you suck at voting? Aren't most of you white? Are the Jews from NY spilling over?



Fucking Mahty "one term, sucks Union cock" Walsh and Maura Healy are the worst thing to happen to this shithole in awhile.

Who needs an AR-15 when you can have a .44 revolver.
Also my city (Leominster) is green.

The Jews are in Cambridge.

It is the intent 100%

Nobody who knows anything about guns thinks AR 15s are evil and much worse than any other gun.

They say they are trying to keep you safe but they really just want control. Throw shit on the wall and see what sticks.

>Who needs an AR-15 when you can have a .44 revolver.

basically everyone?


B-but aren't some of Americas best g-guns made in Mass.?

The most homosexual looking rifle stocks in world history.

>semi auto rifles
NIGGER YOU WHAT? At least in New York, you can still get a cuck AR. Do you guys have to get a bolt action now? What the fuck?

>Last mass killing was done with a Van

>Last mass shooting was done with a pistol

>Last terrorist attack was done with an axe.


Pistols < rifles for all things besides CCW and mobility in tight spaces

But with a .44 mag you get neither of those things besides looking cool


Wait, I'm dumb, I didn't read the article.

>Attorney General

So it's fucking nothing.

She can't make laws or regulations. She can take people to court, but people can take her to court in the same manner for the same reasons.

Expect it to be overturned in a year or two when her first case hits the supreme court.

oregon. you can do what you want. legal weed. cowboys and rednecks everywhere. hipsters too but only in eugene and portland.

>Californian "AR-15" Ban

CA did not ban AR-15s, you can still get cuck grips for them.

CA compliant AR-15: AR-15 with a rifle grip and 10-round magazine.

>Her enforcement notice clarifies what constitutes a “copy” or “duplicate” weapon under the assault weapons ban. Copies or duplicates of banned assault rifles, including copies of the Colt AR-15 and the Kalashnikov AK-47, are prohibited in the state.

Also this means that M14s, SCARs, P-90s, etc. etc. etc. are still perfectly fine. So in short: bitch too dumb to know what an assault rifle is.

all the gun control in CA was modeled after gun control in the north east. And people like Dianne Fienstien, Gavin Newsom etc all come from the northeast

>She can't make laws or regulations.

She's interpreted an existing law to mean something else, and is advocating for enforcement.

>Expect it to be overturned in a year or two when her first case hits the supreme court.

MA courts are fucked and would never let it get past state level.

for as shit as CA is, it's nice knowing that there is one state worse than us

>She's interpreted an existing law to mean something else, and is advocating for enforcement.

She can't actually do that without a court case, is the thing. Which means it's a matter of who she decides to hammer with lawsuits first.

Or, alternatively, someone hammers HER with a lawsuit first. If that happens, it's definitely going to the supreme court.

that's the logic CA went with, now the only handguns under $1500 are Ruger sp101s and LC380s

She banned guns that "bypass the law". The features designed to be compliant with the laws are now banned because she and other liberal fucks view them as loopholes and work arounds. This proves they don't care about certain features, they care about full on bans and disarmament.
There won't be door to door searches, but all sales that are pending are now blocked and there will be no new purchases. Still an absolute gutting of the Second Amendment in MA and the GA, along with any other politician that supports it, should be thrown into Boston Harbor with cement shoes.

Ashland too desu

They're imposing it on the gun stores. If they don't comply there are a thousand things they could do to make it hell for them to do business.

>Banning semi-auto rifles because of a night club massacre because someone used an AR-15

How fucking dumb is this country? Blame the person that used the fucking gun, don't blame the gun itself since it needs someone to use it. A gun can't shoot by itself.

Also what the fuck are they gonna do with people that already own rifles legally and ones that use rifles for hunting?

Banning guns increases crime.

fuck this state

fucking tired of living in this commie hellhole

AR-15s are the cheapest ones though, aren't they? Seems like this legislation is designed to keep the plebs from overthrowing an totalitarian government.

I really never saw the purpose of having an AR15. It seems like a waste of money for me at least. I'd much rather have a .38 special S&W for carrying and a shotgun for home defense/clay pidgin shooting. I dunno maybe I don't hunt.

electing women

Either way its going to put gun shops out of business. Hope people start rebelling.

Colorado. Head to the mountains and have fun shooting.

>gun rights are aimed at protecting hunting

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Orlando fagterrorist use a different rifle?

>implying it's a woman thing

there's plenty of males that have passed gun control

two examples: willie brown and gavin newsom

>Blame the person that used the fucking gun

thats racist. the gun did it.

Thats what the Founding Fathers said in the 2nd Ammendment that guns should be used in case you have to overthrow the government(which the US government needs to be overthrown already).

she didnt pass anything. she issued a unilateral decree from a position that has nothing to do with legislating.

>republican governor
explain yourself bay staters

LMAO, who gives a shit?

t. MA native

It's not going to put them out of business. CA literally made it illegal for stores to have signs saying "gun store" (this is now in the courts) yet they're still in business because people still want guns. Same for the 10-day wait and firearm license. The type of person that will actually buy a gun will continue to do so.

What will put gun stores out of business are things like banning them outright or requiring that all sales be videotaped, since that costs money and takes a lot of time to file and get squared away. This is why there are no gun stores in San Francisco, but there's 20+ in the surrounding counties.

yes and this is also what both Willie Brown and Newsom did as mayor of san francisco

Newsom himself wants a full semiauto ban in CA with confiscation, but not even the Democrats here could stomach it.

He's a Republican in name only. He's basically center-left.

Banning guns dosen't increase or decrease crime though. Gun control dosen't change anything. It was probabily the lead paint bans and legal abortions that lowered crime.

try taking a noncompliant gun to a range, you'll be asked to leave

thats how i feel living in new york
>but muh weather

trigger a liberal and get a pump action AR15

>A publicity movement involving the ban of something next to no one here even had.

That's ignorant. MA carbine rifle owners make up a huge part of northeastshooters and ar15 dotcom. MA has rifle ranges all over the place, competitive shooting is a huge sport in MA.

When you sign up for your free Basic Hunter Safety Education course, a representative from the legislature comes down to explain to the class how the state of MA affords it's recreation land, state parks, division of fisheries & wildlife et cetera: taxes on gun sales.

In MA gun owners volunteered to be taxed at an extra rate on guns, ammunition & accessories IF the tax money went solely to support state wildlife foundations.

The only reason braindead jipster harvard sjws even have parks is because of gun owners. Guns, and carbine rifles in particular, are fucking huge in MA.

You couldn't be more fucking ignorant right now.

I'm in Massachusetts.

I think we have a real problem with voter registration and turnout, and given the huge population of college students we need restrictions as to who can vote at a state level.

Most of the people I know are conservatives, but there's a very strong sentiment that a conservative vote is a thrown away vote, or that the system is too corrupt for our votes to matter. I don't know what the solution for this is, but Massachusetts as a whole isn't as bad as some of the liberal shit you see come out of here might lead you to believe.

>AR-15s are the cheapest ones though, aren't they?

Nah. They're actually about mid-line and vary quite a bit in price.

Finding an old civvie M14 is probably way, way cheaper than finding a new AR15.

>Weld the firing pin in the fire position
>Rack the pump as fast as you can
>Assault trench gun

>That's ignorant. MA carbine rifle owners make up a huge part of northeastshooters and ar15 dotcom. MA has rifle ranges all over the place, competitive shooting is a huge sport in MA.

same here in CA, fuck's sake Calguns is taking the handgun roster to the 9th circuit. That doesn't stop Democrats from being Democrats.

>Guns, and carbine rifles in particular, are fucking huge in MA.

does it matter? There's more boltguns and shotguns out there as those tend to be more popular hunting guns.

In the UK, guns are illegal there but in 2010(or was it 2012) there was a shooting which lead to deaths and injuries. Banning guns or making them illegal doesn't work. It will cause more people to get guns(through black markets and such).

Also a general reminder for anyone curious: P90s are made of legos, mostly plastic, and only cost like three hundred dollars.

Yeah they're cheaper than AkS now. Mine was $600

>letting the state rule you over the constitution

And they say leafs are cucks.

>but there's a very strong sentiment that a conservative vote is a thrown away vote
I actually heard people talking about this at my work the other day. I've met a lot of people who are conservative there though, I was talking to people the other day about how gun bans are bullshit.

AR-15s are by far the cheapest. Ruger is run by kikes that charge $1500 and up for their mini-14s here. AR's are only about $900.

It sure does enable totalitarian dictatorships though.


Rhode Island is better gun-law wise. Get fucked Pilgrims.

>ywn be able to own a P90 and swing from tree to tree in the forests of British Columbia while yelling about stargates

Why do you people pay so much for a shit tier m&p ar15s. I built a stag lower and slapped a bcm uppper on it for $700.

Be careful not to fall victim to the NES hugbox mentality. If all you ever speak to are pro-gun folks, you get a skewed picture pretty fast. Most in MA are still anti gun, ignoring all of the insignificant western/central MA towns.

Massholes will never have this. Just kys now.

in CA the handful of P90s here go for about $5000 each, as there's only a small amount of preban ones. This is what liberals wanted to do with AR15s, however the swappable grips fucked them hard.

Well Massachusetts is Democract teritorry and we know how much Democracts are pussies and they need to be chased out of this damn state.

>letting a nationwide set of laws supersede the needs or interests of the smaller communities within it

You're fucking dumb.

I feel like everything east of 495 is SJW, even Boston. Worcester is falling too.

We didn't adopt shit. Our AG went full obama and just basically said shes banning shit with fuck all regards to legislation.

Ignore him

>Most in MA are still anti gun
Maybe in the GBA. Fucking tax vampire water thieves.

You think that's bad? Tasmania is passing laws that outlaw things like a Sako m10 based simply on their appearance i.e pistol grips, folding/adjustable stocks or pretty much any modern sporting rifle.

If I were you I wouldn't give them an inch, because they WILL come for everything.

What part of nationwide don't you understand?

1. Our governor is a RINO.
2. Our Attorney general gave decided she can just make up laws with out consulting the other branches of government

>tfw we will always vote for democrats
>tfw we elected ducking Liz Warren even after native-American lie
>tfw we will always be the laughingstock of NE
>tfw the only good thing left is sports



I'm on the south shore, most people in Plymouth county and down the cape (people that actually live there rather than vacation) that I've met still go to church and hold conservative views.

Boston is a shithole, but that's what happens when you have so many universities in one place.

CO is nice but tiny mags

Ohio soon enough thanks to Gov. Munchies.

you aren't the laughingstock of the NE, you ARE the northeast

>Tfw Papi is leaving
>Brady suspended
>Celtics didn't get Durant.
Are we JUST tier now

I understand it entirely.

Unlike Canada, our country was founded on the idea that state law should supersede federal law.

That wasn't the point. What I an saying is that you have countries with banned guns like Belgium and Denmark with very little crime. You also have countries with banned guns that have high crime like Mexico and El Salvador. At the same time you have countries with legal guns and low crime like Switzerland and Finland. You also have countries with legal guns and high crime like South Africa. Guns don't have any effect on crime. People do. Guns are irrelevent so stop that dumb ass lie that guns reduce crime. Protip: they don't.

I own an AR15, bought legally in NH. What happens? Do I have to give it up?