GotG #2 discussion

Aussie time-traveller here. Just came out of the latest Disney™/Marvel™ product "Goyims of the Galaxy 2: let’s do it again!”

Ask me anything about the flick in the thread.

I will post my review below.

>My verdict on the flick was that it was solid popcorn fare, and was a slight notch above in quality in contrast to the past four bland offerings from Marvel, which really isn't saying much honestly. Firstly, the antagonist in the flick was (on the surface) a far more compelling choice than having the heroes face a stock-standard muscleman, unfortunately his motivations fall into the same pitfall of Apocalypse in his eponymous X-men flick. The “Imma destroy the universe because xd” gist which is the basis of the villain’s motivations is so fucking lazy it infuriates me. Gunn should’ve made it a more intimate threat amongst Starlord and the Guardians and use it to explore their relationship/bonds with each other, rather than inflate it into a contrived superhero clusterfuck. But then again, it’s Disney capeshit, so shame on me for expecting something that isn’t run of the mill.

>The dynamic between Yondu and Rocket was great, and their on-screen antics was certainly the highlight for me. In fact most of the key-players are fairly well rounded and play off each other quite well. As mentioned in the above paragraph, the villain problems unanimous throughout the MCU is still present, with the subplot focusing on Aiisha and her pawns quickly devolving into being thrown into the mix as a means of adversity to the heroes when Gunn writes himself into a dead-end. Many of the subplots and arcs feel unfinished in fact, which are definitely exemplified in the end-credit sequences. I at-least somewhat appreciate that Gunn had the gall to kill off a key-player in the denouement, which is something that the Russo cucks refuse to do due to not wanting to upset the fanboys. But then again, then Guardians are D-list characters than function in their own contained storyline, so I guess Marvel’s head honchos would see it as a safe bet that doesn’t upset the balances too much.

>The humor is more of the same. If you shit your pants during the first, then you’ll probably do the same here. Despite this you can feel that the flick certainly tries harder to be funnier due in part the first clicked with general audiences, and while the film does have quite a lot of good visual gags, you do feel Gunn pushing it at times into ‘le-reddit xd’ tier.

>In regards to the visuals, the CGI is very impressive with a faithfully rendered young incarnation of Kurt Russell that manages to avoid the uncanny valley. Cinematography-wise vol. 2 is breathtaking at times in regards to both composition and spectacle (until we near the climax at-least), proving to be a stark contrast to the disgusting wet cement that was Civil War.

That’s about it for my faggy review. I you've seen it tell me what you though of it.

what did you think of yondudeath?

i felt feels desu

i wish it fleshed out starlords father a bit more and the middle definitely dragged

pretty much what i got from it too, wish i saw it in imax, my small local screen was fine in 2d but i feel like this movie needs to be seen on a BIG screen since its made for imax and shot on a red camera looks fucking amazing.

As for plotlines not wrapping up well they do, just rather lazily but thats fine as a placeholder for the 3rd movie its fine.

>which is something that the Russo cucks refuse to do due to not wanting to upset the fanboys.

I don't get this complaint. Did people really want War Machine to die that badly?

Did youndu die?


I thought the death was handled well. Definitely surprised that such a neurotic film ended on such a somber note.

The flick seems to be getting a lot of flack for the lack of 'plot', but I think it's reactionary due to the fact that we've been conditioned to expecting these plots to revolve around a maguffin rather than a character piece, which I didn't mind to be honest.

And yes, certainly needed to be seen in IMAX.

You've been jewed!

What are the biggest spoilers that I can spam all week to ruin the movie for cancer that should be on Sup Forums?