Anyone else's mind blown the fuck out at how much Trump's kids seem to love the guy?

Anyone else's mind blown the fuck out at how much Trump's kids seem to love the guy?

This isn't even normal. It's... I gotta say guys, it makes me a bit jealous. How the fuck did this guy raise so many kids who are absolutely fucking thankful for their dad?

That's just not even normal anymore. How did it happen?

No politician's kids give a fuck about their parents.

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Trump's no politician

Maybe because he's a great father and he's based? Its not normal because most men are terrible fathers, most of the time by choice

Just another reason to vote for him

>Dindu detected

I love my dad to this extent, as well.

They're afraid to get cut out of the will.

>get provided all the money and luxury they could ever want
>wonder why they suck his cock day in and day out

Obama's kids seem to like him as president do they can get free vacations every other week.

Bush's kids liked being able to whore-out and get drunk.

Chelsea just seemed to not give a fuck but now at least likes that her $400,000 salary is a bribe for her mother, so she at least owes her parents that.

But Trump's kids seem to actually, really love their dad and his shot at being POTUS.

Wtf I hate Trump now

Trump is based don't you faggot betas get it?

Sorry man. Can't shitpost on this.

Actually, a lot of rich kids grow up to resent and hate their parents.

Same, sad that most people will never experience having a great dad.


its getting a bit creepy and incestuous actually

Spotted the degenerate shill.

>How the fuck did this guy raise so many kids who are absolutely fucking thankful for their dad?
Have a multi-billion fortune that your children want to inherit

I was listening to Adam Corolla's podcast the other day and Adam made a great point about how Obama was never raised by a father figure because his dad was your typical absent nigger father. This is why Obama never mentions the deterioration of the family and the black family in particular.

Obama essentially has the world view that anyone can be successful and they don't need a father to be successful because he didn't. This is deadly to a society. Some people do just fine without a stable family, society as a whole does not.

That's how a normal family acts. The issue is that the left has memed over the past few decades this idea that having a normal wholesome family structure is somehow pathological.

>Have a multi-billion fortune that your children want to inherit
Do you know any rich kids? Most of them hate their fathers.

Then again, the richest family I know, whose dad I don't know how he got his money but he spent some time in jail, then was a minor pro-golfer, and then spent some time in jail again... the kids all abosolutely hate the guy and always have.

Why are so many dads so fucking bad?

Don Jr said Big Don is his best friend... I wish I had a best friend / dad like Trump.

Shutup leaf.

I seriously think Donald molested his children as they were young. He's literally said numerous times he would have sex with his daughter...

I think this did a number on his kids' psyche

>I think this did a number on his kids' psyche
So what you're saying is that the world would be a better place if every father said he wanted to molest his kids?

I mean, if that's what you have to do to raise awesome kids who adore you, then maybe Donald should write a book about it.

1 post wonder

>Anyone else's mind blown the fuck out at how much Trump's kids seem to love the guy?
If I were getting as much of daddy's money as them and had that inheritance to look forward to, I'd be the shillingest shill who ever shilled.

Most dads are bad because most people are bad.

They're a family that has been in the public eye for a long time. They have been groomed for this. Don't think for a second that this isn't the case. They have a heavy hand in his business and will have a heavy hand in governance if he wins.

What this guy said. If someone told me I'd inherit a fortune just for saying my dad's the best man who ever lived. You wouldn't hear me speak of anything else.

Are any of Trump's kids total asshats?

Are any of them hooked on drugs and hookers?

Shouldn't a family like this have a bunch of controversies just for having fucktarded kids?

>i grew up with a white cis family whom i hate and didnt support my animu habits or when i decided to go transsexual so a son actually loving his father is completely alien to me

this is you

Yes, one of his daughters is kinda conceited.

i loved my dad this much too RIP

The younger one looks like she eats an extra donut now and then

My dad is cool. I'm glad I didn't inherit his hair line, but he's the kind of man I want to be in 30 years.

Strong family values, something we should all look up to. Our nation is lacking those at the moment.

The best judge of a man's character is literally this.
This is one of the biggest reasons I am voting for him.

Be a father AND a friend. Respect is easily earned.

Is it possible that someone who is politically incorrect and a hard-driving businessman can also deeply care for his children?

I'd say yes.


Because most dads aren't billionaires with loads of time on their hands to spend with their kids.

My dad could've been like Trump too if he didn't have to work 40-70 hours every week.

Because his family is nothing like the average American family where kids hate their parents and actively try to see them as little as possible.

So... nobody can say anything bad about any of his kids...

Even Bush's daughters were fucking party sluts. H.W.'s kids were... well... Jeb and Dubya. Obama's kids are worthless. Clinton's kid is... probably someone else's anyway.

Trump's kids seem like actual decent people. How the fuck did that happen?

Strength engenders loyalty. If you are Alpha enough, everyone will love you. Especially your family.

post more senpai

You'd be thankful too if you got millions of dollars...


Somewhere along the line men stopped being role models for their kids.

Most people I know who have kids really don't give much of a shit about them. There was a time parents would pretty much sacrifice everything just for a chance their kid could have a better life.

Now they'd sacrifice the kid if it meant they'd have a better week.

I blame the boomers.

RIP user, God bless.

>le rich people have massive free time
maybe the upper middle class and lower rich, but business owners and CEOs are not a sub-40hr week job.
Active business owners are consistently 65+ hours per week. CEOs may as well be a full time job. You're deluding yourself if you think Trump just piddles his time away on frivolities.
The defining trait though, is that he surely manages his time in a way that he can be a good father with the time he gets with his kids.

be a billionaire. your kids will be grateful. Trump sure was when daddy gave him big boy bucks.

Certainly good sir.

The people I know who are rich and hate their fathers pretty much never saw their fathers. Most rich dads might be good providers, but they are never home.

RIP god bless

Anybody else had a morally sound, good dad but never got to know him?

My dad is a great man who I want to imitate but somehow I fear him.

nice id

My dad's a pretty awesome guy. Had the same job for 40 years. Always a good provider. Has a problem being retired so he got a bunch of small jobs so he pretty much never needs to ever sit at home and do nothing. Even on Sundays he does all his churches numbers and accounting... which he's done for about 30 years.

Good guy. I really couldn't complain about him ever.

But if I gave a speech about him I don't think I'd be half as excited to do it as all of Trump's kids have been.

>tfw have dad who doesn't even give a shit

Help me establish myself, network, loans, college... BIRTHDAYS

lol nope, fuck off faggot, got a kayak and hottub to splurge on while you're struggling to find work, pay for rent, or get any education.

I used to love my dad. Then my mom left him and he became an alcoholic. He doesn't do shit and I'm pretty sure he's a homosexual. He's an ass

ur a lovely human person

>he thinks it's real

I knew Trumpcucks were dumb but holy shit you actually believe the narrative Trump is feeding you.

>narrative Trump is feeding you.
It's not the "narrative". It's the emotion in the kids faces, and the excitement in their voices. You think I'd believe Trump if he said "Oh, my kids think I'm the greatest."? Fuck no.

But they say it and seem to believe it. Watch their speeches. Maybe they all deserve an Oscar or something.

And again, have any of the kids even ever been arrested?

whats with all the tumblr and reddit fags using our own insults like cuck towards us .. when i see this i have a flashback to the faggot in preschool who would say i know you are but what am i ... please kill yourself

RIP user

>be born
>be billionaires son
>get to inherit companies
I'd be thankful too

>"I would say my book is targeted to kids"

She set herself up for that one.

I died. KEK.

>No politician's kids give a fuck about their parents.
Most people love their dad. I'd praise my old man if he was as woke as the Don. Anyway Trump has only just become a Sup Forumsitician.

Lol, they know they can't call you a racist because it's so fucking played out and gay, so since we were calling them faggots and cucks, they will say it back to us because they think it will annoy us as much as it annoys them. But they forget that the people they're calling cuck are too normal and emotionally developed to even give a shit. They lose no matter what because they're so caught up in their pathetic ways of having bitch fits and being so hopelessly insecure about their retarded existence, it just doesn't even register. "Trump cuck" is probably one of the most pathetic things anyone can use as an insult. The person using it is probably even more pathetic.

Jesus christ, her responses are creepy.

Nigger detected

I love my dad, just like all other whites love their dad

I had a similar relationship with my dad while growing up. Deeply respected but also feared him. He was morally sound and a true man. Probably because he tried to mimic how his own father raised him. My grandfather was one of those WW2 vets, the best man I ever knew.
Anyway, that all changed after my grandfather died. He ditched my mother for some far younger nignog women when I was in college. Lost all fear of him along with respect. from the few times I saw him afterward, he was like a different person from what I knew.
I still like to remember him for the man he was, though. I still love him, after all, even if he betrayed the beliefs he raised me on. I think he was also afraid of his father in the same way. I suppose it is what happens when we are faced with our role models and feel ourselves lacking in comparison.

praise the booty

>hi Robert heard in the background
Is that Robert Morrow?

>How the fuck did this guy raise so many kids who are absolutely fucking thankful for their dad?

I think Trump making them work to understand the cost of their wealth and the value of a common practical sense that can only be earned, of hard work, really paid off in a major way.

I've worked in construction and shit labor jobs all my life one of the things that really sold me on Trump early on was a labor guy talking about how Trump would sit down with his construction crews and actually eat and talk with them, not just host a dinner, but actually be among them. That to me is solid platinum. That's the kind of shit I'll fight for.

Here's your (You).

Yessir it is. Guy's a class act.


pretty much this

>implying most rich kids aren't snobby as fuck

I love my Dad even though he doesn't support Trump. He's pretty inspirational, though I don't know if I'd praise him as much as Trump Jr. does, I'd be a little embarrassed.

Thier faces look jank bro

Wait until he gets crushed in november and they have the perfect case to send the looney straight to an asylum.

also it speaks volumes of Chump when only his piggy bank children are the ones ferventing defending his asshole.

Too bad he couldn't pay for facial surgery for Tiffany.

God bless his soul. I'm sorry for your loss

Literally same here, bro.

Build Wall chilango

>implying money is all that matters

Fuck off. Having a wealthy dad that provides you with everything you could want but still beats the shit out of you on a daily basis doesn't make for an enjoyable childhood, faggot.

trump took his kids to work.

RIP and God bless user. Trump smells upon you and your father.

Damn, those feels.

You make a good point on fathers mimicking their own fathers.

My grandpa was also a great man. If there was one man I could swear on my life was a saint, it was him.

Your post makes me want to get along better with dad.

Hope our relationship changes for the best.

post more my friend

>facial surgery for Tiffany.
Build wall.

Also, I'd fuck the alien right off Tiffany's face. I actually think her other-worldliness makes her pretty hot.

>trump took his kids to work.
This seems like a lot of it. All of his kids seem like hard workers. There don't seem to be a single one of them just living off daddy's money.

Like this?

My dad was a narcissist asshole that drove away my mother and then used me as a proxy servant/friend/confidant/cook/worker/therapist/parent for over a decade, leaving me barely able to function in society. If I was looking at a Trump styled inheritance, I'd still hate the prick.

I am genuinely envious of anyone who has a good and supportive family. Don't take that shit for granted.

yeyeyeye all tht shit is the best

Cheers, bro. I remember striking up conversations just trying to make him smile or laugh and feeling so satisfied when he did. He was always sort of awkward when it came to affection so it was harder than you'd think.
Good luck, man.

>yeyeyeye all tht shit is the best
Someone post some of Trump's alien daughter. I think she's sexy.


Look at how he mentions his kids. He almost ALWAYS says "I love you" to them. Look at how he treats his wife, and his grandkids. He seems to genuinely enjoy being a father and grandfather, something in this day and age is foreign to America thanks to feminists and niggers.

>my dad cheated on my mum when my mum was pregnant with me
>I still look up to him and wish I could be him


Few presidents have had successful young adult children to support them in this way. They're either "yay ponies" young like Obama, little shits like Cruz, childless, or simply too old to use the family angle. Bernie's son is probably 40-50, and probably a balding, poorly-spoken welfare cheat. His family is a mess.

First off, their dad is pretty based.

Secondly, none of them ever needed to grovel for a decent paying job.

I love my dad as much as them. If my dad ran for office I would be out defending him from the degenerates as well

That's a real good explanation.

People being weirded out by the strong relationship between Trump and his kids reflects only on those who are uncomfortable. Having a strong family who love, support and stand up for each other is a good thing that we should all strive towards.