American Psycho

So barring all the memes and all that, what's the unironic, genuine Sup Forumserdict?

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I would prefer to talk about these repeating digits desu

The verdict is that im sitting at my desk doing dick all and getting paid. Still cant get an 8:30 rez at dorsia, why is this?

>He presents himself as some harmless old codger but inside... but inside...
>Inside? Yes, inside? Believe it or not Bryce we're actually listening to you.

What did Bryce mean by that?

Yeah, pretty good.

Like seriously. Probably one of the few films we unanimously like, memes aside.

Good movie. Especially if you don't know the plot. Though don't mistake it for a film that tells a plot, it in fact is a character study of Bateman.

>get a reservation at Dorsia
>3 hours later they call back
>sorry sir, we accidentally double booked and will have to cancel your reservation
>know deep inside that somebody more important called and stole your table.
>hookers and blow to wipe away the shame

Mid tier yuppie life is suffering.

It's a genuinely great movie.

I'd recommend watching it at least twice because you get a different viewing experience on additional viewings when you know what's going to happen.

I don't really get how it ties to the sequel.
For instance: In the original, not once was he referred to be a furry that he was revealed to be in the sequel.
Yeah, I get it, Bat(e)man. Really original.