Why are American Women so degenerate


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51 years heh
doubt she serves half that desu senpai


I can't even imagine the beat down she will receive from other inmates

B-but Tim Wise told me that black pedos don't real.

Should have rolled out the electric chair for this one, yanks

ShindoL's next doujin

why do people have burglars in prison, like even worse than her.

this is so disgusting I actually felt like I was going to puke for a second. everyone involved should be euthanized for their own good

hate burglars in prison

>Because he preferred children younger than 11, prosecutors said, the mother dressed her up to look even younger

>“Sometimes this defendant would give a little bit of heroin to her daughter,” Pridemore told the court. “The daughter didn’t want it but she said, ‘you’re a good girl. You did the right thing.'”

>She is taking medication, has had suicidal thoughts and is undergoing medical care

How does this story keep getting worse?

Burn the coal, your children pay the toll

>tfw I read that as toli

Yikes. This is probably a good place to ask:

Can anyone on pol tell me, if they would, why they would legalize all drugs if they could? I hear this argument a lot- "It's their lives, let them destroy it legally if they want to". But what about cases like this? People get so badly addicted, that they'll literally do anything for drugs.

Americucks will defend this

total degeneracy

It's a personal freedom thing- the idea that you should have the right to do whatever you want, and that the gov't shouldn't be able to step in if it only affects you.

I think the people who believe in pro-legalization of all drugs are mostly willing to accept cases like this as being an unfortunate side-effect. The only good thing I guess is you usually can't offer your children as payment to your local pharmacy

Make the heroin addicts work the poppy fields. It will be better than selling their children. Plus you wouldn't have to pay them.

With personal freedom comes personal responsibility though. My fear is that this society is too far into the entitlements for the responsibility part though.

People seem to want freedom but with the government coming in to rescue them. This is where libertarians fail because lefties offer a sweeter deal.

>all i can think while rading this

beat me to it

I want to kill the mother and the nigger

I support the concept of legalization of everything, but I realize that in practice, awful shit like this would happen all the time. Libertarian policy is way too idealistic- implementing free immigration and giving anyone who wants them access to drugs is not going to work in the real world

Hawt. I'll jerk one off to this story.

>So said Judge Leslie Ghiz of Ohio’s Hamilton County Pleas Court

Please tell me this is pronounced "jizz"?


bro, literally no one knows what you're in for unless you tell thtem

we need to bring back public hangings for people like these two

True, she'll probably be killed in prison.

Why is she and the dealer still here? They are wasting oxygen for the rest of us. Let them die.
I agree with you, even with enough counceling and personal taks, I really hope people with minor shit crimes can go back home and leave the prison to just the rowdy, rough and rumble types.

>White dad is out of the picture

once again, white bois dindu nuffin.

I have a brother in jail. He tells that there's a common room TV that prisoners watch news on, occasionally. Once the prisoners know (on TV) who is coming here and what she did, they will know.

Because by legalizing it it can be regulated, taxed, and controlled...

All things generally preventing this kind of shit.

How exactly would you control it?

The kid could be mixed I guess. Then again she's a druggy and plenty of whites are into that degenerate shit. It's disgusting and shameful.

Or the countless white males that rape their own children but white that fits the pol nazi narrative to keep the white race alive. The only thing pol likes more than anime girls are little white girls.