What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
That Hillary's husband is a rapist, too.
Citations please. I'm sick of people rattling out BS percentages. And it's always some random number to make it sound real, like 92% or 87%, never round numbers like 90% or 95%
Laura Silverman raped me!
Sara Silverman raped me
Laura (((Silverman))) raped me too.
Well, she's just as smart as Sup Forums when it comes to maths.
How many women accused Bill of rape again?
Really sends your brain cells into complete hyperactivity huh..
Really makes your neural pathways fire hmmm
That's a shame.
I always liked Laura more than Sara.
Now I find that she's just as big a retard as her sister. Sad!
A 1996 FBI study and 1997 DoJ study said that 2-8% of were unfounded or false.
False means: A “false” rape allegation is provably false – meaning, for example, that the accused has a bulletproof alibi or the accuser eventually recants. In many of the cases examined by the authors of the study, there was simply not enough evidence to bring charges. A rape might have occurred, but it might not have. Such cases are not classified as false.
Silverstein raped me
Aww fuck guys. I just did some basic math, turns out Laura Silverman is a rapist.
I really dont see why the (((Democrats))) and their shills want to open this can of worms guaranteed trump has waaaaaay more on bill then the one fallacious testimony they have on him especially with the (((epstein))) connection
>can't into probability.
>uses dumb phrases like "According to the laws of basic math"
What a dumb cunt.
I had no idea there were others.
>Hillary's husband
He is not running for office.
I fucking hate kike names.
hmmm the laws of basic math... nope not in any of my textbooks. Perhaps it's in one of Betty Friedman's books on mathematical proofs.
>Basic laws of math
It also doesn't count all the false rape situations that never make it to trial. If we assume the main motivations for falsely claiming rape is blackmail and character assassination, there will be a lot of situations in which the guy caves and gives into the woman's demands, or just gtfo there and runs for the hills. Then you have all the situations where the woman claiming rape realizes she has no evidence to back up her story, and never moves it into the court.
>"According to the laws of basic math"
Over 9000
Only now they accuse him of rape, now he running for president. I can't put my finger around it, what a mystery...
>laws of basic math
99.8% of people are not Jews. Laura Silverman is a person. According to the laws of basic math, she's not a Jew.
Wait...Isn't that Sarah Silverman's sister?
After looking around a little bit the only 8% of accusations being 'fake' is drawn from formal claims to police departments. The percentage comes from the number of accusations the departments prove to be false. It does not include the 30-40% of cases thrown out due to lack of evidence. It also doesn't include the informal accusations (which is the much more common tumblr I was raped stories)
Heck in high school a chick spread a rumor that I raped her because she was jealous that I was dating her friend. I'm very thankful that when I was confronted with this story I'd been out of the state for a week and therefore could not have possibly raped her. I had about a month where people were asking me about it since as they said they 'couldn't believe it'
isn't she the ugly chick from half baked?
/po/ needs to spam her twitter account saying she raped them en masse
By the law, she is a rapist
Women can't be rapists you misogynistic pig!
Bill Clinton raped dozens of women and possibly hundreds of children. Pretty hilarious that people are trying to go after Trump.
Wait a minute.... those laws of basic math....
According to my calculations...
There is a 8% chance a rape accusation is false.
Basically there is a 99.95% chance he is a rapist.
Time for everyone to rev up Twitter and claim Silverman raped them
>laws of basic math
What law is she referring to? Those figures aren't comparable. I don't even understand what she's trying to imply with those numbers, it makes no sense. Is this the mathematical equivalent of the overuse of long words by pseudointellectuals?
>92% are true
>therefore 3 accusations creates a truth
It's just non-sequitur. Those 3 accusations could easily be some of the supposed 8% that are false. This strong innepennent womxn clearly wasn't strong or innepennent enough to learn statistics, ratios, or even the difference between theoretical and real probability.
>this study says 1/10 of the coins on earth are historical artifacts
>therefore if I go to an ampm and get a dollar in pennies, I'll get at least one valuable denarius
Hillary Clinton raped me.
cool descending dubs
Still means that she's a rape enabler.
Guess Michael Jackson is, too, by those numbers.
Also Hillary fingered my butthole when I told her to stop
That stat isn't even close to being true.
The 92% number that feminists love to spout is rape accusations *that aren't proven to be false*. That doesn't mean that they're true.... The large majority is accusations where there isn't enough proof to determine either way
It means that Laura Silverman raped me. She held me down and shoved a hair brush handle in my ass. She laughed as I was crying in pain. She then said 92% pf rape allegations are true. But nobody will believe you.
I am still crying. I can never sit again. We need justice. Laura Silverman is a rapist and needs to answer for her hair brush rape!
Not every rape accusation is directed towards a multi-billion dollar man
Into the trash it goes.
I wish Google's employees were as redpilled as their software.
Robot overlords when?
Even if you accept her retarded premise there's still a .000512% chance he raped none of the 3.
>murica stans with israel
we dun goofed
There is no such thing as a law of masten mathematics when dealing with probability, holy fucking shit.
>people claim to have been raped by someone who happens to be a billionaire
Yeah okay.
There's a range of studies on this, with estimates ranging from 1-2% up to 40%. However, the median of those studies appears to be right in the 8-10% range and those studies have not been destroyed in their methodology (like the 2% and 40% ones have)
I bet the numbers of false rape accusations go way up when it concerns rich and or famous people.
Huh, woah.
What's the law of basic math?
Really makes you think...
Fucking kike whore.
The problem with their argument is that the one claims of rape that make it through scrutiny aren't the ones paraded by the media. They would be the 8%, if you were to actually believe their statistics.
Ive been raped by a girl..
she was a fat fuck who took advantage of me while i was passed out drunk
The user below me raped me.
According to the laws of basic math, they're a rapist.
>be billionaire
>can have any woman you want
>can go to Russia and buy prostitutes if that's your thing
>can buy the younger ones, if that's your thing
I just don't see the reason why they'd bother with rape? Maybe it's a domination type thing and less about sex? But then why wouldn't he just use his money and connections to disappear them? I mean fuck, he could just go to some foreign country with less than reputable police and do what he wanted.
I'm an Emu.
It's such a relief after all this time to see the others went through the same hell. I feel so vindicated.
Wtf kind of math u doing leaf?
Yeah its absolutely wrong. Thast just the cases that get proven wrong in court. Most fales accusations obvsiouly never go to court. Even vcitim help organizations say its 50%+. At least in germany.
Assuming that that statistic is true (it isn't) that doesn't mean those three peoples' claims are true. There's still a 8% chance that these three claims are true. Plus in probability there's a chance that you can flip four heads in a row even though the true average is 50% on a fair coin. So in this case the three people can be the 8% which is somewhat similar to flipping three heads in a roll on a fair coin
Is this the "black twitter" I keep hearing about?
Aren't a plurality of rape allegations false?
that she is jew peddling shill
Someone tweet this shit at her