So we asked this site called Sup Forums

>So we asked this site called Sup Forums...

I have to say this show is a little more appealing now that I took the time to pay attention and not be spoonfed by you faggots. Doesn't mean I'm going to watch it, I'm lazy as shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Moshe Kasher looks like the goy version of Stephen Colbert.

To me he looks more like that guy who knows he'll never have to deal with any actual issues in his life because he's rich and just gets pleasure from being a smarmy fact-dodging annoying "IWANNABERIGHT!!!" kinda cunt. Like he enjoys fucking with people below him. Probably laughs at his janitor. Fuck this guy. But yeah he looks like Colbert.

Man it's also funny to think that years ago Sup Forums really liked Colbert. Times change I guess.

i remember that thread and thought it was bait, wish i would have asked a question

Why is this Moshe Kasher guy all over the place?

What the fuck...

>Moshe Kasher
>mo' cash

How can Moshe Kasher be the goy version of Stephen Colbert when Colbert is catholic and kasher is jewish?

i always find it so ridiculous when Sup Forums is mentioned in hushed tones, colbert even called a 'dark dark place'.

Without a tripcode and a timestamp it's as good as bait, good on you for not biting.