Uh-oh. Better hurry up guys, you don't want to miss a FREE upgrade do you?
Uh-oh. Better hurry up guys, you don't want to miss a FREE upgrade do you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody pays for Windows anyway
It's literally a countdown to when I don't have to hear about win10 again
Can someone explain why windows 10 is shit? I upgraded ages ago and I literally cant tell the difference
memes aside, is it worthwhile going from 8.1 to 10?
I predict they will grant themselves an extension.
that maybe, 7 to 10 no
>free upgrade
>joining the botnet
fuck that...I am sticking with windows 7 until its too ancient, then switching to linux.
Botnet bloated spyware, basically. You stop having any semblance of control of your operating system.
If you haven't noticed a difference, then you probably don't use your computer for anything worthwhile anyway.
ask /g
they go full /x when talking about Windows
the sad part is that they are mostly right
You will once they add a fuckin sub fee
Anyone know where to get ltsb n for 10 at? I took a break from Sup Forums for awhile and missed the megalink
Why pay for Windows 10 when you can just wait for the FREE***** upgrade to Windows 11?
More like: your monthly Windows(TM) subscription runs out in 3 days. Renew now to retain access to your files.
I'll bet my left nut that they extend the offer.
If you have Win7, and you have that window, you might as well. Your OS is already riddled with MS spyware if you can see that window.
Can I get it for free if I am using a mac?
No. Only Win 7/8/8.1.
But if you aren't using the Mac editing shit for work, and you aren't playing games on Windows, Linux is the best offer.
I'm upgrading my second machine right now, but thanks for the notice anyway. It is truly a great operating system
Anything is better than 8.
this guy knows what's up
only fucking nerds use linux
I didn't get the window on my desktop by my laptop got it. Both have Windows 7 pro. I never used never10 or anything, and I'm always online and downloading updates. What did I do right to prevent it from showing up on my desktop?
>I'm always online and downloading updates. What did I do right to prevent it from showing up on my desktop?
remove the windows 10 upgrade assistant updates
>tfw already use Xubuntu as daily driver
does everything I need except for some CAD programs which I boot into Windows 7 for
If you are downloading updates without seeing what each one does, then it doesn't matter whether you got the window. The botnet wasn't installed on 7 in a single update. There were dozens.
>Can I get it for free if I am using a mac?
Go to any public library or business open to the public and look at their computers. The Windows OEM sticker is usually just stuck on the side. And they typically aren't using them because they've re-imaged everything with a volume license key.
Alternately, just browse ebay or craigslist looking for laptops. People will often post photos of the key that are clear enough to read and aren't censored.
Snap a photo of about a half-dozen stickers with your phone. Go download a copy of the appropriate installation disk. Install. Try the keys until one lets you register, or the phone app lets you re-activate. Laugh. Get the Windows 10 update for free which is now a completely legal full version.
thanks pedro
How hard is xubuntu? Does my Autism need to intensify or can I get by as a casual. I don't do any gaming, just some cryptocoins/Sup Forums shitposting/torrents and chaturbate.
>How hard is xubuntu?
there are some things you need to do in terminal to set it up, the major one being to install Compton otherwise you will have screen tearing. Never had an issue Google couldn't solve, but I've also been dabbling in Linux for years now so am partially familiar with command line.
Try it out in a dual boot though to get used to it if you're serious.
thanks user.
>How hard is xubuntu? Does my Autism need to intensify or can I get by as a casual. I don't do any gaming, just some cryptocoins/Sup Forums shitposting/torrents and chaturbate.
If you are just looking for a Linux distro that looks and acts just like Windows, get Mint.
If you need a small guide to get you set up initially, check out the Easy Linux Tips Project: sites.google.com
You know something is wrong when a company has been shilling nonstop over the past year or two (and with increasing intensity) for you to use their new free operating system.
This is like straight out of Deux Ex HR where retards would fall for the bait and get the free biochip upgrade. No way I'm falling for that.
This. A good product is able of advertising itself. They didn't have to do that kind of shit when Win7 dropped because it was a good operating system, and they knew people wanted it.
I'll never stop using windows 7.
It took me years to move on from winxp.
Anyone that uses windows 8/10 is a degenerate cuck.
exactly this
>You know something is wrong when a company has been shilling nonstop over the past year or two (and with increasing intensity) for you to use their new free operating system.
This, riiiiiight here.
the only board ever right about something is Sup Forums and they hate windows 10
that should tell you something
This is bait, you're still using Windows XP aren't you? Also since when would Microsoft give out free software to people using hardware from a competitor? I think your translator is broken Hiro.
Check the digits.
When the timer runs out, everyone will be force upgraded to Windows 10. No choice. No stopping it.
>Sup Forums
>right about anything
so you've never actually been to Sup Forums, huh?
Agreed. The jews have control over all newer versions of windows. Thats why windows 10 will blow up your computer and force you to go to your nearest electronics outlet in order to buy a new one made by a company owned by none other than are wonderful jew overlords.
I upgraded and it's great. I blocked all of the microshaft IPs on my router. I've had even better stability than 7, and the UI isn't faggy tiles like 8.
>Install Windows 10
>Keep your important files on cloud so you don't risk losing them if M$ decides to bait and switch.
Wow It's fucking nothing. I do a clean install of my OS every year or so anyway.
Go to 7 you dip
once i removed a few of the updates, i haven't heard anything about Win10 since. feels good man
Windows ten is pretty much spy wear that constantly monitors why everything you do and fucks over in other ways so stupidly retarded that it sounds like it should be on /x but it is all real
>Keep your important files on cloud
>Literally giving them to NSA
I'm on Windows 8.1 but I stopped updating anything that included updates to Windows update. So now I get all the necessary security updates, but none of the Windows 10 spam
Install a GNU/Linux distribution today instead.
If you're connected to the internet, you're not passing any data that the NSA can't see. They can also defeat SHA-256, so gg no re. They can map every single darknet that is not completely self-contained.
>not Kali or Backbox
Still on 7, I don't like change.
>implying a pentesting distro makes a good desktop distro for everyday use
>Bakuon is dead and there is nothing you can do about it
>normies acting like its hard to disable win 10 updates
Ok, I know a google search, or downloading a small utility, is impossible for normies hurrr my computer wants to update in the middle of a facebook session oh no!
There is literally nothing wrong with Windows 10.
>implying gentle is any better
>i can't play assblaster 3 on Kali, therefore it's a bad distro for everyday use
Depends on what you do every day m8y.
>that strategy
Are you me?
>he doesn't have a dedicated 128 cores box for lightning fast builds
Can you invite me in Anonymous?
yeah man, the real smart people install cracked operation systems,
where the malware is untrackable on system lvl with high priority.
Its going to be alright
never had any problems tbqh
>posted from my android device
>boot into Windows 7 for
>not qemu/kvm
Fedora+Cinnamon masterrace
>he doesn't have a dedicated 128 cores box for lightning fast builds
>owning high-performance hardware
>not buying $150 chromebooks or old business-class notebooks and turning them into ssh thin clients
>not using gentoo
and you wont get any, but it doesnt change the fact that they easily could and probably have implemented malware, thats sometimes the whole point of cracking it and give it away free.
You will only notice performance changes and suspicious processes if the malware is really crap.
post email
>into ssh thin clients
Clients for what? Other shitboxes?
Make me
[email protected]
high-performance cluster of course
why would I pay to run my own machine when I can just pay for one running on columbia river hydro for much less? economies of scale.