Exploring our oceans: Don't you fucking do it

You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?

Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
1. The ocean sucks
2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
3. Fuck salt

Let me explain to you something Sup Forums
We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
So dont you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities time

I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit

If you wanna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and its the same exact shit just deeper

I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplored oceans and aint nobody got time to find out

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Fish arent fags they smell like your gf

T. Chthullu

Nice pasta

My wife is a marine biologist who studies jellyfish and other invertebrates such as worms, amoeba and the like.

She shared this article on the research being done to jellyfish to unlock the secrets of biological immortality. Jellyfish and a few creatures in the sea seem to be the only ones with biological immortality.

Immortality seems like a good reason to go into the ocean as well as the fact we don't know shit about what's down there and the cure for gay might be in some fish.

>She shared this article on the research being done to jellyfish to unlock the secrets of biological immortality. Jellyfish and a few creatures in the sea seem to be the only ones with biological immortality.
>Immortality seems like a good reason to go into the ocean as well as the fact we don't know shit about what's down there and the cure for gay might be in some fish.
you and your wife dont know shit about shit fuck off cunt

>while we've been looking up to discover life's greatest secrets, we should have been looking down.....

>3. Fuck salt
This is my favorite part of this copypasta



The ocean seems like a good place to research cancer.
>Researchers are studying bivalves, a class of mollusks, to learn more about aging processes, including metabolic activity and environmental stressors.
>Bryozoan Bugula neritina, a common fouling organism (similar to barnacles) that’s found in both temperate and tropical climates, is a source for the anti-cancer compound bryostatin 1. The U.S. National Cancer Institute recently collected more than 26,000 pounds of the organism from docks and pilings with little impact on the population.

cthulhu pls go

I was just about to ask someone to do this.

Nice try, OIDF



Something that we don't know...

I'm onto you, gillbag.

Quality shitpost

>theres nothing cool down there

Two words.

>Pistol Shrimp
is that what you call your dick?

Jamal you need to play this game to understand why the ocean is fucking neat.

Don't be dissing the pistol shrimp.
That motherfucker is louder than a launching rocket.

Went swimming during a steel deck BBQ north of the Philippines. Beautiful blue, calm water. We headed out on LCAC's ahead of the ship and waited for them to catch up - a couple of hours of swimming and BBQ - good times. Found out after I got back on the ship that the closest land was 2km underneath us. Had nightmares ever since. Who knows what shit lurks down there?

Loud and fast enough to create a fucking explosion

i never knew anything about this. i had to look it up. holy shit these little guys are bad ass as fuck.

no fuck those fish

Fuck yeah. And this bubble can get as hot as 4000°C.
This shit is fucking awesome.

You know what I see? A dick, that's right, a dick. I see a shrimp that can shape their claws like a dick and shoot some strange shit.

Mother nature is beautiful.

You might be gay.