whats Sup Forumss thoughts on channel awesome
Whats Sup Forumss thoughts on channel awesome
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It's not awesome.
jesus bro stream on eggkara when
They're still going? NC was already stale before his supposed departure.
They're still going and they're more popular than ever (despite half the members leaving the group).
i like cinemassacre better
You missed it.
Because poop jokes & swear words are the height of comedy amirite? What are you 12?
is it good?
What do you think?
barely watchable when they review things
insufferable when they try their own comedic skits
It is better, though.
Sorry Doug.
Everything on that website is terrible, only autists who have been watching for years and can't help themselves keep watching. There's not a single video on that site worth watching.
>What a load of fucking buffalo turds being shit out of an asshole
HAHAHAHAHA OH MAN THAT'S seriously though kys.
>everyone has normal eyes except for Jewario
He married her so you dont have to!
As opposed to making weird faces and yelling at the camera.
underageb& leafyfag pls
What a fucking hack
I liked Doge's reviews when they were more subdued, but he kinda lost track of his own shtick. And that was long before he decided to frame every review with some SNL-tier skit.
Spoony I liked his text reviews more than his video ones.
Linkara I saw out of curiosity because I was into comics at the time (this was back in 2013 or so) but didn't like it.
Nostalgia Chick a cute, and Benzai was funny, but I only watched like a couple of their videos tops.
That's pretty much all I know of them. Plus Brad Jones, who I started watching again recently on youtube. Midnight Screenings is comfy and his cinema snob reviews still make me laugh, especially when he watches spoof pornos.
That's the point, they're both equally baffling. Why even bother watching either?
>I liked Doge's reviews
How can anyone even watch this even when he first came out I thought he looked and sounded annoying. I hate when his shit poisons Cinemassacre.
tbqh famalam, I say that more with embarrassment (owning up to the fact that I used to like him) than anything
GWTG is an annoying cuck with a hideous wife.
>I hate when his shit poisons Cinemassacre
Oh stop pretending the angry nintendo cuck is any better, they're both equally terrible. I don't even know why we're discussing this, this isn't television or film.
his weird head twitch still bugs me. i wonder what he turns to look at. really though i enjoy it, a ton of movies I've blacked out from memory made a comeback.
I've been watching them in chronological order recently and they are pretty funny even on a low budget.
the black guy is the best. Tamara is okay, but the critic himself is meh compared to those two.
honest to god made me think of cool world and a whole bunch of other films in a different light.
oh and you can't really take it as a serious kino review video all the time. it is pretty obvious he reaches quite a bit for jokes etc.
yeah i do enjoy watching them, I'm a fan.
check out Game Sack's parody of AVGN, it's the last sketch on this video
>it's on point so obviously cinemassacre didn't like it
Tamara is a a Poser that apparently has never seen any nostalgic films prior to her "Tamara's Never Seen" series of vlogs and she's another SJW crybaby throwing out #otmuhpresident hashtags at rallies along with cutting off her evil Drumpf supporting family.
Give me the latest on what Paul Latza has been doing recently
working at disney, that's it
Streaming on Twitch
egad his teeth freak me out
Late 2015 was the best time I've had on Sup Forums because of the constant tgwtg threads.
Fake Brad, Linkara the cockslut, Latza. I miss it so.
Man, I voted for Trump but I know a ton of people who hate him and they're giant liberals but I'm still friends with them and I still respect them. Please tell me she really didn't cut off her family, because that's just sad.
someone post the screencaps of her tweets relating to this please? I don't have them with me right now.
It ten proceeded to never get huge, blowing off an early networking opportunity with Screwattack to launch is own competing video game industry, watched Let's Play format take off only to deliver a disastrous entry of its own, and begin to hemorrhage both money and talented producers after a series of events that resulted in $90,000 in donations going missing, two reviewers being fired, three quitting, and one changing sex.
AVGN hasn't aged well.
NC was never funny.
Sorry, Doug.
I like Todd in the Shadows. I don't know what the consensus on him is.
that little sketch made me question why I liked AVGN that much
that he's a pathetic beta who let Nostalgia Chick use him for sex then use him to supplement her rent money while fucking dudes in the other room when she felt like she'd used him up for everything she wanted.
but the nerd is honest comedy, CA is pretentious
his favorite band is Foo Fighters, too much of a pleb for his own good
yeah her never seen vids are Linda ridiculous. like she hasn't seen shit. but she is a good actor for the skits, which I enjoy.
but yeah they are cringey lefties, at least most of the time it shows only for a second or two. I'm old enough to just write off that urbanites will gravitate toward pissy libbyloo bubble mentalities and write it off as ignorance.
He's a huge pleb. That wouldn't be much of a problem, but he acts like he's hot shit for analyzing these dumb pop songs.
where did the plots go?
citation or projection?
>The Nerd
You want to know THE TRUTH about AVGN? It's James isn't very good at playing games and doesn't know very much about them. Yet people treat him like some kind of guru who's opinion is the last word on any game when he's a fucking fraud.
oh god so much this, that fucking James & Mike Mondays playing comix zone was so ridiculous
I've never gotten the appeal tbqh about him and thought he and critics rivalry was cringe city. but ive only recently gotten into the channel so maybe I'm missing something
linkara is the worst one but i get many a kek from Sup Forumss shitposts
I only watch the Sage and Brad.Don't really care about the rest.
I'm sure what you meant to say is that Linkara is the greatest genius of cubist art alive today
Did they ever get fresh blood on the site after half the people quit/got fired/died? Besides that guy who thinks all media needs more homosexuality or whatever.
he haves some weird fetishes
E;R is the only comedic reviewer I watch anymore, I used to watch NC and Spoony years ago but both of them have gone to the dogs, I don't know whether it's the change in my politics, "maturity" or they've just become shit
Yes, they have people like Calluna
*teleports behind you*
>"nothing personal, kid"
>cinemassacre didn't like it
Says who? James is a pretty laid back guy, I really can't imagine him getting upset about a parody.
I vaguely recall Mike making some snide remark about it in their forums.
it's just boring. it's not really funny like the other ones are.
Based Latza.
That's probably the same with every "goofy" critic no matter the place.
The french equivalent (joueur du grenier) is a fucking pleb. It actually hurts to watch his vids.
Why would anyone listen to this guy advice or point of view about anything when you see the state he's in?
>*teleports behind you*
>"yer getting your cock sucked, kid"
I just feel a certain level of sour grapes whenever I mention how I like say Shaq Fu and inevitably some neckbeard pipes in "No, that's shit, AVGN said so!" and people have sent him thousands of dollars worth of games for his collection when he doesn't really give a shit about games. What he DOES know a lot about if films which is why when it's just him being himself talking about movies, it's actually fairly informative.
>Spoony I liked his text reviews more than his video ones.
Same here. Last time I checked he deleted them all.
Probably needed the space for his wrestling shit
>Check spoony's page
>Last Review was posted almost a year ago now
>His Patreon still has donors
Fucking WHY
>patreon $819
At least James will take care of those games. Well, the ones he doesn't destroy I mean.
What happened to the spoony's movie, the one he has been paid to make.
Why do I enjoy these threads so much?
Genuine question. I rarely come to Sup Forums except when I see a CA thread. It's one of my favorite things in the world. I look forward to it like I look forward to sex
Goddamn she is so fucking cute and THICC
>Well, the ones he doesn't destroy
Yeah except when he thinks it's "funny" to pour chocolate cake batter over a Jaguar CD system etc because again poop is soo funny XDDDD
He only destroys broken ones which is why you never see the label. Or if he shits on the game he covers it in plastic first.
ca has so much content over the years there is plenty to hate or love. lots of emotion attached to it over the many years.
the cell review is my favorite.
unfortunately it's difficult finding pics where she really shows off what she's got
in development hell
Holy shit. Gonna fap to this later.
>ywn have a thicc wife like her
Why wait?
Wasn't his Jaguar CD thing completely broken though?
no, thanks
>last patreon update was in June
>he hasn't made a review since last year
>he's even stopped doing those awful LPs
>he's still tweeting non-stop about wrestling and Trump and those dumb comic memes
I think the comics I drew in 3rd grade looks better than Linkara's comic.
that monitor's perspective its some c'thulian shit
Just woke up!
Yeah he had like 3 broken ones or something. I think there's more broken jags out there than working ones. Such a shittily built console.
I miss his movie vlogs
still kind of like brad and todd's videos. don't really care about their shambolic personal lives. in fact the 'drama' has a slightly trashy appeal to it
get a thin wife and THICCen her up?
how is that outfit style called, she looks like a cult leader
I think she's supposed to be Ron Howard's daughter in Jurassic World.