Was Ted Cruz always this based?

Was Ted Cruz always this based?

>Trump insults your wife
>Trump insults your father
>Trump labels you as 'Lying Ted' and spreads lies about you
>Trump is a total clown, and endorsing him WILL haunt your political career

I mean, seriously? This was an awesome move from Cruz. Him speaking for what he truly believes in, yet many of you will heckle him for not endorsing Trump. Under the same circumstances I'm sure some of you would do the same.

The GOP convention is a cringe fest. They're putting on their fake smiles as they vocally state their faith in Donald Trump. It's DONALD TRUMP. No one can actually do that with a straight face and clear conscious, unless they've been completely brainwashed by his con-artist rhetoric.

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I'll give him this. At least he didn't willingly put on a collar and leash and nuzzle up to Trump's feet like that fat cuck Chris Christie did, and many other Republicans. So many of them were vocally against Trump, and now they're all sucking his dick. What a fucking embarrassment. Even if you're wrong, at least have a shred of dignity, politicians are such shitty people.

Ted Cruz is still one of my favorites, most principled out of all of them honestly.

i keked

He tried to have his cake in eat it too.

Either be honest and say you can't endorse him or swallow your pride and endorse

Either one. But the middle of the road nonsense was pussy shit

Trump cucks are hilarious.

You won and yet you still can't get over Cruz.

Fuck off.

t. glenn beck

>Cruz won't endorse someone who gave him the nickname "Lyin' Ted," verbally berated him at every given chance, said he looked like the zodiac killer, and implied that his father had something to do with the JFK assassination
>Trump supporters can't figure out why

They've been using the term 'cuck' for quite awhile, yet they can't comprehend how much of a cuck they are for Trump.

actually, it's steven crowder

Yes, Cruz was always based. It is why I voted for him. This simply proved how principled he is.

>Milo gets banned
>Cruz BTFOs Drumpf

This is not a good day for trumplets

Lol, he both looks and acts like a rat. He's deceitful, easily examined by his performance during the debates. He found it beneficial to act candidly towards Trump while Trump did the heavy work of knocking down opponents like Rubio and Jeb. He had only positive things to say until he was the remaining opposition. Then he revealed his true nature, someone that will cut your throat when you least expect it. Trump has always acted candidly towards those who don't denigrate his character. Rato acts candidly when it's in his best interest.

Can I like Milo even if I'm not a Trumpet?

I've been browsing Sup Forums for well over a year now and have yet to learn what it means when someone puts t. in front of a name

He also pretty much destroyed any chance of running for POTUS

This. I would have way more respect for Cruz if he just came out and said how he really felt. But no, everything he said was vague, read between lines typical wishy-washy political bullshit.

Having no opinion at all is spineless. That's why everyone respects Trump for actually saying how he feels now.

>Either be honest and say you can't endorse him
That's what Ted said would happen before his speech, what everybody said would happen going into the speech, and what happened. No endorsement, but a congrats and a moving speech. I don't know how Trumpfags missed that and concluded he would bend at knee, except they substituted their own fantasy scenarios for truths like usual.

It's a quickly sinking ship. I can't wait to see them BTFO in November

eh this

A short form of regards in Finnish.

Again, he's too proud and principled to back down and blow Trump, I guess he saw it as worth it.

Crowder is still butthurt as he'll and no longer covers pretty much anything about the Republican Party because e can't shill for Cruz anymore

pretty sure trump had already taken care of that
he's already a meme to most americans

Don't forget also insulted his wife.

This really.

No one should've legitimately expected Cruz to suck Trump's dick

I agree... in the long run he gains from this. His supporters and any hardcore conservatives in general will remember it MUCH more than any Trump supporters will. They have the attention span of a gnat.

>was vague,
Vague nothing. Cruz never gave a single solitary clue that he' endorse. News accompanied his acceptance of a speaking role at the convention that he would not.

Some of us were foolish enough to believe Lyin' Ted would finally stop lying all the time and uphold his oath to support the nominee.

Cruz refused to bend over backwards for the narcissistic twat. It was great entertainment.

>man who goes against his word to support the nominee of his party after pledging to do so


He is not even a man.

>Shill for Cruz

He was pretty good about both criticizing and praising not just Cruz, but everyone, he doesn't shill.

Is Evalion his illegitimate daughter? They have the same face and she is a Canadian too.

No he didn't. Endorsing Trump would've done that, since Trump will lose in November and the GOP will look like a laughingstock (not that they don't already), for even considering Trump.


If this trump thing blows up in the rights face it might just slingshot him into the spotlight

It's because of the autism, user.

He said months ago that after Trump accused his Dad of killing JFK he was not sure he could uphold that oath anymore. Have you even been following Cruz's campaign?

Hope he enjoys the private sector. I'll be sure to give him a nice tip when he comes to mow my lawn.

>what he truly believes
KEK what he believes in is MAMMON, and he's even willing to let Goldman Sachs fuck his wife to serve it.


You idiots realise that Trump wants a Goldman Sachs director as the head of the treasury, right?


Get fucked Trumpfag.

Same with Mark (((Levin)))

didn't kasich not go?
not as much of a bold move as cruz, but still a pretty solid sign of dissentment

It actually took a lot of courage to do what he did.

He seriously had all the pressure on the world to endorse Trump, and he basically said, "blow me."

Top kek man the jokes on the normies. It's all rigged dude the globalist Jews control everything. Do what you enjoy fuck it there is nothing we can do besides shit post

Cruz lied apparently gave the RNC a different version of his speech. He just destroyed his career

No, he didn't. RNC confirms he sent the same speech to them that he read out. All those boos were all pre-prepared for when he got to that part of the speech.

Kasich was the passive aggressive darkhorse to NeverTrump, and was in the race in the first place as a establishment splitter looking at the contested convention scenario; his role in all this isn't going to hold up to history.

Thank you Super Cat.

Sure he did, buddy.


I wonder how that plays out, all this coordination which sought to extenuate the division just as Cruz in his speech was getting to the point about unity.

I have a lot of respect for Cruz after this. Dude did not compromise what he believes.

Cruz status : true conservative

Thank you Super Cat.

No, like most of America I just dismissed him as a Mexican religious kook and didn't follow his campaign closely.

Explains why you know nothing then.

Looks like I'm voting Cruz after all.

Works for me. The American got the nomination.

Sorry, Mexico.



ah this makes sense
is this the first election you're voting in or do you always choose based on first impressions?

What about Rand Paul tho, he didn't suck Trump dick

>Liking a fag like Milo
>Not liking God Emperor Trump

Kill yourself, you're a shame to your country


I get what you're saying but rubio and cruz both opened game on him at the same time

Cruz will never hold elected office again. He is meaningless.

How long are you cuckservatives going to be angry that we didn't vote for your filthy brown spic?

At some point you have to get over it. Pick a new cuck to try and trick us with. There's no shortage of them.

I hear that Ben Sasse guy is a real big supporter of Israel. You should follow him.

Out too early and with too little. Walker got out early too, but didn't take a drubbing.


That's it I'm a #CruzMissile now

Donald trump is a hero you faggot




I'm not mad, I was genuinely curious
is it just because trump sticks in your mind more? or why did you not bother to learn what any other candidate was about?

>selling your country out for political mudslinging

wait this isnt his country I forgot

The Republicans will have Donald assassinated within his first year in office and the more acceptable VP Pence will be elevated to the Office of the Presidency. That is the plan. Screenshot away.

Salt everywhere from bootyblasted Trumpfags.

WTF I FUCKING HATE TRUMP NOW. I'm #JPMorganChasemissile now

It's because I don't vote for Mexicans. My father doesn't vote for Mexicans, my grandfather didn't vote for Mexicans, his father, and his father before him didn't vote for Mexicans.

This isn't rocket science. You're rolling your eyes right now because you're a race traitor cuckservative who has been brainwashed by subversives, and for no other reason.

The fact that you cucks thought you could throw up a type of Mexican, Cuban, whatever (you can waste time splitting those hairs) for the Republican nomination without any sort of pushback is exactly what's wrong with this country.

what about Rubio, or Jeb, or Carson, or Fiorina, or Christie, or any of those early candidates?