Not funny and also kinda racist
Not funny and also kinda racist
It was just a watchable show. Nothing extreamly good but it was what I'd turn on when there was nothing else.
It's better than nothing but is for sure overhyped and a little memey. Every 18 year old tried to act like the currently love and watch T70S but cmon.
No one does.
>>life in a flyover state
This. It's something you can turn on when you're trying to sleep. It's not good enough to stay awake for, but it's not bad enough that you'll need to switch it off lest your mind melt. Also, depicting cultural phenomenon specific to different races in the 1970s is not racist. Just because there's no token black character doesn't mean it's racist. Most white kids back then would not be hanging out with a black dude.
Saw the show for the first time when i was young. It was funnier to me then, but now i can that the jokes were mostly bad. Especially in the later seasons. I would say that the characters i like the most are Red, Hyde, and kitty.
Was certainly better than just about anything on tv now and by your standards just about anything and everything in any form of media is "kinda racist"
People don't even know what racist means anymore
The decline in quality after the first few seasons is astounding. Nothing quite like it.
Where was Fez even supposed to be from?
solely identifying and referencing your friend by the fact he's foreign and not by his name IS racist.
Funny enough and things not having niggers in them isn't racist, nigger.
He was Paki Filth.
Just talked about this show with my dad yesterday. He was asking why Selina Gomez was hocking Jim Beam whisky, and I had to look up that it was Mila Kunis.
Then he called bullshit when I told him she's been playing Meg Griffin for 18 years.
It was true to the time, Fez was lucky to have white companions that really cared for him. Not everything is catered to your twisted world vision.
That's my favorite thing about the show.
It was Nigger-Free.
"Foreigner" is not a race.
see , now proven 100% true.
racism was fucking funny back then, kid. then the leftists started whining about everything, which leads you to the amazing sit coms we have today
o wait
>He was a great partner: smart, loyal, homophobic but not racist — in those days, that was pretty good.
I think I watched about 60 episodes of this in a row once. Fuck my parents were right. I was a lazy fucking kid.
constantly referring to the difference is
but we do have amazing sitcoms today
Yeah, WAS.
even as a kid I thought the show was jumping the shark when Topher Grace left the show and it was revealed that Hyde had a black dad
He was probably from some South American country because he sang in Spanish or Portuguese one time.
>racism was fucking funny back then
are you part of the alt-right counterculture? You sound punk as fuck.
It was an in joke among friends. You probably don't know much about those.
it was actually pretty tame compared to married with children.
If a show has laugh tracks, then they assume you're too stupid to know when something funny occurred, so you need to hear others laugh to mindlessly follow along and laugh too.
Uhhh, no, dummy.
Picking on a foreigner for being foreign, even if done with malace (as opposed to friends on a sitcom), even if done CONSTANTLY, does not magically transform nationality into a race.
So no, you goon, its not racism. Find a new buzzword.
They tried to introduce Niggerism, but they failed.
It was actually a trope used a lot in classic sitcoms predating the 90's, because they were filmed in front of live audiences, which is why that 70's show used it stylistically. It gave the show another layer of atmosphere. Not excusing other shit like Mike and Molly however.
>You have to be part of the alt-right to not realize that the late-90s early 00s were as bad as Nazi Germany.
The modern left, ladies and gentlemen.
i guess none of you have ever watched MASH
Nobody here but me is going to get your silly Sup Forums meme
I've noticed a pattern with this show and also big bang theory.
>Start out as lighthearted fun between friends
>Involve more characters and expand, still just fun episodes
>More drama starts, people get in relationships and/or break up
>Episodes get more emotional from time to time and the jokes are less frequent. Not lighthearted anymore
and that is where I usually stop watching the series. Any more examples of this? I also stopped watching breaking bad when Skyler drama became more frequent but that wasn't a comedy.
The office, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation too. Most sitcoms become half assed dramas when they run out of ideas. I guess it is more difficult to make good comedy than to make cheap drama.
A lot of people hated those parts with Skylar, to me it made no difference, typical wife in a mob/crime drama, someone had to stand against that asshole in the making.
the third season of Deadliest Catch felt like this for me
>watching the big bang theory and ditching breaking bad.
>The office
>Parks and Recreation
Forgot about those, haven't seen Modern Family. I think you're completely right when it comes to that it's easier to make cheap drama. It also makes people obsessed with the show because they get emotionally invested in the characters and their relationships, like in soap operas.
I barely watch any "serious" shows anymore. Don't get me wrong, I think some of them are absolutely fantastic and when I do watch them they sometimes end up being my favourites, but I still prefer comedy shows. It doesn't necessarily have to be comedy either, I just simply don't like drama and getting emotionally involved in shows because I get enough of that in real life.
Oh I completely forgot about sci fi shows too. They're usually just fun adventures with suspense, comedy and action mixed in so they're perfect for me. I will still tolerate some amount of drama, I just prefer it to not be romantic/relationship drama.
>it's raciss
Stupid nigger
I remember Midge being hot as fuq