What was worse Sup Forums WWI or WWII?

What was worse Sup Forums WWI or WWII?

Does it matter ?

The Germans lost twice.

WW1 was brutal on the soldiers and their fighting conditons
WW2 was brutal on the soldiers but there was less sitting around

Blame the eternal anglo.

historian here

WWI was worse in the moral sense and the practical sense. politically it was useless too. shit war tbf.

WWII wasn't worse in the moral sense? What about the 6 gorillion?

WW1 is the worst war any country has ever fought in.

The end of WWI gave birth to fascism.
The end of WWII legitimized liberalism of the western world.
Take from that what you will.

WW1 dug the grave
WW2 buried western civilization in it

the moral implications are given by the goals proposed.

if you kill 6 gorilion and you succeed in making the world a nazi utopia, then it is morally acceptable. but killing millions of young men for an anachronistic monarchical model that refused to die is not as morally justifiable.

You could argue World War 2 was just a redo of World War 1, but with racism.

kek that fucking gif

That's the most overstretching consequentialism i have ever seen. I like you, leaf. Please don't kill me when/if you create this superior utopia.

WWII didn't compare with the scale of the ungodly inhumanity of the the first world war.

Ww2, since we won ww1

WW1 was way worse. I think it was the worst war in history. bbc has a 26 part documentary on youtube, shit is so grim. i truly believe that this war was the spark of the downfall of white countries. power hungry euro leaders with huge egos thinking they could take on the world and have no consequence. and the fucking rothschilds funding it all, tipping the balance by getting america to join after britan promised israel state.

ww1 is a giant tragedy no matter what way you look at it.

WWI for soldiers, WWII for civilians.


Destroyed all of the European empires. Check the birth rates of every European state. See how religiosity fell off. See how poor and disillusioned people were.

Hitler was basically a bunch of germans going full nostalgia for the time before the Kaiserreich committed suicide. The course of history was already changed with WWI, WWII was just a failure to stop the otherwise inevitable.

I think the op meant what war would have been more terrifying. if so I'd say world war one would have been a nightmare for soldiers. constant shelling sending you mad and all that. Going over the top only to be mowed down by machine guns in a frontal charge. I poked a rotting dead fox with a stick and it broke in half. worst thing I have ever smelt in my life but imagine sitting in a trench or crater full of rotting humans? ww1 hands down would have been the worst war to be involved in probably in history.

a lot of civilians and small villages were disrupted during ww1 too. maybe not as much as 2, but there was certainly lots of now homeless stragglers just walking down miles of road looking for somewhere to live.



The first one

Ever hear of the turnip winter?

Yah and now we have a growing number of strongmen in offices all over the world Putin, May, Merkel. are cooler heads gonna prevail?

WW1 - soliders
WW2 - soliders + civilians
WW3 - soliders + civilians + politicians
Praise Kek

WWI was truly barbaric, senselessly so, and there was more than just human life that was lost, Europe lost its soul

WW1 by far. It killed religion and the church and was the start of the destabilization of the modern world. It's events lead up to WW2 and you can say that WW2 was just the 2nd half of WW1.

Not all, catholic ones

Yah that war was literally hell on earth. It was 18th century tactics introduced to modern war they died but so did a lot of men the last Gentleman's war. A war that changed everything.

Depends on what front you fought on, the Western front wasnt that bad aside from the Allies occasionally leveling cities just for shits, but the Eastern front was worse than WWI by far

Look at this thing. It will fuck you up so damn hard in more ways than you can think before you are punched, stabbed and pommeled to death. Also there is a /k/ infograph that has all of the trench warfare tools we used. Seriously fucked.

Goddamn fucking crazy eyes down by the lower left corner always stares straight into my soul, every time.

how would you guys feel if the sjws of today were thrown into ww1 as it happened?


Roughly six million deaths due to famine and disease during WWI, total.

Roughly five million deaths due to famine and disease in China alone during WWII. Six to seven million from famine and disease in the Soviet Union.

1. ww1 western front
2. ww2 eastern front
>>>>>>>>> powergap
all that other shit

what is that shit

Shell casings for spent artillery

Please, all you whites talk about is how "bad" WW2 was. It's literally NOTHING compared to the injustices felt everyday by blacks and queer/transgender peoples. Get over yourselves for once in your life.

One could argue that it was far higher for WW I when factoring in the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.

more artillery than you would ever want to see coming at you

are you talking about the person it's being used on, or the user, because using that thing to do anything other than sit on a shelf is a recipe for breaking every bone in your fingers.

Civilian deaths, that is.

Looks like a brit doing ordinance counting or standing in between a bunch of used artilerry rounds


How its a pair of brass knuckles you ever been hit by brass knuckles before?

I think the intention is for the pressure to be in your palm and the rings are just sitting over your fingies senpai

no, i'll tell you exactly what it is.

toliet paper-roles large enough to wipe a nazi's ass after they get fucked by us

the energy would be transferred to the palm

That continued on post war for another two years, though.




Ww2 was harder on the allies because they didn't have automatic help from the canadians like in ww1. From Vimy to Ypres, the canadians proved they were a force to reckoned with while the brits and french sat shitting in their fox holes. In the second war the canadians were first man in, last man out again and again only this time they were a sovereign nation and had to be begged to join the fray.

Source: my grandfather fought with the Winnipeg Rifles (or Winnies as they prefered).

Yeah. World War One was like LARPing Warhammer 40k in real life.

It was literally hell on Earth for the men who fought in the trenches

Wow...there are actually people that think like this?
Eternal victimhood.

Fucking blood red trousers. Germans had the color of fog. Anglos had the color of dirt and dead vegetation. French had bright red trousers.


They should have used more leafs on d-day so real people wouldn't have died. Canadians are fucking useless.

did you ALREADY forget the 6 gorillion?

WWI was worse for the soldiers
WWII was worse for civilians.

You can use that to not just punch straight out but when on impact drag down as using the spikes on the knuckles.

it was world war 2

World war 2 changed the face of civilization forever

All these dead faces, god damn

Blame Germans for not trying harder lmaoooo


AMERICA YES! WW2 was worse because of fat shaming photos like this.


In World War Two you had vehicles that could traverse quickly and break the stalemates of barbed wire and trenches, which means that the front lines moved relatively quickly and you could take your dead. Contrast this with WWI, during which you would be sitting for weeks on end in the same muddy hole, day in and day out. Every night is permeated by the moans of the dying in no man's land lying broken in a shell hole, until the rain swallows them whole and they sink into the mud below. Imagine having the bodies of your dead comrades in varying stages of decomposition in front of you, behind you, left, right, and centre. Everywhere you look is death, a constant reminder of your own mortality spelled out in the writhing of maggots and the buzzing of the flies spawned of your comrades corpse around your morning bread.

Now imagine you fought this war for a year or more, and were to come home and live life as usual, a pawn in an ancient game of intrigue played out with modern weaponry that makes a human life as cheap as the gunpowder it takes to blow it away.

WWI since the poison gas usedin that one was actually real

WW1 destroyed the late Victorian prosperity, gave us the Soviet Union, and pretty much started the ripples that have been ruining everything for the last century or so.