Would you fuck your waifu if she was a boy?

Would you fuck your waifu if she was a boy?


>Would you fuck your waifu if she was a boy?

does she have a feminine penis?

Sure. We could do guy stuff like watch wrestling and play video games then at night I'd fuck him up the ass then we'd cuddle. Perfect relationship.


this is important


Nah, maybe a Dutch Rudder at the most. Anything else would be extremely gay.

Was a boy or thought she was a boy?

I guess it doesn't matter I have no standards left anyway

>you want to do WHAT with my neck?


God damn!

I think we're overdue for another holocaust

wtf i love trannys now?


I'd watch the game with her if you catch my meaning

She's so perfect it hurts.

Holy shit that poor father.


>Would you fuck your waifu if she was a boy?
Probably, Chloe already looks manlier than me.

He's presented as the bad guy too lmao

if only...

They warped the fuck out of that kid and they don't even realize it.

This is my husbando (female)

Say something nice about him!

>I'm a girl!
>...I think
clear illustration of how the indoctrination and confusion spreads


clear illustration of how the indoctrination and confusion spreads

>lesbian parents
>transgender kid
I don't understand if this is a subtle redpill or not