Pinochet tread

What does Pol think of him ?

he and his junta are like ISIS, but still praised by underages

Decent guy, but unfortunately subverted by the Chicago school, State Department, and liberalism in general.

Still miles better than Allende.

I can't even imagine the mental knots one must tie themselves in to be able to equate Pinochet with ISIS.

Murderer and criminal, but still had the right economic policies.

It's true tho. Both killed people without due trial - no mental gymnastics needed.

Take it from me, a guy who came from a communist country and has first hand experience with the psych of the far-left radical

The only way you are going to eliminate communism from your country especially in Latin America is the Pinochet way. The Castro's are the George Soros of Latin American communism. They fund, train, and arm all the communist groups that for the last 50 years have run rampant and destabilized those countries.

Unfortunately the far-left radical that is used as the shock trooper of those regimes can not be dealt with any other way than extreme amounts of violence (operation condor)

Never let a communist tell you they want peace...they will stab you in the back of the head once you turn around

So did Lincoln.

Not many are going to equate him with ISIS, however.

But the murder and crime was done to get the economic policies through, screwing the workers right?

workers were fine

the leftists not smart enough to shut up and the Cuban guerrillas weren't though

I thought he killed all the unionists?

>subverted by the Chicago school

Allende wasn't a backstabber.

Huh? They are still alive today shitting up Chilean politics

his sunglasses game was decades ahead of it's time

oh he was

glorious commie remover. cant be bad in my book

american """intelectuals"""

hitler was the best polish remover


Why do people from communist/socialist countries never like any leftist ideologies ?

I'm just being objective because I met a Polish guy at university one time and he sort of chimped out at a group of hipster marxist types calling them retards and saying they should try living under it


He was close with Castro but wasn't nearly as authoritarian. Castro criticized him for being too democratic and not heavy-handed.

Same question

nah, stalin was worse
fuck commies

because we actually experience it, duh

Millions of people in such countries take the opposite stance. Something like 50% of Russians have positive views on Stalin. In Georgia it's about 2/3.

well you are still here

Did you not like it ?
The middle class hipsters at my university tell me it works

The only fascist leader I like. He produced what is known ad miracle of Chile by getting rid of commies.

National capitalism is the way masterrace. He is a glimpse of what future fascists will look like

liking pinochet is like supporting the FSA goat fuckers in syria.....................

fuck them. funny enough, those kind of people would be first to starvate to death in commieland.
well, he was commie, cant be too competent.

This. Son of Cuban immigrants here. Pinochet is the answer for a prosperous Latin America. We know no other way, there are too many mestizos and mulattos for a democracy not to end in Marxism.

Side note, as whites make up less and less of the the American demographic make up, we'll probably need more dictatorial leaders as the subversive left is ammassing hordes of low IQ dindu/spic voters. Trump is a good transition to this, as well as the only hope for stopping this influx of human garbage.

Shut up Taco

Pinochet fundamentally stood for and created order. He was the only entity standing between Chile and absolute anarchy + civil war.

FSA is literally the complete opposite, in the sense of both statements.

>mestizos and mulattos
They are more leftist I take it ?

Let me explain this, bear with me

Lets say your family has lived in your country for generations. They work and you work, they make something of themselves. Things can be hard but you make the most of it and at least you won't be killed for living your life. Now imagine some "petite bourgeois" LARPing as a communist is UPSed across your border and makes it his mission to call you "the kulak" a parasite. This individual alongside his clique of revolutionaries who for some strange reason all shared the same secular faith tried to destroy our culture, they perverted it.

The irony came later when they were all purged by a strongman enabled by the very ideology those same revolutionaries created.

Communism is a disease

Because 1) They've lived it and know it's shit and b) you only see the people who have left it all behind, all the locals who support it are still there cucked by ration cards, like animals.

how much money do you get from the CIA :0)


But I do appreciate the CIA's methods of removing these blights upon humanity

They woundn't need to pay me anything

Fuck off spic

le white hispanic maymay

You're a big guy

not an argument
t. mexican intelectual

Of course, look at what they've done with Brazil and Venezuela elections. European Hispanics like me are westernized, but Latin America is just one shitshow of multiracialism. You need dictators for low IQ societies to work, that way you have the few competent ones calling the shots.

Btw, glad to see democracy is still working in the UK. What y'all have is special.

>democracy in the UK

can't tell if sarcastic or not, but I guess we'll find out in the next few years when article 50 is/isn't invoked

Yes, because communism the ideology of oligarchs and their slaves would do wonders for Mexico

Eh, I'm happy enough with Brexit. I don't expect much from a country more liberal than New England. It shows that a people can actually react against progressivism.

>Yes, because communism the ideology of oligarchs
you sound like this man

Why is Mexico filled with so much leftist shit?

but mexico is filled of lolbertarians

Mestizos. That dirty Aztec blood has never heard of the individual. I mean, human sacrifice? Come on, it's 1516.

Mexican intelectuals

As an American, I'm happy to pay taxes to any organization responsible for the death of that scum.

Pinochet did nothing wrong. It is a helihoax, no one was thrown from a helicopter.

No, I'm no Trotsky, an internationalist or any type of communist for that matter

I'm just a plain old right-wing reactionary with a deep rooted sense of nostalgia for the Russian Empire. The true Russian Empire not the inbred bastardization that is the Soviet Union or its successor state run by the same oligarchs who ran it beforehand.

One day the true heir to Russia will sit on the throne once more and Russia will be great again.

Exactly my point. They're like ants with some jungle religion.

rightists and trots are almost the same

He only killed leftists. They aren't people.

Its the size of their nose...

*neo-conservatives and trots are the same


Is that what they teach you in Mexico?

This. R vs. K, we're two genetic strategies competing. The whole theory sounds a little self congratulatory, but a like the idea that leftism has a genetic basis, like autism.

trots inspire neocons and ""redpilled" conservatives too

True Pinochet Radio

Give him helicopters or give him death

>implying communism isnt the ideology of oligarchs

If by "redpilled" you mean alt-right, then maybe.

If by "redpilled" you mean paleo-cons, then absolutely not. Or Moldbug for that matter.

There is no edginess. Leftists ruin society and need to be purged. It has nothing to do with race or religion or anything else - their politics makes them abhorable and they should be purged.

Pic related. Quality.

How could anyone on Sup Forums dislike him? Free helicopter rides for commies.

good heli pilot

Some people on Sup Forums believe that if you destroy your enemies, your enemy wins

-is a conservative political philosophy found primarily in the United States stressing tradition, limited government
trotsky said shit against stalin, because MUH big GOV


This is retarded, user. You are proving too much.

By your reasoning so far, any entity which repudiates the currently ruling entity or org chart can be redefined as Trotskyist.

Trotsky, internationalism, and permanent revolution all go hand in hand. Paleo-conservatism (or even raw Burkism old-whiggery) is the shear opposite of that.

Pointless, everything he fought for is now gone or is being reverted. Pic related

Killing the enemy is not edgy, its just common sense.

What a shame

It is truly the greatest crime in the history of humanity that communism isn't as universally detested as nazism

el peruANO of course

role model!

because communism is still liked in russia :0)

It hurts to see my country turned into a socialist madness, the labour/taxation reforms are going to destroy this country.
Thank you Bachelet you damn whore.

Chile is still being a whored out country

"if you kill your enemies they win" - weed man

We lost the cultural war, we didnt fight them in their own field.

I read a very interesting article about that a few month ago, it basically said how there is a lot of debate in economics and hard sciences because people from all the political spectrum study those careers, but when it comes to social "sciences" there is only one ideology, so there is no debate. Since the rightwingers refused to study those things, the people with leftist ideas could do whatever they pleased and thats why feminism and multiculturalism is seen as the "correct" thing to do, there was no one to tell them "dude, that shit is retarded" , so it just became the scientific "truth"

So does every nig nog warlord

69 years of Communism followed by a extremely reckless transition to market capitalism where the state owned companies that were privatized where bought by the only people enriched by 69 years of communism which were the "ex-communists" themselves.

Also the fact that WW2 killed off a good portion of Russia's males and left all the alcoholics and rapists alive to inherit the Soviet Union

We lost the cultural war, we didnt fight them in their own field.
>I read a very interesting article about that a few month ago, it basically said how there is a lot of debate in economics and hard sciences because people from all the political spectrum study those careers, but when it comes to social "sciences" there is only one ideology, so there is no debate. Since the rightwingers refused to study those things, the people with leftist ideas could do whatever they pleased and thats why feminism and multiculturalism is seen as the "correct" thing to do, there was no one to tell them "dude, that shit is retarded" , so it just became the scientific "truth"
what did he mean by this

Getting thrown out of a helicopter is mercy compared to being decapitated.

Go to Venelzuela to see the glories of colectivism you dumb cuck.

mockery and insults

The greatest weapon of the leftist

t. leopoldo lopez

didn't his policies increase chile's gdp by 6x, while the rest of south america economies remained stagnant?

Who is he

Weren't really his policies

Pinochet wasn't an economist but he knew when to delegate to people who were actually economists

That tends to happen when you are trying to fight massive inflation brought on by your predecessor.

Under Allende, the country was literally on the brink of civil war and absolute anarchy. Pinochet did what he had to do, and successfully averted total chaos. He worked with what he got, and of course it wasn't pretty. The current relatively decent state of Chile today can be directly attributed to him.

Helicopter rides for every commie

what's not to like?

Oops, read that as you claiming that Chilean GDP fell greatly. Which it actually did a bit, in the 80s. For reasons which I stated.

Grow up.
Communism/Socialism have been proven to be the cancer of humanity.

A jewish falacy that enabled the mass murder of hundreds of millions.

I wish for that cancer to be terminated in America.

well i am crying :(